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The Support Of The Black Community Shifts From President Joe Biden To Rival Donald Trump In 2024 Presidential Election

June 13. 2024


Joe Biden

U.S. President Joe Biden once arrogantly and patronizingly told black audiences "you ain't black" if you're not voting for him over rival, former President Donald Trump. To be exact, haughty Biden stated, "If you have a problem figuring out whether you're voting for me or Trump then you ain't black." New polls show Biden is losing the black vote to Trump. In fact former Black Panthers leader, David Hilliard, stated Trump is, "a decent man" and "friend to African Americans." Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan even spoke out in favor of Trump over Biden.

Why, you ask? The black community (and just about every other community in America) have come to the realization Biden is destroying America with record high inflation, retail and package thefts all over the country, unchecked immigration and proxy wars against very dangerous and evil opponents such as Russia's Vladimir Putin.

In the matter of immigration, I'm in favor of Mexicans coming to America. Mexicans are hardworking, decent people. Just like every other group on this planet, there are some lawbreakers in their numbers, but that does not negate the good Mexicans do. Mexicans have contributed a lot to America and the economy. There are several aspects of the American economy that would collapse without Mexicans.

Donald Trump

Here's the real problem. Over the past year Biden's open border resulted in approximately 10,000,000 people pouring over the border (who need food, shelter, clothing and jobs). Among the people coming over the open border are gangs such as MS-13 and Tren de Aragua. Additionally, Al Qaeda and Taliban members have come through the open border. Members of various mafias have also come through Biden's open border. In short, Biden has made a massive mess.

Many went straight to New York City, as it is a sanctuary city, but it is also the most expensive place in America. They can't afford New York and have been engaging in violence, vandalism, trespass, squatting and theft to survive. New York City is suffering from food shortages and housing prices have gone through the roof, pardon the pun.

A basic apartment in Brooklyn and Queens now costs upwards of $5,000 per month, having doubled during Biden's time in office. New York City is not a big place. Having an increase in population size is putting more weight on the tiny island and a greater demand on its resources (water, sanitation, electricity, ect...).


Black voters criticize Biden for 'pandering' as support shifts to Trump: 'It's insulting'

Sat, June 1, 2024 at 9:00 AM EDT - Black Americans are criticizing President Biden for "pandering" for votes as polls show many are ditching the Democratic Party and moving to supporting Trump. "Blexit" activist Madeline Brame explained on "Jesse Watters Primetime" that Biden's recent appeals to Black voters have been racist and insulting.

In his Philadelphia speech Wednesday, Biden touted his "diverse" administration and noted a number of his Black colleagues and appointees, including Vice President Kamala Harris, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin. "And I appointed more Black women to the federal circuit courts than every other president in American history combined. Every single president combined," Biden bragged. "They're trying to erase Black history. We're going to write Black history."

While his remarks were well received by the crowd, Brame had a different perspective. "Every other word to come out of his mouth – Black this, Black that, Black this, Black that – like the only reason why we made these so-called accomplishments is because of the color of our skin, has nothing to do with our intellect, has nothing to do with the merits of nothing. It's only because we're Black that these things are happening. He is so insulting," she said.

But the Biden campaign believes they’re not to blame for their poor approval. Biden campaign communications director Michael Tyler told CNN that they are the only campaign "actively and aggressively" reaching out to Black voters, and that media coverage is the failing factor.

"We're operating in an incredibly fractured and fragmented media environment, and you still have a lot of young voters in particular who have not yet tuned in to the presidential election," he said. CNN’s own "data guru" Harry Enten warned the shift of Black voters’ support from Biden to Trump could be "deadly" for the Democratic administration.

He explained that Biden’s support has gone from 81% to 70% and that Trump currently has double the Black support as he did in 2020. "It‘s a huge alarm. It‘s spiraling, it‘s ambulance, it‘s police sirens, it‘s any alarm you can think of. That should be what’s going off on the Democratic side," Enten said...



President Joe Biden Caught Lying About Job Creation After Downward Revision Removes 700,000 Jobs He Lied About Creating Confirming Previous Site Claims

More Evidence Surfaces Barack Obama Was Born In Kenya Not Hawaii And In A Letter To His Ex-Girlfriend He States Everyday He Dreams About Making Love To Men

The American Banking System's Ratings Downgraded To Negative Due To Bank Failures Under President Joe Biden's Terrible Leadership And Poor Political Policies

Tucker Carlson Does Interview With Man Who States He Is One Of Several Who Did Cocaine And Had Sex With Former U.S. President Barack Obama (Videos)

Banks Continue To Collapse In America Solidifying A Financial Crisis As First Republic Bank Goes Under Due To President Joe Biden's Failed Economic Policies

Joe Biden Administration Speaks Of A 'New World Order' And 'Liberal World Order' While Wrecking The U.S. Economy To Bring It About

U.S. Financial System Breaking Down Under President Joe Biden And Banks Collapsing Is A Small Fraction Of What Is To Come

Former President Barack Obama Never Truly Left Office And Has Been In The Background The Entire Time

Site Exclusives

President Joe Biden Has Turned America Into A Nation Of Renters And Is Destroying Generational Wealth

June 13. 2024

Joe Biden

President Joe Biden has wrecked the U.S. economy and wants four more years in the next presidential election to wreak even more havoc. Many in America can't afford food, clothing, housing, gas or cars. Even college is more expensive than ever. However, Biden wants people to ignore the obvious they are struggling with everyday.

Young Americans can't afford to buy their own home. Housing prices are sky high and down payment requirements are greater than in past years. The average American does not make enough money to buy a home in America now thanks to Biden's terrible economic policies. The average American also has to compete with cash buyers such as Blackrock, regarding greedy corporations trying to snap up every home in America they can buy.

Blackrock owns over 30% of the homes in America. It occurred under the Biden administration and has gone unchecked. They have turned America into a nation of renters, which means Americans are poorer than ever with nothing to leave their children in the way of property and money. Everything is out of whack. Biden has taken from the poor and given it to the rich with his bad economic policies and weak governance over the corporate sector. Biden's policies have been nothing but a disaster.


President Joe Biden Caught Lying About Job Creation After Downward Revision Removes 700,000 Jobs He Lied About Creating Confirming Previous Site Claims

More Evidence Surfaces Barack Obama Was Born In Kenya Not Hawaii And In A Letter To His Ex-Girlfriend He States Everyday He Dreams About Making Love To Men

The American Banking System's Ratings Downgraded To Negative Due To Bank Failures Under President Joe Biden's Terrible Leadership And Poor Political Policies

Tucker Carlson Does Interview With Man Who States He Is One Of Several Who Did Cocaine And Had Sex With Former U.S. President Barack Obama (Videos)

Banks Continue To Collapse In America Solidifying A Financial Crisis As First Republic Bank Goes Under Due To President Joe Biden's Failed Economic Policies

Joe Biden Administration Speaks Of A 'New World Order' And 'Liberal World Order' While Wrecking The U.S. Economy To Bring It About

U.S. Financial System Breaking Down Under President Joe Biden And Banks Collapsing Is A Small Fraction Of What Is To Come

Former President Barack Obama Never Truly Left Office And Has Been In The Background The Entire Time

Site Exclusives

Beyonce Has Gone Quiet After Failed Country Music Album

June 12. 2024


Beyonce has gone quiet since her failed foray into country music. First week sales of her country music album were weak, even though they were rigged by her husband, rapper Jay Z, who has been caught in two scandals like this before. Second week sales and those that followed have been quite poor. Beyonce thought country music audiences would embrace her but that has not happened. Beyonce's attempt at country music left audiences saying it was a greedy attempt at crossing over in a genre she doesn't care about or she would have been making music in it long ago.

Beyonce sporting more fake hair

Beyonce also launched a hair line, which has been slammed by critics and audiences alike as Beyonce has no hair. The woman has been hiding behind weaves, wigs and hair extensions for over 25-years. Beyonce and her mom doing a hair line is complete fraud as they don't wear their natural hair that has breakage, thinning and dryness.


Beyonce and her mom Tina Knowles are two frauds pushing hair care products when their own hair is damaged and constantly covered by wigs, weaves and extensions

Even video and photo she released claiming it was her real hair (after 25-years of hiding it as it is kinky and  the Knowles family are colorstruck idiots ashamed of their blackness) revealed her alleged hair has multiple textures. That just does not happen with natural hair, which is all one texture. You can also see bulk at the crown of the head where the fake hair was added.


Jay Z And Madonna's Floundering Tidal Sued For $5,000,000 Over Copyright Infringement In Not Paying Artists While Inflating Their Own Sales To Go Number One On Billboard

Music Industry Website Outs Jay Z On Falsifying His Album Sales Using Tidal And The Billboard Charts Reject His Fake Numbers

Beyonce Criticized By Social Networking For Launching Haircare Line When She Has No Hair

Social Networking Accuses Beyonce Of Trying To Turn Herself White

Beyonce And Jay Z Copyright Infringement

Site Exclusives

Rihanna Introduces Hair Line Even Though She Has No Hair

June 12. 2024

Rihanna's copyright infringing line is called Fenty, which is her last name, but it constantly steals graphics, logos and marketing styles from the preexisting fashion line Fendy, which it tries to be like. Additionally, the items in Rihanna's lines are stolen, from clothing to make-up and now this hair line when she has no hair (The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)).

Rihanna has launched a hair line, which is ironic, as she has no hair. Rihanna, like Beyonce, has no business in the hair care industry, as it is false advertising. Rihanna has been making appearances promoting the cheap looking hair line. However, she, unlike Beyonce, wore her natural hair, that is very short and has been bleached and texturized within an inch of its life, and is loaded with product. Too much product in the hair causes strands to weaken and break.


There's nothing wrong with not having much hair, but don't try to fraudulently reinvent yourself as some hair care specialist when based on your own hair, you don't know what you're doing. That's fraud and encouraging the public to engage in the practices that obliterated your hair


Rihanna Planning Hair Care Line But Her Hair Is In Bad Condition And She Always Wears Wigs And Weaves Constituting False Advertising

Beyonce Criticized By Social Networking For Launching Haircare Line When She Has No Hair

Social Networking Accuses Beyonce Of Trying To Turn Herself White

Site Exclusives

Former President Donald Trump Beating President Joe Biden In Swing State Polls Again

June 11. 2024 

Joe Biden: you mean to tell me after all Obama and I did to get Trump locked up he is still in the lead

Former U.S. President Donald Trump, fresh off his criminal court conviction sponsored by President Joe Biden, is beating the incumbent in swing state polls again. Swing states are key battlegrounds during the election that covers a significant amount of votes one can obtain. These are states that make or break elections. Trump is leading in all the swing states except Wisconsin.


Donald Trump

This is very bad news for Biden. Not that he would know, as he has dementia and can't remember who he is on most days while he hides out in the White House, and former President Barack Obama, lives out his illegal third term in office, running America into the ground.

Barack Obama has used Chicago styled political tricks in attempts at destroying Donald Trump and removing him from the presidential election

This illegal third term has been Obama's wet dream (that and dancing in a gay night club in a pair of booty shorts whilst surrounded by rich, young, muscular, liberal gay guys in matching rompers and culottes). 


President Joe Biden Caught Lying About Job Creation After Downward Revision Removes 700,000 Jobs He Lied About Creating Confirming Previous Site Claims

More Evidence Surfaces Barack Obama Was Born In Kenya Not Hawaii And In A Letter To His Ex-Girlfriend He States Everyday He Dreams About Making Love To Men

The American Banking System's Ratings Downgraded To Negative Due To Bank Failures Under President Joe Biden's Terrible Leadership And Poor Political Policies

Tucker Carlson Does Interview With Man Who States He Is One Of Several Who Did Cocaine And Had Sex With Former U.S. President Barack Obama (Videos)

Banks Continue To Collapse In America Solidifying A Financial Crisis As First Republic Bank Goes Under Due To President Joe Biden's Failed Economic Policies

Joe Biden Administration Speaks Of A 'New World Order' And 'Liberal World Order' While Wrecking The U.S. Economy To Bring It About

U.S. Financial System Breaking Down Under President Joe Biden And Banks Collapsing Is A Small Fraction Of What Is To Come

Former President Barack Obama Never Truly Left Office And Has Been In The Background The Entire Time

Site Exclusives

The Obama Marriage Is A Sham

June 11. 2024

Barack Obama is gay

The Obama marriage is a sham. Former First Lady, Michelle Obama, even publicly admitted it in one of her books, via stating she and husband, former President Barack Obama, almost divorced and need therapy. The problems have been happening from the start of their marriage and only grew worse. The root of the problem is Obama is gay (Tucker Carlson Does Interview With Man Who States He Is One Of Several Who Did Cocaine And Had Sex With Former U.S. President Barack Obama (Videos) and More Evidence Surfaces Barack Obama Was Born In Kenya Not Hawaii And In A Letter To His Ex-Girlfriend He States Everyday He Dreams About Making Love To Men).

Michelle Obama dining without Barack Obama. She is usually alone or with a friend, while he is surrounded by gay men in exotic locations.

The Obamas nearly divorced when he was in Congress as a senator. Rumors swirled in Washington of his cheating...with men. Locally well known gay activists have stated Obama would frequent gay bars when he was a senator. He was always in the company of gay men. When Obama was elected he stopped going to gay bars, but for years has constantly followed countless gay sites on his official social networking. Even gay dating sites. Most women don't want their husbands on dating sites of any kind. The Obamas spent the most time apart of any couple in the White House.

Joe Biden: wait a minute, so you mean to tell me Obama likes booty that also has a twig and berries (penis and testicles)

Obama cheated on her as well (Reggie Love, among others). Obama had an affair with former "body man" Reggie Love right in the White House. He had to flee the job when Mrs. Obama found out. Imagine finding out your husband is cheating, and thinking you have to beatdown some floozy, only to find out it is a young, handsome, muscled up chocolate man.

Obama and Biden put gay pride colors on the White House. All Obama cares about is his closeted homosexuality. He did nothing to the White House during black history month, Hispanic Heritage month or any other notable event.

Obama now spends his time in the company of rich gay men. Obama is a desperately lonely and deranged man who has pushed war (he has dropped more bombs on the Middle East than any President in U.S. history), transgenderism (even on children, which many world governments are now denouncing), massive foreign aid beyond what America can afford, and record inflation to stop people from driving cars under his severely misguided green initiatives, which he has rebooted under President Biden, his dementia stricken puppet. Yes, the world needs green initiatives but not what Obama and Biden have been pushing, as their programs do not work in fixing the terrible climate change the world is facing.


President Joe Biden Caught Lying About Job Creation After Downward Revision Removes 700,000 Jobs He Lied About Creating Confirming Previous Site Claims

More Evidence Surfaces Barack Obama Was Born In Kenya Not Hawaii And In A Letter To His Ex-Girlfriend He States Everyday He Dreams About Making Love To Men

The American Banking System's Ratings Downgraded To Negative Due To Bank Failures Under President Joe Biden's Terrible Leadership And Poor Political Policies

Tucker Carlson Does Interview With Man Who States He Is One Of Several Who Did Cocaine And Had Sex With Former U.S. President Barack Obama (Videos)

Banks Continue To Collapse In America Solidifying A Financial Crisis As First Republic Bank Goes Under Due To President Joe Biden's Failed Economic Policies

Joe Biden Administration Speaks Of A 'New World Order' And 'Liberal World Order' While Wrecking The U.S. Economy To Bring It About

U.S. Financial System Breaking Down Under President Joe Biden And Banks Collapsing Is A Small Fraction Of What Is To Come

Former President Barack Obama Never Truly Left Office And Has Been In The Background The Entire Time

Site Exclusives

Jennifer Lopez And Ben Affleck Put Their $60 Million Dollar Mansion Up For Sale As They Head For Divorce (Video)

June 10. 2024

Hollywood actress Jennifer Lopez and her estranged husband, actor Ben Affleck, have placed their $60 million property up for sale, as the couple head for divorce after 2-years of marriage. This is Lopez's third marriage and Affleck's second. The couple bought the lavish Bel Air mansion (Los Angeles) in 2023, but Ben moved out last month and has rented a mansion for $100,000 per month, right near his ex-wife, actress Jennifer Garner and their three children.

Jennifer Lopez and her annoyed husband Ben Affleck at the Grammys

Lopez has experienced a difficult year, as her marriage and career are failing. Lopez's concert tour was cancelled due to poor ticket sales. Critics and audiences have been panning her movies (which are benefiting from rigged Netflix streaming numbers). None of the music Lopez has released over the past few years has done well in sales or on the charts. It has been one flop after another.

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck at the Grammys revealed there are problems in the marriage based on how he was looking at her with anger and annoyance

Lopez has built her career on fraud (copyright theft, stealing other singers' voices and ideas) and being a ruthless person who is unbearable on film and movie sets. People/s marriages have trouble, but there is no excuse for the wickedness that has gone into giving her a career in Hollywood.


Jennifer Lopez Cancels Tour After Husband Ben Affleck Leaves Her And Moves Into A Rented Mansion Very Near To His Ex-Wife Jennifer Garner

Jennifer Lopez Stole Other Singers Voices For Her Albums Including Brandy And Ashanti (Video)

President Joe Biden Rushed Out Of D-Day Ceremony After Falling Asleep And Pooping His Pants (Videos)

Biden Rushing Out Of There Looked Like A Failed Adult Diaper Commercial (He Needs To Switch Brands)

June 7. 2024


Many on social networking are slamming President Joe Biden for falling asleep during the D-Day ceremony this week. Upon his arrival, Biden looked around confused like he did not know who he is or why he was there. This is due to Lewy Body Dementia that he is struggling with that has rendered him mentally impaired. Biden also fell asleep during the D-Day anniversary event, which was quickly picked up by the cameras.


To make matters worse, Biden then did an awkward squat, then his wife, First Lady Jill Biden, had to rush him out of the event, with many speculating he pooped in his pants and needed a diaper change. Biden is old, feeble and ailing. it is not the image Americans want projected in the world concerning the sitting U.S. President.


Biden's puppeteer, former U.S. President, Barack Obama, continues with this elder abuse that is hastening the demise of Biden's health, all so Obama can have additional illegal terms in office, which is ruining the country. Americans can't afford America. There is war in Ukraine and Gaza.

President Joe Biden arrived at a D-Day event this week looking completely confused

What will Obama do if Biden's health massively fails in office and the whole scam unravels for the world to see. What charade will they pull then. What will they tell the public regarding a fraud that is about to go severely wrong.


President Joe Biden Caught Lying About Job Creation After Downward Revision Removes 700,000 Jobs He Lied About Creating Confirming Previous Site Claims

More Evidence Surfaces Barack Obama Was Born In Kenya Not Hawaii And In A Letter To His Ex-Girlfriend He States Everyday He Dreams About Making Love To Men

The American Banking System's Ratings Downgraded To Negative Due To Bank Failures Under President Joe Biden's Terrible Leadership And Poor Political Policies

Tucker Carlson Does Interview With Man Who States He Is One Of Several Who Did Cocaine And Had Sex With Former U.S. President Barack Obama (Videos)

Banks Continue To Collapse In America Solidifying A Financial Crisis As First Republic Bank Goes Under Due To President Joe Biden's Failed Economic Policies

Joe Biden Administration Speaks Of A 'New World Order' And 'Liberal World Order' While Wrecking The U.S. Economy To Bring It About

U.S. Financial System Breaking Down Under President Joe Biden And Banks Collapsing Is A Small Fraction Of What Is To Come

Former President Barack Obama Never Truly Left Office And Has Been In The Background The Entire Time

Site Exclusives

Donald Trump Has Raised $400 Million Dollars Since Being Convicted Last Week In Stormy Daniels Hush Money Trial Sponsored By President Joe Biden

June 7. 2024

Joe Biden

The corrupted Stormy Daniels hush money criminal trial, which resulted in a conviction against former U.S. President, Donald Trump, on 34 counts of falsifying business records, has blown up in the face of his rival, President Joe Biden. The case took place in New York and centered on money paid to porn star and prostitute, Stormy Daniels, regarding an alleged affair, all of which Trump denied. Daniels signed a document stating the two did not have an affair. However, Obama and Biden induced her to state otherwise for political gain.


Joe Biden and Barack Obama

The criminal case was ordered by Biden and his puppetmaster, Barack Obama, as a means of getting Trump out of the 2024 Presidential election, where he is the frontrunner. Americans are exasperated with Biden's extremely poor handling of the economy and his proxy wars in the world. Trump is expected to appeal the case.

Donald Trump

However, rather than the verdict destroying Trump last week, it has brought in $400 million in donations for his campaign, as many are stating the politically motivated trial was a corrupt and crooked attempt by the Biden administration to use the legal system to destroy an opponent during an election. It's a dirty way to try to win an election. All year Trump has outstripped Biden in campaign fundraising and the trial just made it that much more apparent with the newly released donation figures.


President Joe Biden Caught Lying About Job Creation After Downward Revision Removes 700,000 Jobs He Lied About Creating Confirming Previous Site Claims

More Evidence Surfaces Barack Obama Was Born In Kenya Not Hawaii And In A Letter To His Ex-Girlfriend He States Everyday He Dreams About Making Love To Men

The American Banking System's Ratings Downgraded To Negative Due To Bank Failures Under President Joe Biden's Terrible Leadership And Poor Political Policies

Tucker Carlson Does Interview With Man Who States He Is One Of Several Who Did Cocaine And Had Sex With Former U.S. President Barack Obama (Videos)

Banks Continue To Collapse In America Solidifying A Financial Crisis As First Republic Bank Goes Under Due To President Joe Biden's Failed Economic Policies

Joe Biden Administration Speaks Of A 'New World Order' And 'Liberal World Order' While Wrecking The U.S. Economy To Bring It About

U.S. Financial System Breaking Down Under President Joe Biden And Banks Collapsing Is A Small Fraction Of What Is To Come

Former President Barack Obama Never Truly Left Office And Has Been In The Background The Entire Time

Site Exclusives

Cassie Is The Least Of Diddy's Worries As He Killed Someone And The Feds Know About It

June 7. 2024

Cassie and Diddy

Diddy is currently under investigation in multiple places in America. The public thinks the worst of it is the lawsuit filed by his ex-girlfriend Cassie, for sex trafficking, rape and assault. However, I was informed Cassie, who has turned witness against him in Homeland Security's criminal investigation into Diddy sex trafficking minors and adults is the least.

Two closeted gays admiring each other. Diddy and former U.S. President Barack Obama (Tucker Carlson Does Interview With Man Who States He Is One Of Several Who Did Cocaine And Had Sex With Former U.S. President Barack Obama)

I was informed the Feds know Diddy killed someone. There are cases where Diddy is accused of commissioned murder (when one hires  or engages another person to commit murder). However, what is being stated is Diddy literally killed someone as well. Diddy is dangerous and he is not going to stop this criminal behavior unless he is locked up. We know this because he has been committing serious crimes for over 30-years and his conduct just keeps getting worse.


Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Diddy's Empire Continues To Fall As Victims Rights Advocates Put Pressure On Companies And People To Cut Ties With Him

Rapper Diddy Forced Singer Cassie To Get Breast Implants Then To Have Them Removed The Next Day Because They Were Too Big

Diddy's Sean John Clothing Line Is Being Removed From Macys Department Stores And He Steps Down From Revolt TV

Allegations Circulate That Pedophile Diddy Took Justin Bieber's Virginity When He Was 15-Years-Old (Video)

Singer Cassie Sues Rapper And Music Producer Diddy For Rape, Sex Trafficking And Assault (Videos)

Diddy Physically Assaulted Misa Hylton, Kim Porter, Cassie And Yung Miami, Among Others (Video)

Diddy Got Cassie Into Satanism And Pigeonholed Her Career To Control Her (Video)

Diddy Opened The Floodgates With Cassie Settlement

Site Exclusives

The Government Wants To Take Diddy's Houses

June 5. 2024


I was informed by a very credible source that the government wants to take Diddy's mansions from him and for two reasons. The first reason is so many debauched crimes happened at the properties in Miami (Florida), New York City (New York) and Beverly Hills (California) they do not want the public to remember Diddy lived there or what he has done regarding the sick crimes that have been committed, some of which the public does not know about yet (but will surface in forthcoming items from the government and others).

The government wants to take the properties, sell them to others, have them bulldozed, and a new home built on each plot of land, with the hope it makes the public forget Diddy lived there and ran free for three decades committing serious crimes he should have been locked up for long ago.

Diddy has been trying to free up his intangible assets and other resources to pay tens of millions in legal fees for himself and his sons (who are involved in his crimes) due to several lawsuits that have been filed against him and because it is being stated in the press he will be indicted. A number of people in Diddy's circle and others he's had dealings with are cooperating with the Federal government (Homeland Security) in their case against him.

Homeland Security raiding Diddy's mansion in Miami on Star Island

The New York Post estimates Diddy's bills to be in the range of $35 million per month. Diddy is blowing through the $1 billion he was given by Diageo since 2007. Diddy also has to pay taxes on all his income. Diddy's cash flow has slowed down over the past several months, as he was forced out of the liquor deals he had with Diageo and for far less than he was expecting to receive.

Diddy was forced to sell his stake in Revolt TV for far less than it is worth (not that it was worth a lot to begin with, as their viewership numbers are not strong). Stores such as Macys dropped Diddy's Sean John line after his ex-girlfriend Cassie filed a lawsuit against him in November 2023, accusing him of sex trafficking, rape and assault. The revenues of Diddy's Badboy Entertainment have dried up.

Diddy has been contacting financiers in the banking industry for help and friends in the entertainment industry for assistance (financial and otherwise), but many are not returning his calls, while others have literally hung up on him (the Feds heard it all as they've wiretapped him and people in his circle). The Feds are watching Diddy very close. I mean if he farts, they know about it before he smells it. If anyone helps Diddy the Feds will go after them too. So he's on his own.


Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Diddy's Empire Continues To Fall As Victims Rights Advocates Put Pressure On Companies And People To Cut Ties With Him

Rapper Diddy Forced Singer Cassie To Get Breast Implants Then To Have Them Removed The Next Day Because They Were Too Big

Diddy's Sean John Clothing Line Is Being Removed From Macys Department Stores And He Steps Down From Revolt TV

Allegations Circulate That Pedophile Diddy Took Justin Bieber's Virginity When He Was 15-Years-Old (Video)

Singer Cassie Sues Rapper And Music Producer Diddy For Rape, Sex Trafficking And Assault (Videos)

Diddy Physically Assaulted Misa Hylton, Kim Porter, Cassie And Yung Miami, Among Others (Video)

Diddy Got Cassie Into Satanism And Pigeonholed Her Career To Control Her (Video)

Diddy Opened The Floodgates With Cassie Settlement

Site Exclusives

Britney Spears Accused Of Spreading A Sexually Transmitted Disease

June 4. 2024

Britney Spears last month being escorted out of the Chateau Marmont topless, barefoot and in her underwear after physically attacking her boyfriend who dumped her.

Mentally ill singer, Britney Spears, who was unwisely freed from a conservatorship, has been engaging in risky behavior. She is not taking her antipsychotic medications regularly, which had controlled her bipolar disorder and schizophrenia when she was under the conservatorship. There are other medications she is also failing to take and it is all impacting her health and making life very difficult for those around her, such as staff members and friends.

An allegation has been made in the industry recently by someone in her circle who stated she has been spreading herpes. The person complained that Britney keeps drinking from others' glasses and cups, and spreading herpes in this manner. It is being alleged that people who have left their drinks unattended around her, were upset when she drank from said glasses and cups, then they developed herpes on their mouths.


Britney Spears Had Another Public Meltdown And Was Kicked Out Of A Hotel By Security After A Fight With Her Boyfriend

Site Exclusives

Jennifer Lopez Cancels Tour After Husband Ben Affleck Leaves Her And Moves Into A Rented Mansion Very Near To His Ex-Wife Jennifer Garner

Lopez Is Embarrassed

June 4. 2024

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck before he left her

Actress and alleged singer, Jennifer Lopez, has cancelled her latest tour after husband, Hollywood actor, Ben Affleck, abruptly left her. Yahoo News reported, "Jennifer Lopez won't be touring this summer after all. Jennifer Lopez has called off her This Is Me … Live Tour at the eleventh hour. The singer wrote in her newsletter that she’s 'completely heartsick and devastated' over the decision, but called it “absolutely necessary.” While she didn’t provide further detail, concert promoter Live Nation said Lopez needs time off to be with her '“children, family and close friends.'"

Affleck left Lopez and the $65 million mansion they recently purchased in Los Angeles. Affleck moved into a $100,000 per month rental home located very close to his ex-wife, Jennifer Garner, and their three children (the house is about a block away from his family). That's very telling. Affleck and Garner share three children (one a preteen and two in their teens).

Every time Affleck and Garner have been photographed by paparazzi over the past couple years, meeting up for events regarding their children, they both look happy and relaxed in each other's company. However, Affleck constantly looks unhappy, stressed and tense around Lopez in paparazzi pics. I do not believe Affleck and Lopez were meant to be. It did not work out the first time and it is not working out the second time. They should not have gotten married.


Jennifer Lopez cancels summer tour amid rumors of Ben Affleck marital strain: 'I am completely heartsick'

"Please know that I wouldn’t do this if I didn’t feel that it was absolutely necessary," Lopez wrote in her newsletter.

Fri, May 31, 2024 at 4:14 PM EDT - Jennifer Lopez won't be touring this summer after all. Jennifer Lopez has called off her This Is Me … Live Tour at the eleventh hour. The singer wrote in her newsletter that she’s “completely heartsick and devastated” over the decision, but called it “absolutely necessary.” While she didn’t provide further detail, concert promoter Live Nation said Lopez needs time off to be with her “children, family and close friends.”

It’s unclear if this has anything to do with Lopez’s relationship status. She and her husband of less than two years, Ben Affleck, have been caught in a web of headlines after it was reported by multiple outlets that they have been living apart. On May 31, Lopez shared the news from concert promoter Live Nation that the North American summer tour, set to kick off in Orlando on June 26, “is canceled” in her newsletter, On the J.Lo. “Jennifer is taking time off to be with her children, family and close friends,” the announcement read, in part...



Jennifer Lopez Stole Other Singers Voices For Her Albums Including Brandy And Ashanti (Video)

Diddy Accused Of Several Commissioned Murders

Diddy Implicated In The Deaths Of Tupac, The Notorious B.I.G., Shakir Stewart, Kim Porter, Erica Kennedy, Big Jake Robles

Diddy Threatened To Kill Music Executive Shakir Stewart For Dating His Ex-Girlfriend Kim Porter Then He Died Of A Bizarre Suicide

May 31. 2024

Rolling Stone published an article this week exploring the terrible behavior of music executive, Sean "Diddy" Combs. The article mentioned music executive Shakir Stewart, who enraged Diddy by dating Kim Porter, the mother of three of Diddy's children, at a time when they were broken up. Diddy's former bodyguard, Gene Deal, stated Diddy broke Kim's nose on a yacht while berating her over dating Shakir.

Diddy was of the belief Kim was a concubine and not allowed a life. Ultimately people in the industry accused him of killing Kim via poisoning, when she began writing a tell all book. Kim's death was initially investigated as a homicide, with police cordoning off the block, while looking for a killer. Then her cause of death kept changing.

Photo of Diddy posing with a 16-year-old girl who has now sued him for gang rape

This week, Rolling Stone stated Diddy had threatened to murder Shakir and hit him over the head with a chair, in an incident that occurred at the second wedding of music executive L.A. Reid, that took place in Italy. The self-professed Hollywood "Illuminati" of which Diddy is a part, are constantly going to Italy and have committed serious crimes there. Not long after the incident regarding Diddy assaulting him with a chair, Shakir died of a bizarre suicide via a gunshot wound to the head (Diddy Physically Assaulted Misa Hylton, Kim Porter, Cassie And Yung Miami, Among Others (Video)).

Diddy has a history of being accused of commissioning murders. In a Las Vegas criminal trial, he is currently being named as the culprit who commissioned the murder of the late rapper, Tupac. In Atlanta, Diddy was accused of commissioning the shooting death of Big Jake Robles.

Diddy also tried to kill rapper Kid Cudi for dating his ex-girlfriend Cassie. Diddy threatened to blow up Cudi's car. Shortly after, Cudi's car blew up in his driveway. Cudi could have been in that car when the explosives went off. Diddy is a madman who belongs behind bars. This thirty year reign of terror needs to be over!

Diddy is full of evil

Diddy was implicated in the death of Erica Kennedy for writing a best selling book about him in 2004 called "Bling." The book is about Diddy killing Kim Porter, but the names in the book are changed. Diddy's former bodyguard Gene stated Diddy stated he has to get rich, even if it means Tupac Shakur and the Notorious B.I.G. dying, which is what ended up happening.

Gene blames Diddy for sending the Notorious B.I.G. out into a dangerous situation in Los Angeles the night he was killed. Gene stated he begged Diddy not to do so, but he did anyway. Diddy is implicated in the murder of Tupac Shakur (Keefe D Makes First Appearance In Court Charged With Ordering The Murder Of Rapper Tupac Shakur And Grand Jury Witness Names The Shooter (Videos)).


Bad Boy for Life: Sean Combs’ History of Violence

For decades, Sean “Diddy” Combs was hip-hop’s boisterous showman. Now, dozens of former friends, employees, and Bad Boy artists allege an abusive, menacing figure behind the facade

May 28, 2024 9:32 pm - s he took the stage at the BET Awards in June 2022 to receive a Lifetime Achievement Award, Sean “Diddy” Combs was elated. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!” he bellowed, punctuating his words with triumphant jumps. The adoring crowd — who gave him a sustained standing ovation — included his mother and children, longtime friends, and music-industry peers Kanye West, Janelle Monáe, Babyface, and Lil Wayne. After three decades of relentless hustling that took him from hungry teenage intern to A&R executive, producer, label impresario, respected fashion designer, and household brand name, Diddy had seemingly reached the apotheosis of his career...

In 2000, Porter’s fledgling courtship with late music executive Shakir Stewart enraged Combs. When the industry gathered for L.A. Reid’s wedding in Italy that summer, Combs went to Stewart’s room after the ceremony and allegedly broke a chair over Stewart’s head, Stewart’s mother and two of his close friends tell Rolling Stone. “He left him bleeding on a hotel floor in Italy,” Stewart’s mother, Portia, says. “He had to have stitches and then [Combs] threatened him … ‘I’m going to kill you’ … That’s when I said you need to get out of this business. This man is crazy.”...



Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Diddy's Empire Continues To Fall As Victims Rights Advocates Put Pressure On Companies And People To Cut Ties With Him

Rapper Diddy Forced Singer Cassie To Get Breast Implants Then To Have Them Removed The Next Day Because They Were Too Big

Diddy's Sean John Clothing Line Is Being Removed From Macys Department Stores And He Steps Down From Revolt TV

Allegations Circulate That Pedophile Diddy Took Justin Bieber's Virginity When He Was 15-Years-Old (Video)

Singer Cassie Sues Rapper And Music Producer Diddy For Rape, Sex Trafficking And Assault (Videos)

Diddy Physically Assaulted Misa Hylton, Kim Porter, Cassie And Yung Miami, Among Others (Video)

Diddy Got Cassie Into Satanism And Pigeonholed Her Career To Control Her (Video)

Diddy Opened The Floodgates With Cassie Settlement

Site Exclusives

Former President Donald Trump Found Guilty In New York On 34 Counts Of Falsifying Business Records

May 30. 2024

Donald Trump

Former U.S. President and current presidential candidate, Donald Trump, has been found guilty on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records. Trump is due to be sentenced on July 11, 2024. However, the case can be appealed at the Appeals Court level and the Supreme Court.

The case centers on a payment to porn star Stormy Daniels, made by Trump's lawyer, Michael Cohen. Daniels signed documentation that she did not have an affair with Trump. However, when the Obama then Biden Administrations contacted Daniels, she changed her story for money and public attention.

What was a civil matter was turned into a criminal case by the Biden administration in an effort to destroy Trump's presidential campaign. Trump has been beating Biden in the polls and each time this occurred, the Biden administration indicted Trump with the goal knocking him out of the election. These are dirty political tactics. I expect this type of behavior from dictators such as Russia's Vladimir Putin, not from a sitting U.S. President.

Barack Obama and Joe Biden

It also smacks of hypocrisy, as Biden and Obama have committed more crimes than Trump (as time will show). It's ironic that Trump showed them mercy when he was President, yet they have shown them none. When Trump was President he could have locked up the Clintons, Obamas and Bidens on a host of crimes they committed, which necessitate life sentences. Crimes, might I add, that will be public knowledge in the future.

The minute they got back into the White House through fraud during the 2020 presidential election, they start behaving like vile dictators in criminally spying on their rivals, threatening and harassing them via the FBI, siccing the IRS on them, and having them indicted.

As I stated on the site 2-days ago, "Therefore, the most Biden can do in the public eye is continuously prosecute Trump on shoddy legal cases that had it been any of Biden's friends, they would never have turned into indictments. The Biden camp are also busy laying the groundwork to steal the election again. They've committed so many crimes they are scared if Trump gets back into office they will go to prison" (The Biden Administration Is Panicking As The 2024 Presidential Election Draws Near Due To Bad Poll Results, Proxy Wars And A Terrible Economy Plagued By Inflation).

The Bidens, Obamas and Clintons believe Trump is the only one that can take them down within the scope of the law for the crimes they have committed, such as serious campaign finance violations, crimes against humanity, and commissioned extrajudicial killings, but this is where they are wrong, as time will reveal. God will not let you get away with these things. Your day is coming and within the scope of the law.


President Joe Biden And Son Hunter Biden The Subject Of A 4Chan Hack Of His Laptop Exposing Items Alleging They Are Pedophiles

Allegations President Joe Biden Molested His Daughter Amy Biden During Baths Surface After FBI Raid On Project Veritas

Supporters Of President Joe Biden's Drug Addicted Pedophile Son Hunter Biden Seek To Go After His Accusers

Presidential Candidate Joe Biden's Son Hunter Biden Being Investigated By The Child Porn Squad At The FBI

Hunter Biden Smoked Crack Cocaine In Rehab With $75,000 His Dad President Joe Biden Gave Him (Video)

Site Exclusives

CNN Reports The Government Has Video Footage Of Diddy Abusing A Male Sex Worker And Are Using It In An Indictment Against Him (Video)

May 29. 2024

After releasing very damaging CCTV video footage of hip hop mogul, Sean "Diddy" Combs, stomping, kicking and dragging then girlfriend, singer Cassie, CNN is now reporting there are other incriminating videos, but of another kind. It gets much worse for Diddy.

In the May 27, 2024 article "There Is Video Of Diddy Having Sex With Minors And Someone Wants To Leak It" I wrote about the existence of sick sex tapes of Diddy having sex with minors and it being in the possession of the government. Two days later on May 29, 2024, CNN reported that the government has video of Diddy abusing a male sex worker and they are seeking an indictment.


Diddy Allegedly Victimized Male Sex Worker, Feds Claim To Have Surveillance Footage

Published May 29, 2024 - It's just the latest in the near-constant trouble for the rap mogul. Seemingly every few days there's more disparaging news about Diddy. In the past few weeks, he's dealt with the release of hotel security camera footage that allegedly shows him assaulting Cassie. It's something she first accused him of in a lawsuit filed last year. Her lawsuit served as the launching point for months of controversy spawning from even more lawsuits filed against the rap mogul in the following months. The most recent came earlier this month and leveled even more allegations of damning sexual behavior against him.

Now he's receiving yet another piece of bad news. The newest report comes from CNN, who also shared the hotel footage reportedly showing the Cassie assault. They shared an update on the federal government's investigation into Diddy. The Feds first raided two of his properties in Miami and LA back in March. Back then they confirmed they were investigating allegations of sex trafficking. The new CNN report claims that the federal government acquired surveillance footage of a male sex worker inside Diddy's home. They also shared that the man claims he was "victimized" by the rap mogul and could end up a witness in any possible indictment against him. Check out the clip of their on-air report below...



Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Diddy's Empire Continues To Fall As Victims Rights Advocates Put Pressure On Companies And People To Cut Ties With Him

Rapper Diddy Forced Singer Cassie To Get Breast Implants Then To Have Them Removed The Next Day Because They Were Too Big

Diddy's Sean John Clothing Line Is Being Removed From Macys Department Stores And He Steps Down From Revolt TV

Allegations Circulate That Pedophile Diddy Took Justin Bieber's Virginity When He Was 15-Years-Old (Video)

Singer Cassie Sues Rapper And Music Producer Diddy For Rape, Sex Trafficking And Assault (Videos)

Diddy Physically Assaulted Misa Hylton, Kim Porter, Cassie And Yung Miami, Among Others (Video)

Diddy Got Cassie Into Satanism And Pigeonholed Her Career To Control Her (Video)

Diddy Opened The Floodgates With Cassie Settlement

Site Exclusives

The Biden Administration Is Panicking As The 2024 Presidential Election Draws Near Due To Bad Poll Results, Proxy Wars And A Terrible Economy Plagued By Inflation

May 28. 2024

The Biden Administration: Vice President Kamala Harris, President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama. Hmm which one of them doesn't belong there but is calling all the shots (Former President Barack Obama Never Truly Left Office And Has Been In The Background The Entire Time).

As the 2024 U.S. Presidential election draws closer (November), the Biden administration is becoming more nervous. Biden is down in most polls. Americans are very dissatisfied with how the country is being run. The U.S. economy is on shaky ground with inflation higher than ever. Americans can't afford mortgages, rents, insurance, cars, food or gas.

This is testifying loudly against President Joe Biden because just 4-years ago when his rival, former President Donald Trump was in office, Americans could afford mortgages, rents, insurance, cars, food or gas. There were also no wars. Under Biden, America is in proxy wars. Trump has this on Biden in the forthcoming election.

Donald Trump

Therefore, the most Biden can do in the public eye is continuously prosecute Trump on shoddy legal cases that had it been any of Biden's friends, they would never have turned into indictments. The Biden camp are also busy laying the groundwork to steal the election again. They've committed so many crimes they are scared if Trump gets back into office they will go to prison.

So desperate are they to stay in office that they are pushing a dementia stricken elderly man to his limits, worsening his condition, and risking him dying as the high stress and physical activity accelerates his mental decline. This is known as elder abuse and it is a crime.


President Joe Biden And Son Hunter Biden The Subject Of A 4Chan Hack Of His Laptop Exposing Items Alleging They Are Pedophiles

Allegations President Joe Biden Molested His Daughter Amy Biden During Baths Surface After FBI Raid On Project Veritas

Supporters Of President Joe Biden's Drug Addicted Pedophile Son Hunter Biden Seek To Go After His Accusers

Presidential Candidate Joe Biden's Son Hunter Biden Being Investigated By The Child Porn Squad At The FBI

Hunter Biden Smoked Crack Cocaine In Rehab With $75,000 His Dad President Joe Biden Gave Him (Video)

Site Exclusives

There Is Video Of Diddy Having Sex With Minors And Someone Wants To Leak It

May 27. 2024

Diddy (center) and his sons Justin Combs (left) and Christian Combs (right) are being accused of sex trafficking and drugging men and women

There is video of disgraced rap mogul Sean "Diddy" Combs having sex with minors. An individual who is in possession of one of the tapes wants to release it to expose Diddy as a pedophile, but is concern they would be releasing what is unquestionably child porn. The person is angry with Diddy for abusing men, women and children, and wants to get back at him by showing the public the type of person he truly is and the danger he poses to others.

During the March 2024 raid into Diddy's mansions in Miami and Los Angeles, Homeland Security confiscated computers, hard drives, external drives, cameras, mobile phones and other equipment. Homeland Security is in possession of very damaging footage Diddy foolishly recorded, some of which was used to blackmail people. Diddy also recorded himself doing very illegal and sick things as well.


Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Diddy's Empire Continues To Fall As Victims Rights Advocates Put Pressure On Companies And People To Cut Ties With Him

Rapper Diddy Forced Singer Cassie To Get Breast Implants Then To Have Them Removed The Next Day Because They Were Too Big

Diddy's Sean John Clothing Line Is Being Removed From Macys Department Stores And He Steps Down From Revolt TV

Allegations Circulate That Pedophile Diddy Took Justin Bieber's Virginity When He Was 15-Years-Old (Video)

Singer Cassie Sues Rapper And Music Producer Diddy For Rape, Sex Trafficking And Assault (Videos)

Diddy Physically Assaulted Misa Hylton, Kim Porter, Cassie And Yung Miami, Among Others (Video)

Diddy Got Cassie Into Satanism And Pigeonholed Her Career To Control Her (Video)

Diddy Opened The Floodgates With Cassie Settlement

Site Exclusives

Diddy Was Physically Abusive To Jennifer Lopez Who Tolerated It Because He Helped Her Become A Music Star With A Fashion Line And Perfume Deals Worth Hundreds Of Millions Of Dollars

Jennifer Lopez Has Remained Silent During Diddy's Downfall

May 27. 2024

Diddy and Jennifer Lopez dated between 1998 and 2001. Then it ended in disaster.

Many are wondering why actress Jennifer Lopez has been silent during the current downfall of ex-boyfriend, Sean "Diddy" Combs. The two dated in 1999. The relationship ended when Diddy was arrested for shooting up a night club in New York, then fixed it so his rapper, Shyne, would take the fall. Shyne did 10-years in prison for Diddy's crimes in shooting several people in the night club. Diddy and Jennifer rushed to get away from the scene of the crime. She never truly stated what she saw, though she had a bird's eye view of the shooting. For the sake of her career Jennifer broke up with Diddy.

However, what many people don't know is Diddy was also being verbally and physically abusive to Jennifer (as he has with all his girlfriends). Jennifer stated in 2024's The Greatest Love Story Never Told" that she was "thrown around and manhandled." However, my source who is very credible stated she had a burst lip and bruised cheek. He hit her.

Jennifer only tolerated it because he was helping her with her music career, when she can't sing, raised her profile as being in a celebrity couple with him, and taught her what he knew about the music business. Diddy also helped Jennifer start a fashionline and fragrance deals. So she stayed with him for a time and took the abuse. Jennifer has made hundreds of millions of dollars from that relationship with Diddy.

Diddy got Jennifer hit songs and used his connections with then Sony Music CEO, Tommy Mottola, to give Jennifer a music career .Jennifer also secretly dated Mottola, who is in the Italian-American mafia (Genovese family). If you were not in good with Tommy, your career at Sony Music didn't go all the way to the top. If you didn't give in to all his demands you ended up like Michael Jackson.

Even Tommy's ex-wife, singer Mariah Carey, walked away with nowhere near what she was supposed to have from her career earnings at Sony Music when the mafioso began making threats. Mariah left over $100,000,000 behind that people in the industry allege went straight into Tommy's pocket, when he was angry she cheated on him and fled the abusive marriage.

Mariah Carey and Derek Jeter

Diddy and Tommy, among others, resorted to all sorts of trickery and ruthlessness for Jennifer's music career, such as stealing songs and using other people's voices on her records, as her real singing voice tends to sound bad. They even ripped off other people's music, video and career ideas, including Mariah, who had enraged Mottola, by cheating on him during their marriage with the handsome athlete, Derek Jeter, who was half Mottola's age.

Mariah and Mottola had no real sex life, which she complained about to others. She even publicly stated she cried alone on a beach during their honeymoon. Mottola was older and struggling to perform. Derek was a young and virile athlete in his twenties. I don't think I have to spell out the rest for you regarding what happened. However, Mariah was wrong for marrying a man twice her age to use him for fame and fortune (not to mention breaking up his marriage of many years, when his wife had actually loved him).

Mottola became obsessed with getting back at Mariah. Mottola used all the ideas and tricks he had employed to make Mariah famous to turn Jennifer into a music star. The image that he hired professionals to create for Mariah, he used on Jennifer (hair cut, hair color, styling, make-up). Mottola began calling around the industry asking what Mariah was working on regarding music, ripped it off and quickly rushed it out on Jennifer's albums to beat Mariah to the punch.

Mariah had to make quick changes and the music just did not turn out right. Mariah's career collapsed without Mottola's help, and ideas she had were stolen by Tommy and Jennifer. Mariah was emotionally distraught and frantic, because all that mattered to her was her career. When Mariah's 2001 soundtrack and the corresponding film "Glitter" flopped, she tried to kill herself in a New York hotel room. Reports stated she unsuccessfully cut her wrist. Security smuggled her out of the back of the hotel. She was involuntarily committed by her mother to a mental facility in upstate New York, where they gave her treatment that helped her mental state.


Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Diddy's Empire Continues To Fall As Victims Rights Advocates Put Pressure On Companies And People To Cut Ties With Him

Rapper Diddy Forced Singer Cassie To Get Breast Implants Then To Have Them Removed The Next Day Because They Were Too Big

Diddy's Sean John Clothing Line Is Being Removed From Macys Department Stores And He Steps Down From Revolt TV

Allegations Circulate That Pedophile Diddy Took Justin Bieber's Virginity When He Was 15-Years-Old (Video)

Singer Cassie Sues Rapper And Music Producer Diddy For Rape, Sex Trafficking And Assault (Videos)

Diddy Physically Assaulted Misa Hylton, Kim Porter, Cassie And Yung Miami, Among Others (Video)

Diddy Got Cassie Into Satanism And Pigeonholed Her Career To Control Her (Video)

Diddy Opened The Floodgates With Cassie Settlement

Site Exclusives

The FBI Has A Round Of Applause In Office Meetings Each Time They Kill Innocent People In Extrajudicial Killings

May 24. 2024

Evil and crazy FBI Director Christopher Wray

The FBI is known worldwide as the human rights abusing law enforcement agency that looked the other way to children being raped (Jeffrey Epstein and Larry Nasser, among many others). The FBI is also known worldwide as the human rights abusing law enforcement agency that has killed innocent people such as Martin Luther King and Malcolm X, among many others.

It was recently revealed the FBI was given instructions to use deadly force during the raid on the Florida mansion of former President Donald Trump (The FBI Raid On Former President Donald Trump's Mar-A-Lago Estate Exposes The Hypocrisy Of Corrupt Law Enforcement Agency In Trying To Influence Elections Again And Cover Up Their Own Serious Crimes). They wanted to kill Trump but didn't get the chance as the Secret Service was present.

Did you know that when the FBI kills an innocent target in an extrajudicial killing, in conduct that sometimes even extends to the murderr of the target's family members (young and elderly), the agency vilely celebrates it. When the FBI kills innocent people, then hold their office meetings on the subject, they have a round of applause, where they applaud for about twenty seconds and smile, which is sick and demonic. The FBI is beyond demented. They are in a whole other category of evil and one the devil is proud of everyday, as they are his own.


The FBI Caught Engaging In Warrantless And Unconstitutional Surveillance Again That Criminally Violated The Privacy Of 3.4 Million People In America Which Confirms Previous Site Claims

FBI And NSA Outed Again In New Court Ruling For Illegally Spying On People In America Confirming Previous Site Claims

Elon Musk And Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt Expose FBI Corruption Regarding The Law Enforcement Agency Meddling In And Controlling Twitter Which Confirms Previous Site Claims

New Scandal Erupts Regarding The FBI And Justice Department Monitoring Calls Of AP Reporters Confirming Previous Site Claims

Nunes Memo Confirms The Obama Administration FBI Illegally Spied On Trump During The Presidential Election Confirming Previous Site Article

The Nuclear Weapons Holding FBI Is A Danger To America As Missile Shield Tests Have Failed Confirming Previous Site Claims

An FBI Agent Orchestrated The January 6 Riots On The Capitol Building In Washington Confirming Previous Site Claims

The FBI Caught Lying By The Mainstream Press About The Capitol Building Riots Confirming Previous Site Claims

The FBI Caught Spying On Congress Confirming Previous Site Claims

Site Exclusives

Harvey Weinstein Is Trying To Run Hollywood From Prison While Awaiting Retrial In New York Confirming Previous Site Claims

May 24. 2024

Harvey Weinstein and fellow sex trafficker Madonna (Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa)

News reports state disgraced Hollywood movie producer, Harvey Weinstien, has been pulling strings from prison in trying to run Hollywood again, as he did before his arrest and current incarceration for raping women. Weinstein was convicted in New York and Los Angeles. He is scheduled to be retried shortly in New York.

Reports from the Cannes Film Festival in France reveal Weinstein has been meddling in pulling strings for select people participating in the event. As stated previously on the site, Weinstein has been laboring under the belief he is going to make a comeback and start running Hollywood again with his dumb, demonic, nitwit Kabbalah cultist, Madonna:

October 23, 2017 article "Harvey Weinstein Could Lose The Weinstein Company As Filmmakers Bail In The Face Of Rape And Sexual Assault Scandal": There exist claims the Weinstein Company is secretly being shopped for sale. However, based on his own admissions, Harvey Weinstein thinks he is going to make a big comeback next year, like nothing happened. Sexual predators like Harvey Weinstein, who are in the cult Kabbalah, have darkened Hollywood's doorstep for years with their greed, ill-tempered tantrums and acts of sexual abuse..

Weinstein really believes he is going to have a big comeback in Hollywood. The New York verdict being overturned has made this delusional belief even worse. I have bad news for him, he is not going to run the entertainment industry again. The public has too much contempt for him. Anyone in entertainment who works with him will be cancelled by the public and the products will be boycotted. It will be in vain and not sell.


Former Cannes Kingpin Harvey Weinstein Calls in Favors at Festival From Prison

May 19, 2024 @ 11:00 AM  CANNES — No one is canceled in Cannes. Not even Harvey Weinstein. The jailed Hollywood producer, whose New York rape conviction was recently reversed, is reaching out from prison to haunt his former playground in the south of France, The Wrap has learned. Two knowledgeable sources told The Wrap that Weinstein has been phoning friends at the Cannes Film Festival, and is actively in touch with Alexandra Vino, who he was dating before he went to prison, to help her with party invitations and connections.

Vino was spotted on a yacht in Cannes on Saturday by a third individual who spoke to TheWrap. Vino could not be reached for comment, but posts to social media confirm that she was indeed at Cannes and in attendance at a number of parties, including the premiere for Cate Blanchett-starring comedy “Rumours.”

Another individual said Weinstein still frequently texts with a New York producer friend from prison. An additional individual said Weinstein is in touch with former associates in France. Weinstein’s spokesman Juda Engelmayer denied this was the case. He told TheWrap: “He doesn’t have a cell phone. It’s a prison pay per call phone. I can’t confirm he’s calling anyone in Cannes, but if so, he’s calling someone local and having that person add a call to France.”...


Women Recoil in Cannes as Harvey Weinstein Still Looms, While a Sexist System Persists Sharon Waxman

Wed, May 22, 2024 at 9:00 AM EDT·6 min read 3 CANNES — How should one react to the unwelcome news that Harvey Weinstein has been calling friends at the Cannes Film Festival, pulling strings and phoning in favors to get friends into parties and onto yachts? TheWrap broke this story on Sunday, the same day that Kering’s Women in Motion, in partnership with the festival, bestowed a number of awards on leading women in film, including Universal’s Chief Content Officer Donna Langley, at its gala dinner.

The dinner took place at a medieval castle on a cliff overlooking the harbor, with dramatic lights and good intentions and gowns and jewels and lots of media. But it is very hard to feel like progress is being made for women when the spectre of Weinstein, a convicted rapist, hangs in this place where for decades he preyed on women. For the record, Weinstein has denied that he made calls to help friends go to parties. Nonetheless, TheWrap spoke to two individuals who confirmed he had done so, and two others who said that Weinstein has reached out to former colleagues in Europe to discuss plans to eventually restart his career...



New York District Attorney Cyrus Vance Looked The Other Way To Harvey Weinstein's Crimes In 2015 Due To Pressure From The FBI And Obama White House And A Bribe

Harvey Weinstein Disgustingly Raped Defenseless Actress Annabella Sciorra And Aggressively Pursued Daryl Hannah In A Predatory Manner Outside Her Hotel Room

The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)

Site Exclusives

Diddy Blackmail Targets Extend Outside Hollywood And Into Politics Confirming Previous Site Claims

May 24. 2024

Diddy (center) and his sons Justin Combs (left) and Christian Combs (right) are being accused of sex trafficking and drugging men and women

I've been stating on this site for years that Hollywood cultists are meddling in politics, medicine, science and other areas they simply do not belong, as they are not trained in these matters and are completely unqualified (Harvey Weinstein Sexual Assault And Rape Cases Shows The Pattern Of Bribery Hollywood Operates Under and 2023 Grammy Awards Slammed On Social Networking As Satanic and Madonna And Jay Z's Illuminati Cult Are Meddling In Manchester United Again Via Romelu Lukaku After Damaging Paul Pogba And Alexis Sanchez). Hollywood's conduct in this regard is not good for the public, regarding the lives and health of innocent people.

After the high profile raid into the Los Angeles and Miami mansions of hip hop mogul, Sean "Diddy" Combs, people began openly stating he has incriminating, secretly recorded sex tapes of politicians and is using these items for blackmail (Homeland Security Removed 250 Cameras From Two Mansions Of Voyeur And Pervert Diddy During Raid).

The February 2024 lawsuit filed against Diddy by his music producer Rodney "Lil Rod" Jones Jr. makes mention of the blackmail of high profile figures, including politicians, using secretly recorded items (Lawsuit Filed Against Diddy For Sexually Assaulting Male Producer Of His Album, Hiring Underage Sex Workers, Participating In Orgies With Underage Girls And His Son Justin Combs, Secretly Recording People Having Sex, And Bragging About Shooting People Then Getting Away With It Like He Did In New York Night Club In 1999).

The assumption is the videos were confiscated in the raid 3-months ago. Since that time a video leaked of Diddy viciously dragging, kicking and stomping his then-girlfriend Cassie, which he paid $50,000 for and ordered the Intercontinental Hotel copies destroyed.

CNN obtained the video. Some on social networking were speculating it was through Cassie, but it would be a violation of the eight figure settlement she signed with Diddy. She is not going to risk having to give the money back plus pay penalties. Cassie's lawyers would not allow it, as they could face sanctions. Why would a law firm risk that kind of money and issues with their licenses over a video, when they already obtained a sizeable settlement.

The now shuttered Intercontinental Hotel stated they did not have access to the video from 2016 and they did not leak it. A plausible explanation is the video was nabbed during the raid into Diddy's properties, where video footage from 250 hidden cameras were confiscated by the U.S. government, via Homeland Security. Diddy had the Cassie assault video he paid $50,000 for stored among these items at his homes.

Diddy being is accused of blackmailing politicians due to secretly recorded sex tapes at parties he threw, which they attended and engaged in sexual acts with sex workers, some of whom were minors. Said politicians have it in for Diddy for blackmailing them. Diddy's goose is cooked.


Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Diddy's Empire Continues To Fall As Victims Rights Advocates Put Pressure On Companies And People To Cut Ties With Him

Rapper Diddy Forced Singer Cassie To Get Breast Implants Then To Have Them Removed The Next Day Because They Were Too Big

Diddy's Sean John Clothing Line Is Being Removed From Macys Department Stores And He Steps Down From Revolt TV

Allegations Circulate That Pedophile Diddy Took Justin Bieber's Virginity When He Was 15-Years-Old (Video)

Singer Cassie Sues Rapper And Music Producer Diddy For Rape, Sex Trafficking And Assault (Videos)

Diddy Physically Assaulted Misa Hylton, Kim Porter, Cassie And Yung Miami, Among Others (Video)

Diddy Got Cassie Into Satanism And Pigeonholed Her Career To Control Her (Video)

Diddy Opened The Floodgates With Cassie Settlement

Site Exclusives

Yung Miami Unfollows Diddy On Social Networking After The Release Of Cassie Assault Video

May 23. 2024

Yung Miami and Diddy

Items online indicate rapper Yung Miami (Caresha Brownlee), of the infringing rap duo, City Girls, has unfollowed boyfriend, hip hop mogul Diddy (Sean Combs) on social networking. Even in the face of several lawsuits accusing Diddy of rape, sexual assault, assault and human trafficking, Yung Miami remained with him for the money, as she is a sex worker turned rapper.

Just weeks ago Diddy and Yung Miami were calling themselves "Bobby and Whitney"

However, with the release of the assault video this past Friday via CNN, which showed Diddy violently dragging, kicking and stomping then-girlfriend, singer Cassie, Yung Miami is now distancing herself from him to save her own neck. This is all suspect on her part.

The fact of the matter is Yung Miami saw Diddy engage in criminal behavior on a regular basis, but turned a blind eye to it for money. Yung Miami has assisted Diddy in transporting sex workers, illegal guns and drugs across statelines, which are serious federal crimes.


Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Diddy's Empire Continues To Fall As Victims Rights Advocates Put Pressure On Companies And People To Cut Ties With Him

Rapper Diddy Forced Singer Cassie To Get Breast Implants Then To Have Them Removed The Next Day Because They Were Too Big

Diddy's Sean John Clothing Line Is Being Removed From Macys Department Stores And He Steps Down From Revolt TV

Allegations Circulate That Pedophile Diddy Took Justin Bieber's Virginity When He Was 15-Years-Old (Video)

Singer Cassie Sues Rapper And Music Producer Diddy For Rape, Sex Trafficking And Assault (Videos)

Diddy Physically Assaulted Misa Hylton, Kim Porter, Cassie And Yung Miami, Among Others (Video)

Diddy Got Cassie Into Satanism And Pigeonholed Her Career To Control Her (Video)

Diddy Opened The Floodgates With Cassie Settlement

Site Exclusives

NFL Football Player Antonio Brown Broke After Earning $88 Million

May 23. 2024

Giselle Bundchen hugging Antonio Brown in 2022

Troubled former NFL football player, Antonio Brown, 35, has filed for bankruptcy. The one time wide receiver made $88,000,000 during his career, but now lists only $50,000 in assets. Brown is $3,000,000 in debt. Brown has been paying child support to three women regarding his six children, which has proven costly.

Brown has been struggling with mental illness, which resulted in run-ins with the law, which have also proven costly in legal fees and court judgments. A driver was awarded $1,200,000 in a case which stated Brown assaulted him in Florida. Brown was even sued for allegedly raping his trainer. Brown also exposed himself in a pool in Dubai and grabbed a woman who was swimming, in acts which could have resulted in his incarceration.

Brown works with rapper Kanye West, as president of his Donda Sports fashionline. West is also struggling with mental illness and has been in and out of court over cases alleging assault or destruction of personal property, when he lost his temper and attacked others.


Tom Brady's Former Teammate Antonio Brown Posts Nude Photo Of His Ex-Wife Gisele Bundchen

Diddy Hit With Another Lawsuit For Rape Regarding Allegation He Sexually Assaulted A Model Then Blacklisted Her In The Industry

May 22. 2024

Diddy and son Christian Combs, who has also been sued in a separate case for sexual assault, along with his dad

Former model Crystal McKinney has filed a lawsuit against disgraced hip hop mogul Diddy. McKinney alleges that in 2003, when she was 22-years-old, Diddy drugged and raped her at his recording studio in New York. She stated Diddy gave her a laced joint, forced her into the bathroom while she was feeling woozy, then forced her to perform sex acts. McKinney stated she later woke up in a taxi.

Crystal McKinney

McKinney stated in her lawsuit that Diddy had her blacklisted in the modeling industry, which he was a part of via his Sean John clothing line. As stated previously on the site, Macys removed all Sean John apparel when ex-girlfriend, Cassie sued Diddy for rape, sex trafficking and assault in November 2023.


Diddy Sued by Former Model Accusing Him of Drugging and Sexually Assaulting Her

Another lawsuit against Sean “Diddy” Combs emerged. According to TMZ, former model Crystal McKinney alleges that the music mogul enticed her with promises of career advancement in 2003 when she was 22 years old. McKinney alleges in her lawsuit that while attending a Men’s Fashion Week event in New York City, a then 33-year-old Diddy invited her to his studio, where she claims he and others were drinking and smoking a joint. She admits to taking a hit of the joint, which she believes may have been laced with a narcotic or other drug and left her feeling disoriented.

The former model accuses Combs of forcing her into a bathroom before kissing her and forcing her to perform oral sex despite her refusal. She says she lost consciousness and woke up in a taxi, realizing she had been sexually assaulted. TMZ notes that it’s not clear if her lawsuit refers to the alleged oral sex she was forced to perform or another sex act that may have been done to her while she was unconscious. McKinney claims she was subsequently blacklisted from the modeling industry, became severely depressed, and attempted suicide in 2004...



Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Diddy's Empire Continues To Fall As Victims Rights Advocates Put Pressure On Companies And People To Cut Ties With Him

Rapper Diddy Forced Singer Cassie To Get Breast Implants Then To Have Them Removed The Next Day Because They Were Too Big

Diddy's Sean John Clothing Line Is Being Removed From Macys Department Stores And He Steps Down From Revolt TV

Allegations Circulate That Pedophile Diddy Took Justin Bieber's Virginity When He Was 15-Years-Old (Video)

Singer Cassie Sues Rapper And Music Producer Diddy For Rape, Sex Trafficking And Assault (Videos)

Diddy Physically Assaulted Misa Hylton, Kim Porter, Cassie And Yung Miami, Among Others (Video)

Diddy Got Cassie Into Satanism And Pigeonholed Her Career To Control Her (Video)

Diddy Opened The Floodgates With Cassie Settlement

Site Exclusives

Ben Affleck Has Moved Out Of Mansion He Shared With Jennifer Lopez After 2-Years Of Marriage

May 22. 2024

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck at the Grammys

After 2-years of marriage Hollywood actor Ben Affleck, 51, has moved out of the $60 million mansion he shared with second wife, actress Jennifer Lopez, 54. This is Lopez's fourth marriage. Affleck was spotted in a $100,000 rental home in Brentwood, California, which is located close to the property of ex-wife, Jennifer Garner, 52.

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck at the Grammys

Lopez is trying to cover up the fact her marriage is in trouble, whereas Affleck has moved on and is not saying a word. Lopez has been repeatedly mocked in the press and by audiences for getting married so many times. It's happening again with the latest news about Affleck moving out.

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck

For over a year the public has seen Affleck cringing and rolling his eyes while out in public with Lopez. The photos and videos taken by paparazzi reveal he is exasperated with Lopez. They don't move in the same Hollywood circles which saw him bored out of his mind and sighing at some of the bizarre acts who performed at the Grammy Awards this year.


Ben Affleck's $100K-per-month rental mansion is just a short drive from ex-wife Jennifer Garner - amid Jennifer Lopez split rumors

Garner, 52, visited Affleck's rental home on Saturday Affleck, 51, reportedly lived their for weeks amid rumored split from Lopez. He has made staying close to his children a major priority in recent years. And Ben Affleck showed that again with the location of a mansion he is renting in Los Angeles' swanky Brentwood neighborhood as he is rumored to have separated from his wife Jennifer Lopez.

Aerial photos shot on Tuesday reveal that the 10,000-square-foot mansion that 51-year-old Argo star has taken up residence in over the past few weeks is located just two blocks away from his ex-wife Jennifer Garner, 52...



Jennifer Lopez Stole Other Singers Voices For Her Albums Including Brandy And Ashanti (Video)

President Joe Biden Has Killed The American Dream Of Owning A Home As Mortgage And Insurance Rates Skyrocket

May 21. 2024

Joe Biden

Home insurance rates are going up all over the nation. In some states such as Florida, by as much as 125% under the Biden administration. Many homeowners have been dropped by insurance companies and are now uninsured. Mortgages have also doubled during the tenure of U.S. President Joe Biden. Rents have doubled, tripled and quadrupled under Biden. These unfavorable financial conditions have forced many elderly people in America into homeless shelters, as they are unable to afford a place of their own anymore.

Before Biden even took office I stated he would ruin the U.S. economy with his economic plans that did not and do not make any sense (Joe Biden Tax Plan Slammed And Debunked On '60 Minutes' Confirming Previous Site Claims About His Poor Economic Plans).

Biden has destroyed the American dream of owning a home. He did it in under 3-years and things are only getting worse under his poor policies and lack of proper leadership. America has become a nation of renters and it is getting worse, all so multi-billion dollar corporations, such as Blackrock, can get richer. How is that improving America. This is a terrible injustice. America has regressed, not progressed under Joe Biden.


President Joe Biden And Son Hunter Biden The Subject Of A 4Chan Hack Of His Laptop Exposing Items Alleging They Are Pedophiles

Allegations President Joe Biden Molested His Daughter Amy Biden During Baths Surface After FBI Raid On Project Veritas

Supporters Of President Joe Biden's Drug Addicted Pedophile Son Hunter Biden Seek To Go After His Accusers

Presidential Candidate Joe Biden's Son Hunter Biden Being Investigated By The Child Porn Squad At The FBI

Hunter Biden Smoked Crack Cocaine In Rehab With $75,000 His Dad President Joe Biden Gave Him (Video)

Site Exclusives

President Joe Biden's Verbal Slip Confirms Former President Barack Obama Is Illegally Running Things In The White House

May 21. 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris, President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama

For years I have insisted that former President Barack Obama is the one running the show in the White House, while dementia stricken President Joe Biden is a figurehead (Former President Barack Obama Never Truly Left Office And Has Been In The Background The Entire Time). Then,  the mainstream press began stating the same (Mainstream Outlets Refer To President-Elect Joe Biden As Barack Obama's Third Term In Office Much To His Annoyance But Confirming Previous Site Claims).

Last week Biden gave the game away with something he publicly stated, indicating Obama has been the President throughout the pandemic as it pertains to his term that began in early 2021. Biden stated, "When I was vice president, things were kind of bad during the pandemic and what happened was, Barack said to me, ‘Go to Detroit! Help fix it."

For the record, under the Constitution U.S. Presidents are only allowed two terms in office. Obama has enjoyed three terms in violation of the law. Obama is also seeking a fourth term through puppet Biden and to the detriment of America, regarding all the proxy wars, inflation, job losses and store closures (President Joe Biden Caught Lying About Job Creation After Downward Revision Removes 700,000 Jobs He Lied About Creating Confirming Previous Site Claims). Let's not even talk about the climate damage they are facilitating in favor of the so-called elites, which will get exponentially worse to the shock and horror of many.

Obama keeps calling the shots and it is causing damage (Joe Biden Administration Bombs The Middle East Under The Influence Of Barack Obama Confirming Previous Site Claims). If you're not careful this madman will lead America into a civil war (Historians Advise Joe Biden America Is Headed For Civil War Confirming Previous Site Claims) and a World War. This cannot continue on its current path.


Biden bizarrely suggests he was VP during pandemic in latest blunder

Published May 20, 2024, 9:05 a.m. ET - President Biden declared Sunday that things got “kind of bad” when he was vice president during the COVID-19 pandemic — even though the virus hit more than three years after he left office. The 81-year-old Biden, who finished his eight years as Barack Obama’s veep in January 2017, suggested he was still in post at the time of the outbreak during a campaign event with the NAACP.

“When I was vice president, things were kind of bad during the pandemic and what happened was, Barack said to me, ‘Go to Detroit! Help fix it,'” Biden said. Joe Biden speaking in DetroitBiden remarked that he was vice president during the pandemic in a bizarre gaffe Sunday. AP “Well, the poor mayor, he’s spent more time with me than he ever thought he’s gonna have to!” the president added...



President Joe Biden And Son Hunter Biden The Subject Of A 4Chan Hack Of His Laptop Exposing Items Alleging They Are Pedophiles

Allegations President Joe Biden Molested His Daughter Amy Biden During Baths Surface After FBI Raid On Project Veritas

Supporters Of President Joe Biden's Drug Addicted Pedophile Son Hunter Biden Seek To Go After His Accusers

Presidential Candidate Joe Biden's Son Hunter Biden Being Investigated By The Child Porn Squad At The FBI

Hunter Biden Smoked Crack Cocaine In Rehab With $75,000 His Dad President Joe Biden Gave Him (Video)

Site Exclusives

Diddy Apologies Over The Cassie Assault Video But Never Says Sorry To Her (Video)

The Public On Social Networking Have Overwhelmingly Rejected His Apology

May 20. 2024

Sean "Diddy" Combs has apologized over his actions exposed by the release of a CCTV video from the now shuttered Intercontinental Hotel is Los Angeles. The 2016 video shows Diddy kicking, stomping and dragging his then-girlfriend, singer Cassie Ventura. Diddy also threw two vases at her as she was cowering in a corner. The unprovoked incident is terrible.

Diddy initially released a massive denial regarding allegations of abuse and sex trafficking that surfaced against him last year. He stated his accusers are just looking for a payday and their allegations are fictional. However, since the release of the CCTV video this past Friday exposing his lies and abuse, Diddy has made a u-turn. This should let you know you cannot trust the things he states. Diddy and others in his circle such as Harvey Weinstein and R Kelly all denied the allegations against them, but they were found guilty by juries when the evidence was closely examined.

Diddy and ex-girlfriend Cassie

Diddy did not apologize to Cassie as he still resents having to pay her a massive settlement. He is only sorry he got caught. Diddy's whole identity is in his career of being on camera. That is what he is upset about losing and is also concerned his Epstein styled, dirty deal with the FBI won't hold up if others in government demand he go to prison for his many crimes.

When these victimizers label their victims liars it victimizes them all over again. They inflict fresh trauma on their victims in publicly labeling them liars and or crazy. People who do such things should face extra legal penalties for endangerment, because inevitably there will be some unhinged fans that believe the lying celebrity they don't even know, and start harassing the victim online or in public.


Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Diddy's Empire Continues To Fall As Victims Rights Advocates Put Pressure On Companies And People To Cut Ties With Him

Rapper Diddy Forced Singer Cassie To Get Breast Implants Then To Have Them Removed The Next Day Because They Were Too Big

Diddy's Sean John Clothing Line Is Being Removed From Macys Department Stores And He Steps Down From Revolt TV

Allegations Circulate That Pedophile Diddy Took Justin Bieber's Virginity When He Was 15-Years-Old (Video)

Singer Cassie Sues Rapper And Music Producer Diddy For Rape, Sex Trafficking And Assault (Videos)

Diddy Physically Assaulted Misa Hylton, Kim Porter, Cassie And Yung Miami, Among Others (Video)

Diddy Got Cassie Into Satanism And Pigeonholed Her Career To Control Her (Video)

Diddy Opened The Floodgates With Cassie Settlement

Site Exclusives

New York City Mayor Eric Adams Considering Revoking Keys To The City He Awarded Diddy

May 20. 2024

Hollywood cultists and sex traffickers Madonna and Diddy both live in New York and have been doing very sick things to others (Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa)

Disgraced hip hop mogul Sean "Diddy" Combs is facing more problems. The mayor of New York, Eric Adams, has publicly stated he is considering rescinding the keys to the city he gave Diddy last year. Adams stated in a television interview with PIX11, "I think all of us were deeply disturbed by watching that chilling video of the young lady being assaulted by him. The committee and the team have never rescinded a key before, but we are not sitting down to see what the next steps forward are going to be."

New York Mayor Eric Adams

I think it should be rescinded. Disgraced movie producer, Harvey Weinstein, who was convicted in New York and Los Angeles in two cases on rape charges, used his ties to Jeffrey Epstein, who was hanging around Prince Andrew all the time, to push for a honor from the late Queen Elizabeth II. He did films on the royals to ingrate his way into their circle. When he was convicted of rape, the CBE honor, was rescinded.

Harvey Weinstein being awarded a CBE from Queen Elizabeth II in 2004. The honor was rescinded in 2020 in light of his rape convictions (Harvey Weinstein Stripped Of British Honor By The Queen)

You know you're a criminal. Why are you pushing for things such as keys to the city or honors from royalty, not caring about the day you get exposed, and cause embarrassment to those who gave you awards. Criminal arrogance always causes problems. They think they can worm their way out of anything


The FBI Corruptly Raids The Campaign Of New York Mayor Eric Adams Based On Email Copyright They Illegally Accessed And Unlawfully Used Confirming Previous Site Claims

Harvey Weinstein Stripped Of British Honor By The Queen

Site Exclusives

Jennifer Lopez Stole Other Singers Voices For Her Albums Including Brandy And Ashanti (Video)

May 20. 2024

A video compilation on You Tube has really brought home the fact celebrity Jennifer Lopez is a fraud. Lopez got her start as a fly girl on the hit sketch television show "In Living Color" as a dancer. She was disliked by many on the show as arrogant and scheming. Choreographer Rosie Perez publicly noted Lopez's shady behavior. Then, Lopez jumped into acting and had a breakthrough via the movie "Selena" about the late Latin singer, Selena Quintanilla.

To break into the music industry Lopez began dating Genovese family Mafioso and Sony Music CEO, Tommy Mottola, and Sean "Diddy" Combs at the same time. They put together a hit album for Lopez, but she was always dogged by the fact people recognized she was taking credit for other singers' vocals. The video posted above painfully exposes Lopez as a musical fraud.

This woman has won awards for music, which is outrageous as she is not a real singer. However, she like other musical frauds such as Madonna, Milli Vanilli, Paula Abdul and Ashlee Simpson, among others, heavily rely on other singers when in the recording studio, then significant amounts of digital processing to mask what they actually sound like. Paula Abdul was even sued for it.


Site Exclusives

Video Surfaces Of Diddy Beating Cassie At A Hotel In Los Angeles (Video)

May 17. 2024

CNN obtained CCTV video footage from the Intercontinental Hotel in Los Angeles, regarding hip hop mogul Sean "Diddy" Combs, viciously beating up his girlfriend, singer Cassie (Ventura). The two have since broken up. Cassie referenced the incident in her November 2023 lawsuit.

Cassoe stated Diddy paid the hotel $50,000 for the CCTV footage of him assaulting her by an elevator (Singer Cassie Sues Rapper And Music Producer Diddy For Rape, Sex Trafficking And Assault ). The hotel which is now under new ownership stated they did not have access to the video that has surfaced on CNN of Diddy assaulting and battering Cassie.

Some on social networking believe the video is among the items Homeland Security seized from Diddy's Los Angeles and Miami mansions in March 2024 during massive raids. Ironically, CNN is owned by Time Warner, who also owns Warner Bros, and owned Warner Music that Diddy was affiliated with years ago.

Diddy and ex-girlfriend Cassie

Previously on the site, I mentioned that a songwriter I know gave me Diddy's number and told me to call him, as he wanted to work with me. However, I declined as I know the negative history of his Badboy Entertainment, and did not like the fact Diddy had a distribution deal with Warner Music, where child sex trafficker Madonna was signed (who has been infringing my copyrights and obsessively harassing me for years). CNN needs to tell the public how they obtained the footage.

Social networking is demanding Diddy be put in prison. Some are even stating he is not behind bars because he is an informant for the FBI, which was first exposed by rapper and former collaborator, Kanye West. You know, like the late pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was on the FBI's payroll for 20-years and they turned a blind eye to him raping thousands of underage girls during that time (The FBI Sued By Victims Of Jeffrey Epstein Over The Law Enforcement Agency's 20-Year Cover Up Of Their Informant's Pedophilic Crimes Against Underage Girls While Using Him To Blackmail The Rich And Famous). The justice system has been severely corrupted by these people.


Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Diddy's Empire Continues To Fall As Victims Rights Advocates Put Pressure On Companies And People To Cut Ties With Him

Rapper Diddy Forced Singer Cassie To Get Breast Implants Then To Have Them Removed The Next Day Because They Were Too Big

Diddy's Sean John Clothing Line Is Being Removed From Macys Department Stores And He Steps Down From Revolt TV

Allegations Circulate That Pedophile Diddy Took Justin Bieber's Virginity When He Was 15-Years-Old (Video)

Singer Cassie Sues Rapper And Music Producer Diddy For Rape, Sex Trafficking And Assault (Videos)

Diddy Physically Assaulted Misa Hylton, Kim Porter, Cassie And Yung Miami, Among Others (Video)

Diddy Got Cassie Into Satanism And Pigeonholed Her Career To Control Her (Video)

Diddy Opened The Floodgates With Cassie Settlement

Site Exclusives

Dementia Stricken President Joe Biden Challenges Rival Donald Trump To Two Debates In The 2024 Presidential Election (Video)

May 15. 2024

Dementia patient and U.S. President, Joe Biden, arrogantly challenged rival Republican, Donald Trump, to two debates as a part of the 2024 presidential election. Biden, who is suffering from Lewy Body dementia, often does not know who he is or the current year. Biden told Trump, "make my day" which is the catchphrase of actor Clint Eastwood in the film, "Sudden Impact." This is ironic, as Eastwood doesn't like Biden or his puppetmaster, Barack Obama.

It is unwise for Biden to debate Trump, as he would crush him. Trump is going to make Biden look stupid and in front of voters. Biden lacks the mental acuity to successfully debate anyone. This is due to Biden's mental impairment that is being covered up, but is plain for all to see.


President Joe Biden And Son Hunter Biden The Subject Of A 4Chan Hack Of His Laptop Exposing Items Alleging They Are Pedophiles

Allegations President Joe Biden Molested His Daughter Amy Biden During Baths Surface After FBI Raid On Project Veritas

Supporters Of President Joe Biden's Drug Addicted Pedophile Son Hunter Biden Seek To Go After His Accusers

Presidential Candidate Joe Biden's Son Hunter Biden Being Investigated By The Child Porn Squad At The FBI

Hunter Biden Smoked Crack Cocaine In Rehab With $75,000 His Dad President Joe Biden Gave Him (Video)

Site Exclusives

Florida Records Its Hottest Days Ever In What Is A Disturbing Trend Regarding Climate Change (Videos)

May 15. 2024

America is being severely impacted by climate change (America Is Warming 68% Faster Than The Rest Of The Planet Confirming Previous Site Claims). Last week South Florida recorded the hottest days in the history of the U.S. State of Florida. It was sweltering especially for the month of May. This keeps happening regarding new records being set over the past few years, as the climate is changing and in a negative manner. However, the Biden administration does not know what it is doing regarding the climate, and it is imperiling the lives of millions of people.

Some do not see the seriousness of it all, but on its current path if not reversed, these consistently rising temperatures will lead to skin blistering, heat strokes, and death. The increasing temperatures will intensify hurricanes and kill people when storm surges hits 40-feet in the air, and rain falls so much and with such intensity, it accumulates and causes increased loss of life and property. The entire eastern seaboard is at risk of deluge and far sooner than scientists originally projected. As stated previously on the site, places like New York City, Florida and Washington, DC, among other places, are in severe climate danger.


South Florida cities break record-high temperatures Wednesday amid week of heat

PUBLISHED: May 15, 2024 at 11:19 a.m. | UPDATED: May 15, 2024 at 6:36 p.m. - Wednesday was the hottest, most miserable day of what forecasters said is likely to be a week of hazardous heat. Both Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach broke previous record-high temperatures while Miami tied its record.

Fort Lauderdale reached a high of 96 degrees Wednesday, breaking its record for May 15 of 95 degrees set in 1938, said National Weather Service Miami meteorologist Chuck Caracozza. West Palm Beach peaked at 98 degrees, breaking its record of 94 degrees for the date in 1922. Miami tied its 1995 record of 96 degrees.

Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach also broke record-high temperatures for the date on Saturday while the record-high temperatures for Friday were tied in Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach and Miami. Temperatures in the mid-90s were expected across the region Wednesday, with southwest winds of 11 mph to 15 mph, and gusts as high as 23 mph. The winds “will continue to result in well above-normal temperatures each day through the weekend,” the weather service said...


Dangerous, early-season heat in Florida made five times more likely by climate change

Florida is poised to experience a period of unusually hot conditions made more than five times more likely by human-caused climate change.

Over the next several days, especially between May 14-16, much of Florida will experience temperatures above 90°F. The intensity of the heat and humidity and the fact that this is arriving early in the season makes this event especially dangerous. Human-caused climate change has made these conditions more than five times more likely. 

Daytime temperatures are expected to exceed 90°F across Florida this week. This forecast extreme heat will be combined with high humidity, leading to dangerous heat index values between 100°F and 105°F. Overnight low temperatures will run 5°-10°F above average. Record nighttime warmth is possible in metropolitan areas in South Florida. Low temperatures near or above 80°F are expected in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, and Naples.

Heat advisories could be issued for the first time in 2024 in South Florida. Many cities will experience extended periods of extreme heat. See table below for the 11 cities most impacted. How has climate change influenced this heat?

Daily average temperatures are expected to reach Climate Shift Index (CSI) levels of 5 in Central and Southern Florida. A CSI level 5 indicates that human-caused climate change made this excessive heat at least five times more likely, signifying an exceptional climate change event...

. https://www.climatecentral.org

Dangerous heat envelops Florida with feels-like temperatures topping 100 degrees

Published May 15, 2024 9:15pm EDT - This week, temperatures will feel more like August for Florida. Heat index values will surpass 100 degrees for many places in the Sunshine State, with temperatures well above average for mid-May. The NWS warns of extreme heat in South Florida for the next couple of days.

MIAMI – A spring heat wave is baking parts of South Florida beginning Wednesday and through the rest of the week, with feels-like temperatures surpassing 100 degrees. Daytime heating with temperatures above 90 degrees and high dew points will lead to dangerous warmth south of the Interstate 4 corridor and throughout South Florida. This early-season heat wave is particularly dangerous for millions at risk of extreme heat in South Florida because these temperatures are more on par with August, not mid-May.



America Is Warming 68% Faster Than The Rest Of The Planet Confirming Previous Site Claims

'Doomsday Glacier' In Antarctica Under Imminent Risk Of Collapse Confirming Previous Claims

Yellowstone Floods In Unprecedented Climate Event Confirming Previous Site Claims (Videos)

Study States Glaciers Are Melting In The Swiss Alps At An Accelerated Rate Confirming Previous Site Claims

Historic Flooding In Pakistan Leaves One Third Of The Nation Under Water In Climate Change Disaster Confirming Previous Site Claims

Hurricane Ian Hits Florida With Flooding And Record 20-Foot Storm Surge Going Up To The Second Floor Of Buildings Confirming Previous Site Claims

Hurricane Ian Created $258 Billion In Damage In Florida Rendering Segments Uninhabitable As Previously Predicted On This Site (Video)

Florida Is Experiencing Record Flooding Confirming Previous Site Claims

Historic Rains Produce Record Floods In South Florida Destroying Billions In Property (Video)

Kentucky Experiences Deadly And Unprecedented Flooding Confirming Previous Statements About Climate Change (Videos)

Hurricane Hits Canada For The First Time In History Confirming Previous Site Claims About Climate Change (Video)

Alligator Attacks Man Outside His Home In Louisiana Floodwaters Confirming Previous Claims

Crocodiles Spotted Swimming In The Streets Of Florida Due To Hurricane Ian Confirming Previous Site Claims

California Hit By Record Rain, Flooding And Subsidence Confirming Previous Site Claims

The Northeast In America Hit With Unprecedented Rainfall Leading To Death And Record Property Loss Confirming Previous Site Claims (Video)

West Point, New York Experiences Record Rainfall That Washes Away Buildings, Roads And Land (Videos)

New Study States Scientist Fabricated Items In Influential 2006 Dementia Paper Which Gave Big Pharma Billions In Taxpayer Funding Confirming Previous Claims

The Climate Crisis Is Worsening Confirming Previous Site Claims (Video)

New York City Experiences Sudden Record Flooding (Videos)

Site Exclusives

President Joe Biden's Daughter Ashley Biden Confirms The Existence Of Her Diary Which States She Was Molested As A Child And Forced To Take Inappropriate Showers With Her Dad As A Teen

Joe Biden's Abnormal Sexual Behavior In Showering With His Underage Daughter Who States She Was "Molested" Warrants A Criminal Investigation And Charges

May 13. 2024

Joe Biden is a pedophile

President Joe Biden's daughter, Ashley Biden, wrote a letter to U.S. District Judge, Laura Taylor Swain, asking her to throw the book at Aimee Harris, a woman on trial for stealing her diary. Aimee found the diaries at a Florida property Ashley lived in, then made the contents public.

Ashley Biden should be in therapy and for privacy reasons state she was molested by a family member if she does not want to outright state it was her dad. Ashley has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and needs to be in therapy.

Aimee has been sentenced to, "1-month in jail and 3-months of home detention." She has also been ordered to forfeit the $20,000 she was paid by Project Veritas for the diary. Aimee stated she sold the diaries to Project Veritas to feed her children.

A tweet on Twitter/X about First Lady Jill Biden's complicity in her daughter being forced to shower with Jill's husband Joe Biden when the girl was a minor

The diaries state in Ashley's handwriting that she is struggling with the trauma of being molested as a child and being forced to take inappropriate showers with her dad, Joe Biden, when she was an underage minor in her teens. This is completely abnormal and sick. The story is all over social networking with countless people making posts accurately slamming Joe Biden a pedophile. Where was Jill Biden while all this nastiness was going on under her roof.

Items about the contents of Ashley Biden's diary (in her own handwriting) stating she took inappropriate showers with dad Joe Biden when she was an underage teen. The diary also states she was molested.

People are waking up to the horrible realization the President of the United States is a pedophile. We've all seen videos and photos of him inappropriately interacting with children and women. It has made so many people upset and uncomfortable. Ashley confirming the existence of her diary that was floating around on the internet these past few years is the final confirmation of how sick and depraved Joe Biden is as a person. He should not be President. This is not a man who deserves your vote.


EXCLUSIVE: Florida woman who found Ashley Biden's diary in 'halfway house' is under FBI investigation for SELLING the journal in which president's daughter recalled 'showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate)' and details of her drug and sex addiction.

Published: 09:11 EDT, 16 June 2022 | Updated: 14:59 EDT, 22 June 2022 - A Florida woman who found Ashley Biden's private diary is being investigated by the FBI – not for stealing the journal but for selling it, DailyMail.com has learned. The diary's explosive contents include Ashley's speculation that showering with her father, then-Senator Joe Biden, as a young girl may have contributed to her sex addiction.

'I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate),' she wrote in a January 2019 entry. After a stint in rehab, the president's daughter, now 41, briefly lived in a Palm Beach home often used by recovering addicts, and left her diary there when she moved back to Philadelphia in June, 2020.

Single mother of two Aimee Harris, 39, also fresh out of rehab, moved in weeks later and found it under the mattress. Harris allegedly showed the diary at a Republican fundraising event and sold it for $40,000 to right wing organization Project Veritas. The president's daughter wrote that she was 'hyper-sexualized [at] a young age', details her chronic drug abuse, affairs outside her marriage, how her finances were 'down to the wire' and how she made Joe cry with worry over her ahead of a Democratic primary debate.

Her writings also show Ashley may have been using drugs while helping campaign for her father's presidential bid in 2019. Aimee Harris, 39, is under investigation by the FBI for selling Ashley Biden's personal diary to a right wing organization last year, DailyMail.com has learned.

Aimee Harris, 39, is under investigation by the FBI for selling Ashley Biden's personal diary to a right wing organization last year, DailyMail.com has learned. She is pictured in Florida earlier this month. Ashley Biden, 41, the only child of Joe Biden's marriage to First Lady Jill Biden, left the private journal behind at a home in Palm Beach, Florida after she moved to Philadelphia in June 2020.

Ashley Biden, 41, the only child of Joe Biden's marriage to First Lady Jill Biden, left the private journal behind at a home in Palm Beach, Florida after she moved to Philadelphia in June 2020. The contents of the diary were published on a right wing news site which revealed Ashley had questioned whether showering with her father as a young girl could have contributed to her sex addiction...


Ashley Biden detailed ‘pain’ from diary theft, urged prison for thief in letter to judge

Published Fri, Apr 26 202410:34 AM EDT | Updated Fri, Apr 26 202412:46 PM EDT - Ashley Biden, the daughter of President Joe Biden, asked a judge to sentence the woman who stole her diary to prison, an unsealed letter shows. U.S. District Judge Laura Taylor Swain unsealed the highly emotional letter more than three weeks after sentencing Aimee Harris. The judge sentenced Harris to one month in federal jail and three months of home detention.

Ashley Biden, the daughter of President Joe Biden, wrote a judge to say she would not attend the criminal sentencing earlier this month of the woman who stole her diary because “it would only increase my pain.” The highly emotional letter was unsealed by U.S. District Judge Laura Taylor Swain more than three weeks after the judge sentenced Aimee Harris to one month in federal jail and three months of home detention.

“My goal in asking Your Honor to impose a term of incarceration is to ensure that another woman isn’t bullied and shamed like this ever again,” Ashley Biden wrote. “The despair I have often felt will never truly go away. But I ask Your Honor to hold Ms. Harris accountable so that she thinks twice before doing it to someone else.”

She also asked Swain to sentence the Florida resident to prison followed by a lengthy probation period, according to the letter unsealed Thursday in Manhattan federal court. The letter was unsealed at the request of The New York Times, whose lawyer David McCaw noted to Swain that Ashley Biden and prosecutors did not object to it being made public, while Harris took no position on the request.

Harris, 41, also was ordered to serve three years of probation and to forfeit the $20,000 she received for selling the stolen diary. Harris pleaded guilty in August 2022 to conspiring two years earlier with Robert Kurlander, 61, to steal Biden’s diary and other items from the Florida home where Biden had previously lived, and to transport them over state lines for sale to the right-wing group Project Veritas.

Project Veritas did not publish the diary, but another right-wing outlet did, shortly before the 2020 presidential election, which Joe Biden won.
Harris was motivated to steal the diary to harm Joe Biden politically, a prosecutor said at her sentencing. Kurlander, who also pleaded guilty in the case, is scheduled to be sentenced Oct. 25.

A lawyer for Biden attended Harris’ sentencing on April 9. The lawyer had said they would not add to what Biden said in her letter to Sweeney.
“I am deeply saddened that I even have to write this letter because my personal private journal was stolen and sold for profit,” Biden wrote in that April 8 letter.

“The point of the theft, I assume, was to be able to peddle grotesque lies by distorting my stream-of-consciousness thoughts,” Biden wrote. “The reason I have decided to not attend tomorrow’s sentencing in person is because it would only increase my pain. Nonetheless, I write to ask Your Honor to sentence the defendant to time in prison.”

Biden said that Harris’ theft of her diary and other items “constitute one of the most heinous forms of bullying, not to mention a complete violation of my privacy and personal dignity.” “After being the victim of a crime in my early twenties, I developed PTSD,” Biden wrote, without detailing the nature of that crime.

“The journal that was stolen was part of my efforts to heal. I am a private citizen, targeted only because my father happened to be running to be President. In other words, the extensive work I have done to move past my trauma was undone by Ms. Harris’s actions.”...



President Joe Biden And Son Hunter Biden The Subject Of A 4Chan Hack Of His Laptop Exposing Items Alleging They Are Pedophiles

Allegations President Joe Biden Molested His Daughter Amy Biden During Baths Surface After FBI Raid On Project Veritas

Supporters Of President Joe Biden's Drug Addicted Pedophile Son Hunter Biden Seek To Go After His Accusers

Presidential Candidate Joe Biden's Son Hunter Biden Being Investigated By The Child Porn Squad At The FBI

Hunter Biden Smoked Crack Cocaine In Rehab With $75,000 His Dad President Joe Biden Gave Him (Video)

Site Exclusives

Crazy Joe Biden Makes Gaffes About Cannibals Eating His Uncle And Telling Israel Not To Attack Israel Indicating He Is Mentally Impaired And Unsuitable To Be President Of The United States

May 10. 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris, President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama. In a criminal scheme, Obama is enjoying an illegal third term in office, via dementia patient, Joe Biden. It will go down in world history in infamy (Former President Barack Obama Never Truly Left Office And Has Been In The Background The Entire Time).

Joe Biden was always known as a crazy, racist liar, even in his days in Congress. Now that he has Lewy Body dementia, Biden, is embarrassing the nation on a daily basis with his awful gaffes that are being mocked around the world. Recently, President Biden told an audience in Papua new Guinea that his uncle Bosie was eaten by cannibals. The incident was reported in the press as a massive gaffe that "harmed US efforts to build Pacific ties."

Biden stated his uncle Bosie, "Got shot down in New Guinea. They never found the body because there used to be a lot of cannibals, for real, in that part of New Guinea." The Guardian reported, "The Melanesian group of people, who Papua New Guinea is part of, are a very proud people. And they would find this kind of categorisation very offensive. Not because someone says 'oh there used to be cannibalism in PNG’ – yes, we know that, that’s a fact. But taking it out of context, and implying that your uncle jumps out of the plane and somehow we think it’s a good meal is unacceptable,"

Biden, who talks too much, was also babbling about the war in Gaza, being pushed by bloodthirsty dictator, Benjamin Netanyahu. Hateful Netanyahu is trying to exterminate Palestinians in acts of genocide, much in the same way the late Nazi dictator, Adolf Hitler, tried to kill all Jewish people. Biden stupidly stated to the press, "I made it clear to the Israelis — don't move on Haifa." In short, Biden told Israel not to attack Israel, as Haifa is a city contained within their nation.


Joe Biden in awkward gaffe as he says he told Israel not to attack Israel

Published: 18/04/2024 - 15:19 - The 46th President’s latest blunder comes amid concern about the 81-year-old’s age and competency. Joe Biden has been involved in yet another gaffe after he urged Israel not to attack Israel. Biden, 81, seemingly confused the port city of Haifa with ravaged Rafah.

Speaking during an interview about his plan to win back pro-Palestine protesters, Biden said: “I made it clear to the Israelis — don't move on Haifa.” Haifa, which is Israel’s third largest city behind Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, is around 100 miles away from Gaza City. Biden continued his interview by trailing off after seemingly losing his train of thought...


‘Lost for words’: Joe Biden’s tale about cannibals bemuses Papua New Guinea residents

President’s suggestion that his ‘Uncle Bosie’ was eaten by cannibals harms US efforts to build Pacific ties, say local experts

Thu 18 Apr 2024 21.20 EDT - Joe Biden’s suggestion that his uncle may have been eaten by cannibals in Papua New Guinea during world war two has been met with a mixture of bemusement and criticism in the country. Biden spoke about his uncle, 2nd Lt Ambrose J Finnegan Jr, while campaigning in Pittsburgh on Wednesday, describing how “Uncle Bosie” had flown single engine planes as reconnaissance flights during the war. Biden said he “got shot down in New Guinea”, adding “they never found the body because there used to be a lot of cannibals, for real, in that part of New Guinea.”

Official war records say Finnegan was killed when a plane on which he was a passenger experienced engine failure and crashed into the Pacific Ocean. The records do not mention cannibalism or state that the plane was shot down. Analysts in Papua New Guinea who were shown his comments described the claims as unsubstantiated and poorly judged, pointing out that they come at a time when US has been seeking to strengthen its ties with the country, and counter Chinese influence in the Pacific region.

“The Melanesian group of people, who Papua New Guinea is part of, are a very proud people. And they would find this kind of categorisation very offensive. Not because someone says ‘oh there used to be cannibalism in PNG’ – yes, we know that, that’s a fact. “But taking it out of context, and implying that your [uncle] jumps out of the plane and somehow we think it’s a good meal is unacceptable,” said Michael Kabuni, a lecturer in political science at the University of Papua New Guinea...


Rapper 50 Cent Sues The Mother Of One Of His Children That Is Dating His Rival Diddy On Grounds Of Defamation In Stating He Raped And Beat Her

May 9. 2024

50 Cent, Daphne Joy and their son Sire

Rapper 50 Cent, real name Curtis Jackson, 48, has sued Daphne Joy, 37, the mother of his youngest son, Sire, 12, citing defamation over comments she made in support of his rival, sexual abuser Diddy. 50 Cent has been slamming Diddy for years and exposing his criminal behavior. When Diddy was raided by Homeland Security in March, the jokes 50 Cent made on social networking became unbearable for Diddy and Daphne, who was called a sex worker on Diddy's payroll.

After Diddy's music producer, Rodney "Lil Rod" Jones Jr., exposed Daphne as an alleged sex worker, 50 Cent moved the court for full custody of their young son. Daphne's response was stating 50 Cent, whom she's dated for over 15-years, raped and beat her. This resulted in 50 cent filing a lawsuit against Daphne for defamation, stating her conduct has exposed him to, "Extensive public ridicule, hatred and contempt."


In the case filed on Monday, Curtis Jackson claims his former partner and mother of his child subjected him to “extensive public ridicule, hatred and contempt” with her accusation.

May 8, 2024 10:03am - “I am tired of upholding and protecting an image to our son that you have never even earned. Let’s put the real focus on your true evil actions of raping me and physically abusing me,” Narvaez wrote in her Instragram post, after stating that Jackson saw Sire 10 times over the two years since they had moved to New York to be closer to Jackson and “give [him] the opportunity to be a father.”

Jackson has previously denied any accusation of rape or abuse toward his ex, and Narvaez denies the claim that she is a sex worker, writing in a March 28 post on Instagram, “I am deeply hurt by the lies in Rodney Jones’ lawsuit. The claim that I am a sex worker is 100% false and character assassination.”

In the suit filed this week, as reported by People, Jackson claims that Narvaez subjected him to “extensive public ridicule, hatred and contempt” with her accusation, which the rapper says was a “purposeful attempt” to damage his reputation.

It goes on to allege that Narvaez “retaliated” against Jackson after he had filed for custody of Sire. This involved, according to the suit, “multiple defamatory statements” to Instagram, which “falsely and publicly accuse Jackson of rape and physical abuse during their prior relationship, in a purposeful attempt to… destroy his personal and business reputation, harm Jackson’s commercial and business interests, negatively affect his custody case, and prevent him from seeing his minor son. Narvaez’s claims are false.”

A statement from Jackson’s attorney Reena Jain sent to THR on Wednesday doubles down on the suit’s claims while accusing Narvaez of being in cahoots with Combs, who has a longstanding rivalry with Jackson...



Diddy's Girlfriend Rapper Yung Miami Of The City Girls Accused Of Illegally Transporting Pink Cocaine Across State Lines For Him (Refers To Her As A Sex Worker)

Diddy's Former Bodyguard Gene Deal States The Rapper's Dad Melvin Combs Was A Drug Dealer Who Was Murdered For Being A Snitch (Video)

May 9. 2024

Diddy's former bodyguard, Gene Deal, who has been exposing him for years as a murderer, pedophile and pervert, did a new interview slamming him again. This time Gene stated Diddy's late father, Melvin Combs, who was killed when the rapper was 2-years old, was a drug dealing snitch.

Diddy (center) and his sons Justin Combs (left) and Christian Combs (right) are being accused of sex trafficking and drugging men and women

Gene states Melvin used to work for notorious drug dealer, Frank Lucas, as his limo driver. Multiple items online state both men were working for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), who also got involved in the drug trade to fund illegal activities Congress would not give them taxpayer money to do, as seen in the award winning documentary, "American Drug War." However, Gene stated Melvin was murdered for snitching on one of his drug dealing cohorts.

Evil and crazy FBI Director Christopher Wray

It's ironic, because for years people like rapper Kanye West have stated Diddy works for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as a snitch. The FBI is very corrupt. The FBI has protected known pedophiles such as Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, who were on their payroll for decades (The FBI Sued By Victims Of Jeffrey Epstein Over The Law Enforcement Agency's 20-Year Cover Up Of Their Informant's Pedophilic Crimes Against Underage Girls While Using Him To Blackmail The Rich And Famous). The FBI also protected pedophile, Larry Nasser, who sexually abused hundreds of underage girls at USA Gymnastics.

Side Bar: Diddy has been accused by several people of being a closeted gay who also sexually abused singers Usher and Justin Bieber when they were minors and he an adult. How ironic that one of Diddy's earlier hits is the song "Mo Money Mo Problems" which uses the sample from the 1980 tune "I'm Coming Out."

Diddy's 2002 song "I Need A Girl" featuring Usher, also ironically has the lyric "you was more than my girl, we was like brothers, all night we would play fight under covers." This is ironic again, as Hollywood actor Kevin Hart caught Diddy in an admission that Diddy and Usher used to sleep in and play fight in the same bed when Usher was 14 and Diddy was 23.


Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Diddy's Empire Continues To Fall As Victims Rights Advocates Put Pressure On Companies And People To Cut Ties With Him

Rapper Diddy Forced Singer Cassie To Get Breast Implants Then To Have Them Removed The Next Day Because They Were Too Big

Diddy's Sean John Clothing Line Is Being Removed From Macys Department Stores And He Steps Down From Revolt TV

Allegations Circulate That Pedophile Diddy Took Justin Bieber's Virginity When He Was 15-Years-Old (Video)

Singer Cassie Sues Rapper And Music Producer Diddy For Rape, Sex Trafficking And Assault (Videos)

Diddy Physically Assaulted Misa Hylton, Kim Porter, Cassie And Yung Miami, Among Others (Video)

Diddy Got Cassie Into Satanism And Pigeonholed Her Career To Control Her (Video)

Diddy Opened The Floodgates With Cassie Settlement

Site Exclusives

Allegations Surface That Diddy And Girlfriend Yung Miami Tried To Recruit Fellow Rapper Chrisean Rock As A Sex Worker

May 9. 2024

Yung Miami and Diddy

An item online states embattled hip hop mogul, Diddy, and his girlfriend, Yung Miami, tried to recruit fellow rapper, Chrisean Rock, as a sex worker. The allegation was made by Karlissa Saffold, who is the grandmother of Chrisean's child (her boyfriend's mother). Diddy is currently under criminal investigation for human sex trafficking, among other violations of the law.

Yung Miami has been accused of being a sex worker on Diddy's payroll. They are also in the sick Hollywood cult (Kabbalah) of child sex trafficker, Madonna (Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa ).

Chrisean and Blueface

Chrisean gained popularity on social networking for being promiscuous, inebriated and dating rapper Blueface. The two have a volatile, on and off again relationship, which is marred by violence. The couple even unwisely leaked a sex tape to the internet, which set a bad example for their audience. Chrisean became pregnant and recently gave birth to a baby boy. However, Chrisean is being slammed online over drinking and taking drugs while pregnant, which has damaged her baby's health.


Diddy & Yung Miami Tried To Recruit Chrisean Rock For Sex Work, Karlissa Saffold Alleges

Published on March 29, 2024 - Earlier this week, shocking new details of Rodney "Lil Rod" Jones' lawsuit against Diddy became public, including allegations that he was paying various women for sex work on a monthly basis. Yung Miami, Jade, and more were named in the suit. The mother of 50 Cent's son Sire, Daphne Joy, was even accused, though she's since denied ever being employed as a sex worker.

According to Blueface's mother Karlissa Saffold, however, the Bad Boy Records founder and City Girls MC were allegedly trying to expand their empire. During a recent chat with fans on Instagram Live, she accused the duo of trying to recruit Chrisean Rock to participate in sex work, recalling some of the incidents that made her suspicious...



Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Diddy's Girlfriend Rapper Yung Miami Of The City Girls Accused Of Illegally Transporting Pink Cocaine Across State Lines For Him (Refers To Her As A Sex Worker)

Blueface Sued For Defamation Over Statements He Made Bragging About Having Sex With The Mother Of Fellow Rapper Soulja Boy's Child

Diddy's Empire Continues To Fall As Victims Rights Advocates Put Pressure On Companies And People To Cut Ties With Him

Rapper Diddy Forced Singer Cassie To Get Breast Implants Then To Have Them Removed The Next Day Because They Were Too Big

Diddy's Sean John Clothing Line Is Being Removed From Macys Department Stores And He Steps Down From Revolt TV

Allegations Circulate That Pedophile Diddy Took Justin Bieber's Virginity When He Was 15-Years-Old (Video)

Singer Cassie Sues Rapper And Music Producer Diddy For Rape, Sex Trafficking And Assault (Videos)

Diddy Physically Assaulted Misa Hylton, Kim Porter, Cassie And Yung Miami, Among Others (Video)

Rapper Blueface Arrested For Attempted Murder Confirming Previous Site Claims (Videos)

Diddy Got Cassie Into Satanism And Pigeonholed Her Career To Control Her (Video)

Diddy Opened The Floodgates With Cassie Settlement

Site Exclusives

Shooting Leaves Man Seriously Injured At Drake's Mansion In Toronto During Rap Beef With Kendrick Lamar (Video)

May 7. 2024

Just as actor-playing-a-rapper-on-tv, Drake, was getting destroyed in a rap beef against rapper Kendrick Lamar, gunshots rang out at his $100,000,000 Toronto, Canada mansion, leaving his security guard seriously injured. NBC News in America is reporting the security guard, "was shot from a vehicle which then fled the scene." The shooting was captured on CCTV video.


Drake's OVO retail store at another location in Toronto was also defaced with spray paint and now displays derogatory comments. Drake has not commented on the shooting outside his mansion. Police declined to state if Drake was at home at the time of the shooting, as the incident is being investigated.


Drake has many enemies. Previously, he was accused of being involved in the commissioned shootings of rappers in Toronto. Drake and the Hollywood cult he belongs to, Kabbalah, were also involved in the commissioned shooting death of rapper Xxxtentacion.

Drake's property in Toronto

Drake has taken a lot of heat for being a manufactured rapper. Drake also uses ghostwriters, which is frowned upon in hip hop. I've always thought of him as a pop music rapper, which when you think about it, is a pop star. Drake has made many millions imitating a rapper.


Drake Violates The Rights Of The Late Rapper Tupac Angering Attorneys For His Estate

Lawsuit Against Diddy For Raping A 16-Year-Old Girl Recovers More Evidence To Bolster Claims

May 7. 2024

Diddy (center) with his sons Justin Combs (left) and Christian Combs (right) are being accused of sex trafficking and drugging men and women

There's more bad news for disgraced hip hop mogul Sean "Diddy" Combs. The lawsuit filed by a woman who accuses him and singer Aaron Hall of raping her when she was 16-years-old, and they were adults, states she and her attorney have found new evidence and the case will be refiled in another state. The lawsuit is set to be moved from New York to New Jersey.

After going over items related to the case, it was discovered she was 16-years-old at the time, not 17 (Woman Sues Diddy For Drugging And Gang Raping Her When She Was 17-Years-Old Making This His Fourth Lawsuit For This Type Of Misconduct). Witnesses from labels associated with Diddy have also provided information for the case, which clears up the timeline.

The Hot New Hip Hop site stated, "According to AllHipHop, the refiling is due to newfound evidence described in a recent letter to the judge. 'Plaintiff and this writer have received information from several witnesses: a former employee of UMG subsidiary Uptown Records and a Bad Boy Records executive. This new information adds context to the Plaintiff’s claims and clarifies the timeline. The first and second witnesses have photos of Plaintiff and Defendant Aaron Hall from the day of the assault, which was taken a few hours before he raped Plaintiff. The first and second witnesses also confirmed that the sixteen-year-old plaintiff was assaulted at the MCA event in New York City, went to dinner in New York City, and then was taken to New Jersey, where the rape occurred,' the letter reportedly reads."


Diddy Rape Accuser To Move Her Lawsuit To A New State After Recovering More Evidence

The rap mogul is still facing a flurry of legal troubles.

Published on May 06, 20242 - With the Drake and Kendrick Lamar beef dominating headlines for weeks, Diddy new has been quiet or nearly nonexistent. But that doesn't mean the rap mogul isn't still in a lot of trouble. He's still dealing with the federal investigation into allegations of sex trafficking. At the same time he's facing numerous lawsuits alleging a history of bad behavior going back decades. One of the most serious includes allegations of raping a 16-year-old girl in 1990. Now that particular case is getting some new developments as it's expected to move from New York to New Jersey...



Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Diddy's Empire Continues To Fall As Victims Rights Advocates Put Pressure On Companies And People To Cut Ties With Him

Rapper Diddy Forced Singer Cassie To Get Breast Implants Then To Have Them Removed The Next Day Because They Were Too Big

Diddy's Sean John Clothing Line Is Being Removed From Macys Department Stores And He Steps Down From Revolt TV

Allegations Circulate That Pedophile Diddy Took Justin Bieber's Virginity When He Was 15-Years-Old (Video)

Singer Cassie Sues Rapper And Music Producer Diddy For Rape, Sex Trafficking And Assault (Videos)

Diddy Physically Assaulted Misa Hylton, Kim Porter, Cassie And Yung Miami, Among Others (Video)

Diddy Got Cassie Into Satanism And Pigeonholed Her Career To Control Her (Video)

Diddy Opened The Floodgates With Cassie Settlement

Site Exclusives

Britney Spears Had Another Public Meltdown And Was Kicked Out Of A Hotel By Security After A Fight With Her Boyfriend

May 3. 2024

Britney Spears being escorted out of the Chateau Marmont topless, barefoot and in her underwear after physically attacking her boyfriend who dumped her.

Bipolar and schizophrenic Kabbalah cult member, Britney Spears, 42, continues on a downward spiral, after unwisely being freed from a longstanding conservatorship. Spears was under a conservatorship from 2009 to 2021, until an ill-advised "Free Britney" movement bullied and racially harassed a Los Angeles Superior Court judge into releasing her from the court ordered, legal mechanism. Spears began a downward spiral not long after. She has been releasing demonic, embarrassing videos online, wildly spending money and engaging in promiscuous sex.

Yesterday, Spears was thrown out of the famed Chateau Marmont hotel in Los Angeles after the recent divorcee had a violent argument with her boyfriend, convicted felon Paul Richard Soliz. Spears is still very much mentally unwell. Spears was the aggressor in the incident. Previously Spears beat up her husband, Sam Asghari, and tried to stab him. Spears has a penchant for playing with knives, as some schizophrenics do, and this behavior should be discouraged. Spears also beat up her housekeeper and a former bodyguard among others.

Spears was kicked out of the Chateau Marmont topless and in her underwear, with bruises on her knees and a swollen ankle. Spears had a crazed look on her face. Spears attacked Soliz in a schizophrenic mania. She was trying to convince him to stay with her. Spears also began "harassing and threatening employees and guests" of the hotel, according to the Daily Mail.

Authorities and paramedics were called to the hotel. A stretcher was wheeled out, reminiscent of Britney's massive 2008 meltdown seen all over the world, where she was institutionalized in a Los Angeles psychiatric ward...twice. However, to avoid bad publicity, this time the paramedics used the stretcher to wheel Britney's belongings out of the hotel instead of her, while walking her to a waiting vehicle, looking dazed and deranged.

Spears later lied on social networking about the incident, falsely claiming her mother, Lynne Spears, set her up to have a fight with her boyfriend and be kicked out of the hotel. That is paranoid schizophrenia. Spears also wrote on social networking about the fight with her boyfriend, "Most of the pics are body doubles and I think most know that !!! I would like respect at this time for people to understand I am getting stronger everyday !!! Truth sucks so can someone teach me how to lie???"

Spears also bizarrely issued occult items in stating, "Goddesses out there, I'm reaching my higher power and furthermore, I hope you guys are too !!! I need a new toothbrush right now!!! PS... I need an espresso. !!! PSSS ... Not sure why I feel the need to share this ... I guess I'm just a girl and I'm on my period so I'm bit*hy ... s**t !!! They never came in my room but I feel completely harassed. I'm moving to Boston !!! Peace."

Spears writes like someone with schizophrenia. Spears's thought patterns are scattered and it comes through in her writing that is oddly repetitive, erratic, compulsive and disordered. Spears needs to be back in psychotherapy and on her meds.

I've written many articles about Spears that later proved true. I have seen very bizarre and troubling behaviors from Britney behind the scenes. Therefore, when I write items concerning her it is with insight and certainty, as I know what's going on.

I warned on this site that the conservatorship should not be terminated. Then, it was terminated under peer pressure. Not long after everything began deteriorating in her life. As a psychology major I saw disaster coming, as she exhibited (and still does) all the medical signs of someone who is not well and careening towards self-destruction. If a proper intervention is not staged she is going to end up dead. Additionally, Spears parents are not well, suffering from different health conditions. The family is having significant problems.


Britney Spears Has Been Missing Doses Of Antipsychotic Medication And Is Now Under Criminal Investigation For Hitting Her Housekeeper Confirming Previous Site Claims

Britney Spears Suffers A Miscarriage Confirming Previous Site Concerns

Britney Spears Concert Tickets Still Not Selling

Britney's Blackout Bombs Some More

Britney's Blackout Bombs

Site Exclusives

Homeland Security Removed 250 Cameras From Two Mansions Of Voyeur And Pervert Diddy During Raid

May 2. 2024

Sex traffickers Madonna and Diddy (Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa and Flight Logs Reveal Pedophile Madonna Was Visiting Jeffrey Epstein's 'Pedophile Island' Where Sex Orgies With Minors Occurred And She Is In His Address Book)

The documentary "The Downfall Of Diddy" has exposed the fact the Homeland Security raid on the Miami and Los Angeles mansions of rap mogul, Diddy, resulted in the feds seizing a whopping 250 cameras from his two homes. That is an excessive number of cameras.

It supports claims Diddy has been secretly recording people in states of undress and while they are having sex. This is a crime. Each incident of such perverted behavior counts as a count in an indictment. This week the Washington Times reported, "'They have 250 cameras they took from his houses. A lot of people may be running from that tape,' Mr. Curry stated in the film."

Diddy belongs to the Hollywood cult Kabbalah, which is run by deranged pop singer, Madonna. They call themselves "the Illuminati." For years I have warned on this site about Madonna, Diddy and others engaging in grotesque criminal behavior, such as sexual assault, rape, pedophilia, grand theft larceny and commissioned murder, among other crimes. I've repeatedly stated this cult is sick and perverse, as they love secretly spying on people through hidden cameras, illegal wiretapping, and computer and email hacking:

Madonna Has Been Arranging Rapes And Sexual Assaults Of People She Illegally Has Under Surveillance

Britney Spears Labeled A Drug Taking Meth Addict In Court

Doctors Discover Kanye West Is Much Sicker Than They Initially Realized And Extend Hospital Hold

The Greedy Murdoch Family At News Corp Hired A Hacker To Sabotage Rival Channel ITV Digital Causing It To Collapse

The cult likes to secretly spy on people in their homes via hidden cameras they have private investigators such as Anthony Pellicano and Gavin DeBecker, among others, illegally plant. The cult also pays hackers to hack webcams and mobile phones, then secretly turn on the cameras and microphones on said telephones to secretly watch people in their homes.

The illegal stream of live footage from the hidden cameras and hacked webcams and mobile phones, are made available to the cult members on a password protected website, which they can view at anytime to indulge their nasty, perverted depravity. Members of the cult who have for years been perversely logging on to criminally violate people's privacy in watching the live and recorded footage from the hidden cameras, and hacked webcams and mobile phone cameras are Madonna, Diddy, Jay Z, Beyonce, Rihanna, Britney Spears, Taylor Swift, the Kardashians, The Jenners, Lil Wayne, Drake, Harvey Weinstein, Rupert Murdoch, Leonardo Dicaprio, Mark Walhberg, The Rock, Adam Sandler, Nicholas Cage, Ryan Reynolds, Simon Cowell, Kelly Clarkson, Chuck Lorre, Jerry Bruckheimer, Bob Iger, Les Moonves, Julie Chen, Russell Davies, and Dominic Minghella, among others in Hollywood (even some high profile politicians whom I shall name later, and FBI Directors and agents, have been logging into that vile privacy invading site for years, as they are sick).

They are quite sick and should not be free. This type of depravity and sex offender behavior should not be named among humanity and the civilized public. World governments have files on this sick conduct coming out of Hollywood and the FBI, and have placed them on internally maintained watch lists for this perverse behavior. When they rent then leave certain places in the international community, such as select hotels and residences, security is sent in to do sweeps of the premises to insure those perverts didn't install hidden cameras that will violate the privacy of future guests (as was discovered in the past in several nations). This is the global disgrace Hollywood and the FBI have brought on the U.S. government.


Feds removed ‘250 cameras’ from Diddy’s homes, documentary claims; people compromised?

By Staff - The Washington Times - Wednesday, May 1, 2024 - A newly released documentary, titled “TMZ Presents: The Downfall of Diddy,” dives into the legal battles and investigations surrounding Sean “Diddy” Combs, a prominent figure in the music industry. The film, which aired this week and is available on Tubi, scrutinizes the lawsuits and sex trafficking allegations that have cast a shadow over the music mogul’s career.

The hourlong documentary features insights from Harvey Levin, the head of TMZ, alongside interviews with individuals who have worked closely with Diddy, including current and former associates. It also highlights discussions with former prosecutors and ex-federal agents connected to the cases against Mr. Combs.

One of the startling revelations in the documentary comes from the rapper Mark Curry, who alleges that many recording devices were seized from Mr. Combs’ properties. Mr. Curry suggests that many people might find themselves implicated in secretive recordings taken in compromising situations.
“They have 250 cameras they took from his houses. A lot of people may be running from that tape,” Mr. Curry stated in the film.


7 Bombshells Dropped In New Doc, ‘The Downfall Of Diddy’

The explosive documentary features Stevie J, Aubrey O'Day, Suge Knight, Mark Curry, and more.

April 30, 2024 1:44pm - After facing several lawsuits and numerous heinous accusations, Diddy‘s legacy is undoubtedly tarnished, and TMZ is among the first to release a jaw-dropping, comprehensive documentary on the matter. TMZ Presents: The Downfall Of Diddy premiered on Tubi Sunday (April 28), and featured rare testimony and alleged first-hand accounts from some prominent figures associated with the Bad Boy Records founder, like Aubrey O’Day, Stevie J, Mark Curry, and even Suge Knight.

The outlet also called upon legal experts and journalists, including Marc Lamont Hill, to dissect the unraveling of the fallen mogul since Cassie kicked off the domino effect with her chilling lawsuit from November 2023...



The FBI Has Been Criminally Going Into Hospitals And Medical Clinics In America Damaging And Killing Patients For Political And Financial Gain (Videos, Medical Documents, Photos)

The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)

New York District Attorney Will Retry Hollywood Rapist Harvey Weinstein In Criminal Court After Labor Day

May 2. 2024

Sex traffickers and pedophiles Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell arrogantly posing at Buckingham Palace due to blackmailing Prince Andrew. All three were involved in Hollywood movie projects (Flight Logs Reveal Pedophile Madonna Was Visiting Jeffrey Epstein's 'Pedophile Island' Where Sex Orgies With Minors Occurred And She Is In His Address Book).

After the corrupt judicial ruling from the New York Court of Appeals last week that threw out the 2020 criminal conviction of Hollywood rapist and Kabbalah cult member, Harvey Weinstein, the Manhattan District Attorney's Office has announced he will be retried “sometime after Labor Day.” The decision to throw out Weinstein's conviction, after a mountain of evidence and witness testimony was presented, claiming there was too much of it against the disgraced  rapist, has disgraced the judiciary all over the world.

Harvey Weinstein and fellow sex trafficker Madonna (Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa). Weinstein was accused of raping a 16-year-old model from his modeling agency.

I've heard of cases not being prosecuted or being subject to dismissal for lack of evidence, but too much proof of guilt is a new corrupt excuse to let a high profile, politically connected rapist, pedophile and sex trafficker go free (Weinstein was involved with Jeffrey Epstein's crimes and also bought his own modeling agency to sexually abuse women). It is an embarrassment and disgrace that has shaken the public's faith in the judicial system. I find it appalling how much some in the judiciary are willing to disgrace America on a regular basis via corrupt decisions that wreak of bribery.


Harvey Weinstein Will Face Another Trial In New York After Rape Conviction Overturned

May 1, 2024,03:29pm EDT - Updated May 1, 2024, 04:15pm EDT - Former Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein will face a retrial on criminal sexual assault and third-degree rape charges, the Manhattan District Attorney’s office said Wednesday, a week after an appeals court reversed Weinstein’s 2020 conviction and 23-year sentence.

The former Hollywood mogul still faces a 16-year prison sentence for rape and sexual assault in California. Judge Curtis Farber said during a court hearing Wednesday Weinstein, 72, will face a retrial “sometime after Labor Day,” according to multiple reports... 

The New York Court of Appeals overturned Weinstein’s conviction last week, ruling the presiding judge incorrectly allowed several other women who accused Weinstein of sexual assault to testify as witnesses. Typically in criminal cases, prosecutors aren’t allowed to introduce evidence about a defendant’s character to show they had a propensity to commit the crime they’re charged with. One judge dissented from the opinion, arguing the court had a “disturbing trend” of overturning guilty verdicts involving sexual violence...



New York District Attorney Cyrus Vance Looked The Other Way To Harvey Weinstein's Crimes In 2015 Due To Pressure From The FBI And Obama White House And A Bribe

Harvey Weinstein Disgustingly Raped Defenseless Actress Annabella Sciorra And Aggressively Pursued Daryl Hannah In A Predatory Manner Outside Her Hotel Room

The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)

Site Exclusives

President Joe Biden Trailing Rival Donald Trump In The Polls By 6 Percentage Points

April 30. 2024

Barack Obama looking at Joe Biden thinking: this dummy could cost me my fourth illegal term in office because he just can't keep it together. We'll just steal the election again.

As news broke last week of U.S. President Joe Biden trailing former head of state, Donald Trump, by six whole percentage points in the polls (CNN), the Biden administration moved to indict the Trump camp again, but this time in Arizona. Trump is listed in the indictment as an unnamed co-conspirator. It proves the claims correct that each time Trump leads in the polls, Biden abuses his authority and indicts him again (President Joe Biden Is Still Behind In The Polls Despite Indicting Top Rival Donald Trump Four Times). It will live in infamy in world history, as it is extremely corrupt and pathetic. It has made Biden a laughingstock all over the world.

Donald Trump

Americans want Biden out as he has wrecked the economy. Inflation in America has become unbearable. People are paying twice as much in mortgage payments and car notes under Biden than Trump, because Biden's team do not know what they are doing. They tinkered with interest rates in an inadvisable manner and it damaged the economy. Biden's incorrect economic steps to improve the climate also wreaked havoc on the economy. Growth has also slowed regarding the GDP. All these disasters occurred within Biden's presidency.


President Joe Biden Caught Lying About Job Creation After Downward Revision Removes 700,000 Jobs He Lied About Creating Confirming Previous Site Claims

More Evidence Surfaces Barack Obama Was Born In Kenya Not Hawaii And In A Letter To His Ex-Girlfriend He States Everyday He Dreams About Making Love To Men

The American Banking System's Ratings Downgraded To Negative Due To Bank Failures Under President Joe Biden's Terrible Leadership And Poor Political Policies

Tucker Carlson Does Interview With Man Who States He Is One Of Several Who Did Cocaine And Had Sex With Former U.S. President Barack Obama (Videos)

Banks Continue To Collapse In America Solidifying A Financial Crisis As First Republic Bank Goes Under Due To President Joe Biden's Failed Economic Policies

Joe Biden Administration Speaks Of A 'New World Order' And 'Liberal World Order' While Wrecking The U.S. Economy To Bring It About

U.S. Financial System Breaking Down Under President Joe Biden And Banks Collapsing Is A Small Fraction Of What Is To Come

Former President Barack Obama Never Truly Left Office And Has Been In The Background The Entire Time

Site Exclusives

Joe Biden's Lewy Body Dementia Is Rapidly Advancing

April 30. 2024

Joe Biden and some of his coconspirators

The farce that is the Joe Biden's presidency continues, as the head of state makes countless gaffes. Biden, who is suffering from Lewy Body dementia, continues to see dead people and shake hands with imaginary folks who are not there. Biden has publicly done these things during interviews and speeches on stages. Hallucinations are present in the latter stages of dementia. To make matters worse a dementia patient is not supposed to be facing this much activity. The rigors of the presidency is too much.

Joe Biden making another gaffe

Former President Barack Obama is sacrificing Biden to hold on to so-called power. It is being done with the assistance of people such as congresswoman, Nancy Pelosi, and the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation). Biden is unfit to be President and it is damaging America.

Joe Biden is constantly confused

One of the problems with Biden's gaffes (at least for Obama) is that dementia removes inhibitions from people and they begin telling the unfiltered truth as they see it. In one incident Biden publicly stated he and Obama put together "the most extensive voter fraud" in history. This is in reference to stealing the 2020 presidential election from Donald Trump. Biden is a loose cannon and a liability to the democrats.


President Joe Biden Caught Lying About Job Creation After Downward Revision Removes 700,000 Jobs He Lied About Creating Confirming Previous Site Claims

More Evidence Surfaces Barack Obama Was Born In Kenya Not Hawaii And In A Letter To His Ex-Girlfriend He States Everyday He Dreams About Making Love To Men

The American Banking System's Ratings Downgraded To Negative Due To Bank Failures Under President Joe Biden's Terrible Leadership And Poor Political Policies

Tucker Carlson Does Interview With Man Who States He Is One Of Several Who Did Cocaine And Had Sex With Former U.S. President Barack Obama (Videos)

Banks Continue To Collapse In America Solidifying A Financial Crisis As First Republic Bank Goes Under Due To President Joe Biden's Failed Economic Policies

Joe Biden Administration Speaks Of A 'New World Order' And 'Liberal World Order' While Wrecking The U.S. Economy To Bring It About

U.S. Financial System Breaking Down Under President Joe Biden And Banks Collapsing Is A Small Fraction Of What Is To Come

Former President Barack Obama Never Truly Left Office And Has Been In The Background The Entire Time

Site Exclusives

New York Criminal Conviction Against Disgraced Hollywood Rapist Harvey Weinstein Thrown Out Prompting Cries Online Of Corruption (Video)

April 29. 2024

In the April 11, 2024 article "Corrupt Judge Denise Cote Refers Lil Rod Lawyer And Lawsuit Against Criminal Diddy To Grievance Committee In A Bid At Protecting Lawbreaking Executives, Celebrities, Athletes And Select Politician" I stated "one of the things Hollywood has shown the public is their vile ability to corrupt court cases."

In the aforementioned article on April 11, 2024, I also stated, "I have found the U.S. legal system to be the most corrupt and dangerous in the world (it is literally costing people their lives). Hollywood has humiliated, disgraced and embarrassed the U.S. legal system to the nation and the world in ways that will only get worse. There exists a horrific wall of corruption in the U.S. legal system and it will contribute to destroying America, as they are protecting high profile criminals and politicians who are engaging in greedy conduct not in America or the world's best interest (especially as it related to the climate issue)."

I further stated in the article, "Another attorney stated of Hollywood "it is a cabal" and they bribe people on a regular basis to get away with terrible crimes. Some attorneys don't even want to touch cases concerning Hollywood due to the bribery by Jewish owners at the studios, their connection to the Italian-American mafia whom they use to assault and kill people (Sam Cooke and Michael Jackson, among many others) and their ties to the FBI, who protect them in criminal behavior on a regular basis."

They wouldn't even prove me wrong. A mere 2-weeks later and the corruption I wrote about again on April 11, 2024 resurfaced. Social networking was furious last week as the announcement came of the criminal conviction against incarcerated Hollywood rapist, Harvey Weinstein, being thrown out on strange technicalities.

Social media was flooded with complaints of corruption in the justice system for such a thing to have occurred in the courts last week. An appeals court in New York ruled 4-3 that too much evidence and witness testimony was admitted against Weinstein. Have you ever heard of such a thing. Weinstein is a prolific rapist who has raped hundreds of women that did not want him. There's a lot of evidence because he committed a lot of crimes. Duh!

Sex traffickers and pedophiles Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell arrogantly posing at Buckingham Palace due to blackmailing Prince Andrew. All three were involved in Hollywood movie projects (Flight Logs Reveal Pedophile Madonna Was Visiting Jeffrey Epstein's 'Pedophile Island' Where Sex Orgies With Minors Occurred And She Is In His Address Book).

Weinstein forced many women into sex or they would face the prospect of him destroying their careers, sending them into poverty. There are audio recordings of Weinstein sexually assaulting Italian model, Ambra Battilana Gutierrez. There are audio recordings of Weinstein sexually assaulting businesswoman Melissa Thompson, whom he went on to rape. The harrowing and heartbreaking account of how Weinstein perversely raped actress, Annabella Sciorra, is infuriating. This man is not innocent by any means. He deserves to spend the rest of his life behind bars.

There is so much evidence of Weinstein committing serious crimes. Yet all you will get out of him is that he is being prosecuted in acts of anti-Semitism, which is rubbish. Weinstein is a criminal. He should do his full time behind bars in New York and if time permits, California as well, where he was also convicted.

Hollywood and the FBI, who are supporting their crimes, are constantly bringing shame on the U.S. legal system to the watching nation and world. I could post on this site what officials in major world governments are stating about you for this disgraceful behavior, but you would cry from the shame of it.

I predict there will be serious international charges and global social consequences for disgracing the legal profession. You lot have brought the job of judge into disrepute all over the world. Make no mistake, in the future world governments are going to address your criminal behavior and you will never live down the shame or disgrace of it. Not to mention, in the future Congress will indict dozens of you for disgracing the judiciary. You criminals in Hollywood and the FBI should be very concerned because my predictions routinely happen (Site Exclusives).


New York District Attorney Cyrus Vance Looked The Other Way To Harvey Weinstein's Crimes In 2015 Due To Pressure From The FBI And Obama White House And A Bribe

Harvey Weinstein Disgustingly Raped Defenseless Actress Annabella Sciorra And Aggressively Pursued Daryl Hannah In A Predatory Manner Outside Her Hotel Room

Site Exclusives

Lawyer For Music Producer Lil Rod States Diddy 'Will Be Indicted Soon'

April 26. 2024

Diddy and ex-girlfriend Cassie, who opened a can of worms for him when she sued him in October 2023

Disgraced former hip hop mogul, Diddy, is being accused of trying to wage a smear campaign against one of his victims, Rodney "Lil Rod" Jones Jr. Diddy is distraught and depressed over his empire crumbling right before his eyes, due to a host of credible sex trafficking, pedophilia, rape and assault allegations from a number of people. Diddy has been sued several times in the past few months over these allegations that have the common theme of sexual violence.

Diddy's has been digging into Lil Rod's past and discovered he was arrested at age 17 for reckless homicide, after fleeing the police in fear and accidentally crashing the vehicle, in which his cousin was also an occupant and died. Lil Rod has also been arrested for domestic violence.

Lil Rod's attorney, Tyrone Blackburn, stated of Diddy this week, "His legal team can do nothing to distract from the fact that he will be indicted soon." Judging by recent photos of Diddy at his Miami mansion, where paparazzi took shoots from a distance of him looking tearful, worried and depressed in his backyard, I would venture to state he has diarrhea over the Feds' criminal investigation (Homeland Security).

Sex traffickers Madonna and Diddy (Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa and Flight Logs Reveal Pedophile Madonna Was Visiting Jeffrey Epstein's 'Pedophile Island' Where Sex Orgies With Minors Occurred And She Is In His Address Book)

Diddy really thinks he did something digging up this information on Lil Rod. It is an attempt to discredit Lil Rod in court. However, following Diddy's own premise and line of reasoning regarding credibility, let's discuss the fact Diddy is accused of commissioning several murders (including that of rap music legend Tupac), has beaten up men and women in the industry, and consistently and violently beat the mothers of his children, and multiple sex partners.

Not to mention, Diddy is accused of raping underage boys, such as singers Usher and Justin Bieber when they were minors, and he well into adulthood (Allegations Circulate That Pedophile Diddy Took Justin Bieber's Virginity When He Was 15-Years-Old (Video)). Therefore, Diddy really can't talk. What Diddy is accused of and credibly so, is exponentially worse than any allegation he has made against Lil Rod.

This is Hollywood's way. If you go public with the horrible things they've done to you, they hire private investigators to dig into your past and, then try to smear your name. It was the case with Madonna and Diddy's Kabbalah cult private investigator, Anthony Pellicano, who is in the Italian-American mafia (the Colombo family).

Diddy (right) and his son Justin (left) look very worried. Diddy's sons Justin and Christian and implicated in his sex trafficking crimes.

During Pellicano's criminal trial the Feds produced audio of Pellicano revealing the fact that when he can't find dirt on a person Hollywood pays him to criminally target (illegal wiretaps, stalking, harassment, violence, burglaries, threats), he and or his thugs run the person over with a vehicle, and in some cases bury them in the desert. That's how Hollywood gets rid of people perceived to be a threat or a problem in being victims of crime. They also illegally get help from the FBI (The FBI Sued By Victims Of Jeffrey Epstein Over The Law Enforcement Agency's 20-Year Cover Up Of Their Informant's Pedophilic Crimes Against Underage Girls While Using Him To Blackmail The Rich And Famous and The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)).

As stated previously on the site, Madonna runs the Kabbalah cult Diddy is in it. They were both on Warner Music as well. When I repeatedly rebuffed weirdo loser Madonna, she asked Diddy to try to get me in the cult, by asking to work with me. I was given his number by a songwriter, but chose not to call Diddy, as I knew Badboy to be a very destructive and dangerous environment.

When their private investigator couldn't find anything on me to blackmail me with into joining their cult and giving them my copyrights, they tried to kill me over my voluminous, Library of Congress registered copyrighted catalog, by sending thugs to try to run me over in separate incidents.


Justin Combs and and Sean "Diddy" Combs

According to a credible source responsible for some of my exclusives, the Jewish owned companies Madonna criminally passed my copyrights around to after she illegally accessed them through Pellicano's hackers (who were later arrested with Pellicano, after the FBI interviewed me twice on the matter in Miami, and asked me for documents related to the case) did not like the fact I started an entertainment company in Miami.

Jewish owned Hollywood have the greedy and vile view they must control all the entertainment in America, and will destroy anyone else who tries to launch their own company they can't get a cut of and control (The Brutal Murder Of Singer Sam Cooke Highlights The Significant Problems Between The Black And Jewish Communities In Hollywood (Video) and The Anti-Defamation League Responds To Comments Rapper Kanye West Made About The Jewish Ownership Of Hollywood And The Entertainment Industry's Terrible Slavetrader Treatment Of Black People).

As a well established lawyer of decades told one of my relatives, I'm being attacked by "a cabal" who view me and my copyrights as "taking bread off their table" in Hollywood. As a college Psychology major and Business minor I can attest, the vile behavior coming out of Hollywood defies and spits on every standard of business ethics and decency that colleges in America teach students.

Diddy and son Christian Combs looking very worried

I've taken many business courses as a part of my degrees and certifications. Every single one of them covers ethics. And every single day Hollywood defies every standard of decency and the rule of law taught in American colleges. That's why Hollywood is the nasty, pedophilic, violent cesspool it is and a blight on corporate America. Hollywood is the only place in corporate America where you don't need a degree, training, talent or ethical standards (just be willing to do despicable things to make money and become famous, such as engaging in pedophilia, rape and violence).

In fact, one of the main business courses in American universities cites disgraced Hollywood mogul, Harvey Weinstein, as an example of what NOT to do in business, as his behavior is completely illegal. I was the first to out Weinstein on his crimes, which involve sexual misconduct, financial fraud and charity fraud (Harvey Weinstein's Fall From Grace As Sexual Harassment And Charity Fraud Claims Surface).

Weinstein, who has the psychological profile of a psychopath, was also a client of Anthony Pellicano and other equally unethical private investigators. Weinstein was even using the Israeli Mossad to target his unarmed, defenseless female victims. That looks so bad and evil.

Diddy and Christian "King" Combs

Back to the subject of the vehicular assaults favored by Hollywood. Thank God none of the attempted vehicular homicides worked against me. I got out of the way each time and fast enough to preserve my life, and continue my work in medicine and science. The last time it happened was about 4-years ago. One of Madonna's thugs tried to run me over with a Tundra truck in the parking lot of a local supermarket in Miami. The truck did make contact with the left side of my body, but I was able to get out of the way quickly enough before he could pick up enough speed to back over me and kill me.

In a previous incident I listed in court papers, Madonna's cult members even sabotaged the brakes on my car. After the incident, I tried to have it fixed but two competent mechanics couldn't even repair it, as the damage was so extensive. The cult meant to kill me, but it failed.

Ironically, rapper Meek Mill, who is rumored to be one of the people Diddy bullied and coerced into sex, has been having car trouble, so to speak. Over the past few months there have been three vehicular incidents concerning him, to the point social networking is making jokes Diddy is trying to kill him, but Meek isn't bright enough to realize it.


Opposing camps do battle over Diddy accuser Lil Rod’s character and reputation

Published April 23, 2024, 8:30 p.m. ET - there’s a battle over the character and reputation of Diddy accuser Rodney “Lil Rod” Smith. One camp has been digging around on the producer — who is suing the Bad Boy mogul for $30 million, claiming he was forced to engage in sex acts and was drugged and groped while working for him — and say he has a history of troubling arrests and convictions that make him an unreliable witness.

But Lil Rod’s camp says their fishing expedition is a callous attempt to smear Rod to weaken his case against the “I’ll Be Missing You” rapper — and that the rap sheet is misleading in any case. Sean 'Diddy' Combs camp claimed that his accuser accuser Rodney “Lil Rod” Smith is an unreliable witness.

He was convicted of reckless homicide in 2003.  When we asked Smith’s attorney, Tyrone Blackburn, about the record, he told us: “I am sure you know that a charge is not a conviction. So, running this story on behalf of [Diddy’s camp] is problematic and calls into question your integrity as a journalist.”

“Mr. Jones’ July 2003 reckless homicide occurred when he was 17 years old,” Blackburn added, “He was driving a vehicle with his cousin in the passenger seat. The police pulled him over, but he was afraid and drove off. It was pretty typical behavior for a young black boy in Chicago when pulled over by the police. As a result, he totaled the vehicle, and his cousin, who was his best friend, died.”

Blackburn said that Rod “did not have adequate legal representation” at the time and pleaded guilty. “He has to live with the guilt of the death of his best friend and family member for the rest of his life. But don’t let that stop you from running this story and getting your clicks.” Blackburn added, “[Diddy’s] legal team can do nothing to distract from the fact that he will be indicted soon.”...



Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Diddy's Empire Continues To Fall As Victims Rights Advocates Put Pressure On Companies And People To Cut Ties With Him

Rapper Diddy Forced Singer Cassie To Get Breast Implants Then To Have Them Removed The Next Day Because They Were Too Big

Diddy's Sean John Clothing Line Is Being Removed From Macys Department Stores And He Steps Down From Revolt TV

Allegations Circulate That Pedophile Diddy Took Justin Bieber's Virginity When He Was 15-Years-Old (Video)

Singer Cassie Sues Rapper And Music Producer Diddy For Rape, Sex Trafficking And Assault (Videos)

Diddy Physically Assaulted Misa Hylton, Kim Porter, Cassie And Yung Miami, Among Others (Video)

Diddy Got Cassie Into Satanism And Pigeonholed Her Career To Control Her (Video)

Diddy Opened The Floodgates With Cassie Settlement

Site Exclusives

Drake Violates The Rights Of The Late Rapper Tupac Angering Attorneys For His Estate

April 25. 2024


Aubrey Graham, also known as entertainer, Drake, has come under fire from the estate of the late rapper, Tupac Shakur. Lawyers for the music legend, who died in a brutal shooting 27-years ago, have objected to Drake's illegal use of the entertainer's image and voice. Drake's unauthorized use of Tupac's voice on the song "Taylor Made Freestyle" which was done using Artificial Intelligence, is a violation of Tupac's image rights. Tupac's family do not want his music involved in a rap beef, as that's how Tupac died.

 Previously Drake was sued for using the layout of Vogue magazine without permission. Drake also uses ghostwriters and takes full credit for their raps, which is frowned upon in hip hop. He is a fake.

Under U.S. law each person has a Right of Publicity. It covers a person's exclusive rights to the name, image and likeness. This also includes items such as one's voice. Drake had no business using Tupac's name, image and likeness without legal authorization. The item is streaming from Drake's site and making him money off Tupac. That's awfully arrogant. These modern artists are thieving criminals with no conscience. They constantly steal copyrights, trademarks and in some cases patents. They have no respect for the law or others rights.


The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)

Diddy Physically Assaulted Misa Hylton, Kim Porter, Cassie And Yung Miami, Among Others (Video)

Man Held For Killing Rapper Tupac Granted Bail And House Arrest

Rapper Sukihana Arrested In Florida On Charges Of Drug Possession With The Intent To Sell

April 25. 2024


Rapper and reality star, Sukihana, who stated she sold her soul to the devil for $1,000,000 to be a star in Hollywood, has been arrested (Rapper Sukihana Cries That She Sold Her Soul To The Devil In Hollywood For $1,000,000 And Regrets It (Video)). Sukihana, real name Destiny Lanette Henderson, has been arrested in Florida on drug charges.

Sukihana was arrested with the controlled substances, ecstasy and codeine, and charged with the intent to sell the narcotics. She is being held on a $7,500 bond. This is what Hollywood does to people. It gets them hooked on drugs and destroys their mental health.


Rapper, reality star Sukihana jailed on drug charges in Broward

NORTH LAUDERDALE, Fla. – Broward County deputies arrested rapper and television personality Sukihana Thursday, according to jail records. Those records show that Sukihana, whose real name is Destiny Lanette Henderson, was arrested in North Lauderdale on charges of possession of ecstasy with intent to sell, manufacture or deliver and possession of codeine with intent to sell, manufacture or deliver.

Henderson, 32, with hair dyed bright orange, flashed a grin in her mug shot after deputies booked her into jail. The Delaware native rose to prominence in 2020 as a cast member on the VH1 reality show “Love & Hip Hop: Miami.” That same year, she debuted her first mixtape...


Dubai Flooding Is More Proof That Something Has Gone Wrong With The Climate Confirming Previous Site Claims (Video)

April 24. 2024

I have repeatedly written on this site and Twitter/X that something has gone wrong with the climate and is posing a threat to half of humanity (see RELATED ARTICLES below). Last week Dubai experience one year's worth of rain in a day, which resulted in massive flooding. There was an enormous amount of flood damage.

The problems with the climate are immense, but fixable. However, America has a dementia stricken madman for President, Joe Biden, as controlled by former President Barack Obama, and a corrupt set of federal agency (FBI and CIA) engaging in criminal behavior on behalf of high profile rich people, blocking solutions to the dire problem.

They are placing America's existence in peril with this sick behavior. To engage in behaviors for the rich that is imperiling 330,000,000 people in America and half of humanity, is despicable. Congress should not allow them to continue this madness.


America Is Warming 68% Faster Than The Rest Of The Planet Confirming Previous Site Claims

'Doomsday Glacier' In Antarctica Under Imminent Risk Of Collapse Confirming Previous Claims

Yellowstone Floods In Unprecedented Climate Event Confirming Previous Site Claims (Videos)

Study States Glaciers Are Melting In The Swiss Alps At An Accelerated Rate Confirming Previous Site Claims

Historic Flooding In Pakistan Leaves One Third Of The Nation Under Water In Climate Change Disaster Confirming Previous Site Claims

Hurricane Ian Hits Florida With Flooding And Record 20-Foot Storm Surge Going Up To The Second Floor Of Buildings Confirming Previous Site Claims

Hurricane Ian Created $258 Billion In Damage In Florida Rendering Segments Uninhabitable As Previously Predicted On This Site (Video)

Florida Is Experiencing Record Flooding Confirming Previous Site Claims

Historic Rains Produce Record Floods In South Florida Destroying Billions In Property (Video)

Kentucky Experiences Deadly And Unprecedented Flooding Confirming Previous Statements About Climate Change (Videos)

Hurricane Hits Canada For The First Time In History Confirming Previous Site Claims About Climate Change (Video)

Alligator Attacks Man Outside His Home In Louisiana Floodwaters Confirming Previous Claims

Crocodiles Spotted Swimming In The Streets Of Florida Due To Hurricane Ian Confirming Previous Site Claims

California Hit By Record Rain, Flooding And Subsidence Confirming Previous Site Claims

The Northeast In America Hit With Unprecedented Rainfall Leading To Death And Record Property Loss Confirming Previous Site Claims (Video)

West Point, New York Experiences Record Rainfall That Washes Away Buildings, Roads And Land (Videos)

New Study States Scientist Fabricated Items In Influential 2006 Dementia Paper Which Gave Big Pharma Billions In Taxpayer Funding Confirming Previous Claims

The Climate Crisis Is Worsening Confirming Previous Site Claims (Video)

New York City Experiences Sudden Record Flooding (Videos)

Site Exclusives

Diddy's Drug Mule Enters A Plea In Criminal Court

April 24. 2024

Diddy (center) with his sons Justin Combs (left) and Christian Combs (right) are being accused of sex trafficking and drugging men and women

Diddy's drug mule and gun runner, Brendan Paul, entered a not guilty plea today in Miami criminal court. Brendan's arrest occurred on March 25, 2024, when Homeland Security raided Diddy's mansions in Miami and Beverly Hills. As Diddy attempted to flee the country with Paul, the Feds arrested the drug mule at the Opa Locka Airport in Miami, hauling him away in handcuffs.

Brendan Paul's mugshot

Paul is facing a cocaine possession charge. The charge for possession of a controlled substance was dropped. Diddy was visibly shaken by the raid and arrest that has turned into a massive scandal, with the public demanding the rap mogul's arrest for decades of abusing others.


Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Diddy's Empire Continues To Fall As Victims Rights Advocates Put Pressure On Companies And People To Cut Ties With Him

Rapper Diddy Forced Singer Cassie To Get Breast Implants Then To Have Them Removed The Next Day Because They Were Too Big

Diddy's Sean John Clothing Line Is Being Removed From Macys Department Stores And He Steps Down From Revolt TV

Allegations Circulate That Pedophile Diddy Took Justin Bieber's Virginity When He Was 15-Years-Old (Video)

Singer Cassie Sues Rapper And Music Producer Diddy For Rape, Sex Trafficking And Assault (Videos)

Diddy Physically Assaulted Misa Hylton, Kim Porter, Cassie And Yung Miami, Among Others (Video)

Diddy Got Cassie Into Satanism And Pigeonholed Her Career To Control Her (Video)

Diddy Opened The Floodgates With Cassie Settlement

Site Exclusives

Chris Brown Secretly Dated Saweetie Confirming Previous Site Claims

April 23. 2024

Quavo and Saweetie before she left him for cheating on her with women in the entertainment industry and groupies

In a previous item on the site, I stated singer Chris Brown is after rapper Saweetie out of revenge. In the September 11. 2020 article 4-YEARS AGO entitled "Chris Brown Wants To Get Back At Migos Rapper Quavo By Stealing His Girl Saweetie" I stated:

"R&B singer Chris Brown is still holding a grudge against Migos rapper, Quavo, for dating his ex-girlfriend, Karrueche Tran. Chris is angry because he made the Migos famous via collaboration. When Karrueche dumped Chris for cheating, Quavo quickly went after her seeking dates. The two began a high profile relationship that lasted a few months. It greatly angered Chris.

Quavo has been dating rapper Saweetie for 2-years. They are seen together at many industry events posing together and kissing each other. Chris thinks Saweetie is cute and wants to take her from Quavo to get back at him for dating Karrueche."

4-YEARS after my aforementioned article about Chris Brown seeking to go after Saweetie out of revenge against Quavo, Chris and Saweetie were spotted at the Trojans vs. Bruins game in California in January 2024. They kept an empty seat between them but leaned in together for photos.

This past weekend Chris Brown released a diss track entitled "Weakest Link" about Migos rapper, Quavo, stating he had sex with Quavo's girlfriend at the time, Saweetie. In my 2020 article I stated Chris was going to try to get back at Quavo via Sweetie, and he did, and stated in the song it was about revenge

The nickname Saweetie is pronounced SWEETie. Chris stated in the song, "they say revenge is SWEET" "I had her feenin' bout that d**k, there's something SWEET about that s**t." Chris keeps making reference to the word "sweet" dropping hints it is Saweetie.

In the song Chris also stated "You f****d my ex-ho, that's cool, I don't give no f**k lil n***a (still a b***h). Cause I f****d you ex when you were still with her, b***h, I'm up lil n***a (I'm up." Those lyrics reference Karrueche and Saweetie, respectively, who were once friends.

Saweetie and Chris Brown did the nasty and kept quiet about it...well, until his diss track this past weekend

I was informed Chris did have sex with Saweetie. I was also informed he likes her, but wouldn't marry her. I was further informed they had a wild night together and he was rough in bed. Chris was trying to outdo Quavo in an attempt to prove who is better in bed. Saweetie knows the answer to that question. As does Karrueche.

To add insult to injury regarding Quavo, Chris included the lyric, "R.I.P Takeoff, he the only real one that got true respect/crazy how when he died, everybody really wished it was you instead." Ouch! Takeoff is the nephew of Quavo, who was also a member of the Migos, before he was tragically murdered in Houston at a party.

Teyanna Taylor and Karrueche Tran

Quavo has angrily responded in a second diss track entitled "Over Hoes & B*****s" where he referred to Chris Brown as a "crackhead Michael Jackson" and said "you better Beat It" (the title of a Michael Jackson song is "Beat It'), warned him "don't ever bring up Take (Takeoff) and "This bullet got your name." Quavo also rapped, "You tried to beat up Teyana, but usher wouldn't let you do it/ the cocaine got him, your Honor, bipolar disorder, no wonder."


Chris Brown Wants To Get Back At Migos Rapper Quavo By Stealing His Girl Saweetie

People Are Criticizing Saweetie For Dating Many Men In The Entertainment Industry But Jewish Executives In Hollywood Are Criminally Exploiting Women And Men By Pimping Them Out And Passing Them Around

And Saweetie Is One Of Them...

April 23. 2024

Quavo and Saweetie

This past weekend news surfaced that singer Chris Brown had sex with rapper Saweetie to get back at her ex-boyfriend, Quavo of rap group the Migos (Chris Brown Secretly Dated Saweetie Confirming Previous Site Claims). People on social networking have been rendering their opinions on the matter.

Some people began slamming Saweetie as promiscuous for dating Quavo, Chris Brown, YG, Lil Baby, Michael B. Jordan, Damson Idris, Keith Powers, Justin Combs and Roddy Ricch, among others. However, the sad fact of the matter is the industry exploits people.

If you say no to their sexual depravity, your career goes nowhere, which is illegal, but it has been happening for decades in Hollywood (even good looking men are raped by male executives in Hollywood).

We saw this criminal exploitation in the Harvey Weinstein case but there are others who go after young, good looking entertainers, such as Hollywood executives David Geffen, Clive Davis, Bryan Singer, Brett Ratner, Michael Ovitz, Michael Eisner, Michael Bay, Ron Meyer, Bob Iger, Simon Cowell, Adam Venit, Sasha Baron Cohen, Joel Schumacher (deceased), Garry Marshall (deceased) and David Grey (deceased), among many others. White, Black, Hispanic and Asian women are subjected to these abuses.

In the interest of fairness, there are some black men in Hollywood who are engaging in this criminal behavior as well, such as Jay Z, L.A. Reid, Russell Simmons and Diddy, who are imitating the sick structure that has been in place in Hollywood for many decades (but is still wrong nonetheless).

The late, legendary actor Rock Hudson is a prime example of Hollywood exploitation. Handsome Hudson, who was heterosexual, was forced into gay sex by older, exploitative Hollywood executive, Henry Wilson. They passed Hudson around Hollywood so much he contracted HIV and died of AIDS. Some of your favorite entertainers have HIV and or genital herpes from being passed around Hollywood. They just don't publicly talk about it.

Hollywood, including the music industry, is Jewish owned. The Jewish people in Hollywood are supremacists, who openly state and live by the view that every non-Jewish person is inferior, expendable slave labor there to serve them, and exist solely for their exploitation. If you say no to them or try to start your own company they can't profit from, you will be severely maimed or killed in acts they commission and have executed through the Italian-American mafia (The Brutal Murder Of Singer Sam Cooke Highlights The Significant Problems Between The Black And Jewish Communities In Hollywood (Video) and The Anti-Defamation League Responds To Comments Rapper Kanye West Made About The Jewish Ownership Of Hollywood And The Entertainment Industry's Terrible Slavetrader Treatment Of Black People).

If you denounce the criminal sexual exploitation, they will manipulatively label you anti-Semitic in Hollywood. Let me get this straight, you're raping people, including children, and the only take you have on it is in your warped view it is anti-Semitic that people publicly call you out on committing serious sex crimes against others.

The first rung of the sexual exploitation in Hollywood starts at the top, when good looking women and women are told they have to have sex with Jewish executives or their careers will die. Then, good looking women and men are passed around among executives, against their wishes. Then, the same executives tell them who to date and have sex with regarding other famous people, to further their careers. It is a sick business.

In some cases entertainers do like each other and it is not forced (for example Saweetie and Quavo, Saweetie and Chris Brown, among others). However, sometimes you see your favorite entertainer dating a slew of people, but they are being told if they don't have sex with all these people their career will go nowhere. Not to mention, most of the child stars in Hollywood have been raped (and a child cannot consent). Once again, Hollywood is a sick place.


Chris Brown Wants To Get Back At Migos Rapper Quavo By Stealing His Girl Saweetie

Chris Brown Secretly Dated Saweetie Confirming Previous Site Claims

What Will Become Of The Royal Family Now That King Charles And Kate Middleton, Among Others, Have Cancer

 King Charles And Kate Middleton Cancer Diagnosis Confirms Previous Suspicions About Their Health

April 19. 2024

King Charles, Queen Camilla, Prince William and Princess Kate

In February and March 2024, some wild rumors were going around social networking that Kate Middleton (the Princess of Wales) was killed by her husband, Prince William. The rumors began picking up traction as Kate hid from the public for months. Many people on social networking were accusing William as the culprit behind Kate's disappearance.

Kate Middleton

A number of people openly accused him of committing a serious crime against her (people were speculating he murdered her, which I repeatedly stated is not correct). Some in the press even alluded to the claims and began giving them a hint of credibility. Some tabloids made the claim that Kate was in a coma after abdominal surgery in January 2024.

For weeks I repeatedly stated on Twitter/X and this site that Kate is not dead nor is she comatose:

My tweets on Twitter/X about Middleton keeping a low profile

When the announcement was made that Kate and King Charles were undergoing surgery in London, my instincts led me to believe they have cancer. At the time it was also known former Duchess, Sarah Ferguson, was being treated for breast and cervical cancer. In my mind there was a cancer cluster in the royal family.

I even stated in a time stamped tweet "three of them are sick" in reference to a post about COVID vaccine damage. However, the palace stated Kate and Charles did not have cancer. So, I deferred. However, the surgeries later revealed Kate and Charles have cancer.

My previous tweet on Twitter/X in January 2024 about the royal family being serious ill after COVID-19 vaccinations, which was written prior to the news was released they have cancer in March 2024:

Cancer can break through when the COVID-19 vaccines damage the immune system (Famous Doctor Blames Coronavirus Vaccine For Accelerating His Cancer And Presents Proof Of Progression Confirming Previous Site Claim). Some people have stronger immune systems than others for various reasons.

However, in Charles case, his age, coupled with the fact he had COVID twice, and is vaccinated and boosted, made him more vulnerable to cancer. Kate is underweight, vaccinated and boosted, which made her vulnerable to cancer. As stated on the site in the past, she has an eating order (as did her predecessor, the beautiful Princess Diana of Wales). These factors increased her risk of developing cancer. Stomach cancer is very serious.

Kate Middleton photo shopping a photo in March 2024 (above) triggered a scandal regarding her whereabouts, but she altered the photo because she was not looking herself due to depression and chemotherapy:

Kate Middleton in March 22, 2024 video discussing her cancer diagnosis

According to Buckingham Palace, Middleton had chemotherapy in late February. It changed her appearance, as it does to most people (weight loss, hair loss, eyes become hollow looking, patients look drawn and fragile). Middleton is known for being glamorous and did not want to be seen during this ordeal (not to mention her eyes were puffy from constantly crying). Most who are sick don't want cameras in their faces. That is understandable. It resulted in the Photoshop scandal.

Days prior to Middleton announcing she has cancer I stated on the site that it is best to be honest with the public, as untrue items are being spread online damaging to them. (Kate Middleton Photo And Video Scandal Worsens As TMZ And The Sun Newspaper Retract Items and  Kate Middleton Photo Scandals Are Damaging The Monarchy (Video)). Days later on March 22, 2024, Middleton released a video stating she has cancer. The public was supportive. The tone changed from suspicion to sympathy.

I'm very concerned about the Cambridge children (George, Charlotte and Louis) as their mother could die. King Charles also not being well is another difficulty they have to deal with. Queen Camilla is getting older and her health is fragile as well (years of smoking, among other things). Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle (the Duchess of Sussex) have left the royal family, but sent well wishes to Princess Kate and King Charles when the news broke of their cancer diagnoses. Therefore, it is really up to Prince William to try to move the royal family forward.


Kate Middleton Photo Scandals Are Damaging The Monarchy (Video)

Rose Hanbury Publicly Denies Having An Affair With Prince William

King Charles And Princess Kate Middleton Released From Hospital

Allegations Are Being Made In Hollywood That Diddy Has Secretly Recorded Gay Sex Tape Of Will Smith

April 19. 2024

Diddy and Will Smith

For years rappers Will Smith and Diddy have denied the individual allegations they are secretly gay. However, since the Feds raided Diddy's mansions in Miami and Beverly Hills, on sex trafficking allegations, among other criminal behavior, people have been worried secretly recorded tapes would leak.

Sexual deviant Diddy, stands accused of having sex with minors and adults, including former child stars Usher, and Justin Bieber, when they were minors and he well into adulthood (Allegations Circulate That Pedophile Diddy Took Justin Bieber's Virginity When He Was 15-Years-Old (Video)). However, others are implicated in the scandal as well. Rumors are going around Hollywood that Diddy has a gay sextapes of fellow rapper and actor, Will Smith.

Diddy (center) with his sons Justin Combs (left) and Christian Combs (right) are all under intense public scrutiny and criminal investigation for sex trafficking, among other charges.

The Lil Rod lawsuit dragged Diddy's misconduct into the public domain, regarding secretly recording high profile figures in sex acts, and in many instances with minors, then using it to blackmail them (Lawsuit Filed Against Diddy For Sexually Assaulting Male Producer Of His Album, Hiring Underage Sex Workers, Participating In Orgies With Underage Girls And His Son Justin Combs, Secretly Recording People Having Sex, And Bragging About Shooting People Then Getting Away With It Like He Did In New York Night Club In 1999).

For over a decade I warned Diddy was mixed up with Madonna's cult and tried to get me involved in it. For years I also warned the public not to join that cult because they are engaging in serious criminal behavior, such as same sex rape for the initiation, and those who refused to do so, have been drugged and raped. Years later the Lil Rod lawsuit stated Diddy and people in his circle have been drugging and raping people.


Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Diddy's Empire Continues To Fall As Victims Rights Advocates Put Pressure On Companies And People To Cut Ties With Him

Rapper Diddy Forced Singer Cassie To Get Breast Implants Then To Have Them Removed The Next Day Because They Were Too Big

Diddy's Sean John Clothing Line Is Being Removed From Macys Department Stores And He Steps Down From Revolt TV

Allegations Circulate That Pedophile Diddy Took Justin Bieber's Virginity When He Was 15-Years-Old (Video)

Singer Cassie Sues Rapper And Music Producer Diddy For Rape, Sex Trafficking And Assault (Videos)

Diddy Physically Assaulted Misa Hylton, Kim Porter, Cassie And Yung Miami, Among Others (Video)

Diddy Got Cassie Into Satanism And Pigeonholed Her Career To Control Her (Video)

Diddy Opened The Floodgates With Cassie Settlement

Site Exclusives

Diddy Releases Threatening Video With A Child Reading Off The Names Of Celebrities Who Better Return His Calls Or He Will Expose Them (Video)

April 19. 2024

Embattled rap mogul, Sean "Diddy" Combs, is very bitter about his fall from grace. Diddy ripped off and defrauded many people to acquire ill-gotten gains, in over 30-years of crooked behavior in Hollywood. Lawsuits for sex trafficking, rape and assault, among other items. have greatly eroded Diddy's ill-gotten wealth over the past few months. Diddy lost endorsement deals, partnerships, companies and stocks due to the scandal that is currently crushing him. Diddy owes a significant amount of debt, far exceeding $130,000,000, due to his lavish lifestyle.

Diddy was always flamboyant. He loves his image and the sound of his voice. Diddy loves throwing big, debauched, drug fuelled parties with his celebrity friends. Ironically, said friends have abandoned him in the wake of the aforementioned lawsuits, then Homeland Security spectacularly raiding his mansions last month.

It's a wrap for Diddy. He's not coming back from this. However, he doesn't see it that way. So much so, Diddy made a bizarre video with a child, reading off the names of top celebrities whom he counts as friends, who better call him back or else. As stated previously on the site, people have stopped returning his calls and cut all ties with him (Diddy's Empire Continues To Fall As Victims Rights Advocates Put Pressure On Companies And People To Cut Ties With Him).

My tweet on Twitter/X regarding the subject

Here's the thing. The Feds wiretapped Diddy's homes/phones, computers, GPS, cars, offices, yacht and hotel rooms, well before they raided his mansions, which alerted him to the fact he is under criminal investigation. They obtained a whole pile of incriminating evidence before the raids. These surveillance items remain in place. Under the advisement of their lawyers, some of Diddy's friends have cut all ties with him (he just does not fully know it...well, until now).

It goes well beyond not wanting to be associated with someone accused of such horrendous crimes. It extends to not wanting the government to formally associate them with his crimes. The way the U.S. government works is they start digging into the lives of those who are or have been in contact with the subject of the investigation. While digging they might find involvement in the crimes or witness the contact commit different crimes altogether.


Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Diddy's Empire Continues To Fall As Victims Rights Advocates Put Pressure On Companies And People To Cut Ties With Him

Rapper Diddy Forced Singer Cassie To Get Breast Implants Then To Have Them Removed The Next Day Because They Were Too Big

Diddy's Sean John Clothing Line Is Being Removed From Macys Department Stores And He Steps Down From Revolt TV

Allegations Circulate That Pedophile Diddy Took Justin Bieber's Virginity When He Was 15-Years-Old (Video)

Singer Cassie Sues Rapper And Music Producer Diddy For Rape, Sex Trafficking And Assault (Videos)

Diddy Physically Assaulted Misa Hylton, Kim Porter, Cassie And Yung Miami, Among Others (Video)

Diddy Got Cassie Into Satanism And Pigeonholed Her Career To Control Her (Video)

Diddy Opened The Floodgates With Cassie Settlement

Site Exclusives

Social Networking Alleging 1997 Lyrics In Notorious B.I.G. Song About A Pedophile Is Referencing Diddy

April 18. 2024

Usher when he was in his mid-teens and Diddy in his mid-twenties

An old song by the late rapper the Notorious B.I.G. has many on social networking alarmed, in light of the raids on the mansions of rap mogul, Sean "Diddy" Combs, for sex trafficking adults and children. The 1997 Notorious B.I.G. song "What's Beef" contains the lyric "Hope they know my ni**a Gutter f**king kidnap kids/F**k em in the a*s, throw em over the bridge."

Diddy in his early forties with Justin Bieber in his mid-teens

Social networking is openly alleging the lyrics are about Diddy, who is now accused of having sex with singers Usher and Justin Bieber, when they were minors in their mid-teens (Allegations Circulate That Pedophile Diddy Took Justin Bieber's Virginity When He Was 15-Years-Old (Video)).


Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Diddy's Empire Continues To Fall As Victims Rights Advocates Put Pressure On Companies And People To Cut Ties With Him

Rapper Diddy Forced Singer Cassie To Get Breast Implants Then To Have Them Removed The Next Day Because They Were Too Big

Diddy's Sean John Clothing Line Is Being Removed From Macys Department Stores And He Steps Down From Revolt TV

Allegations Circulate That Pedophile Diddy Took Justin Bieber's Virginity When He Was 15-Years-Old (Video)

Singer Cassie Sues Rapper And Music Producer Diddy For Rape, Sex Trafficking And Assault (Videos)

Diddy Physically Assaulted Misa Hylton, Kim Porter, Cassie And Yung Miami, Among Others (Video)

Diddy Got Cassie Into Satanism And Pigeonholed Her Career To Control Her (Video)

Diddy Opened The Floodgates With Cassie Settlement

Site Exclusives

Diddy Slams Homeland Security Raids On His Mansions As A Witch Hunt But Is It?

No, Diddy Is A Criminal And So Are His Sons

April 17. 2024

Diddy needs to accept his empire is over

Rap mogul and disgraced sex trafficker, Diddy, has slammed the Homeland Security criminal raids on his mansions in Miami and Los Angeles as a, "Witch hunt based on meritless accusations made in civil lawsuits." Diddy is referring to the lawsuit filed by music producer, Rodney "Lil Rod" Jones Jr, which according to the Miami Herald newspaper, triggered the raids (Lawsuit Filed Against Diddy For Sexually Assaulting Male Producer Of His Album, Hiring Underage Sex Workers, Participating In Orgies With Underage Girls And His Son Justin Combs, Secretly Recording People Having Sex, And Bragging About Shooting People Then Getting Away With It Like He Did In New York Night Club In 1999).

Diddy is also referring to the lawsuit by his ex-girlfriend, Cassie, which he settled for eight figures (Singer Cassie Sues Rapper And Music Producer Diddy For Rape, Sex Trafficking And Assault (Videos)). Other lawsuits were filed against Diddy as well (The Floodgates Have Opened In Lawsuits Being Filed Against Diddy For Sexual Abuse Confirming Previous Site Claims (Video)).

Diddy has ruined his life and that of his sons with all this unnecessary criminal behavior. Diddy is accused of blackmailing high profile people, some of whom are politicians (via secretly recorded sex tapes with sex workers and or minors). Some of these individuals will go to any lengths to protect their image and wealth. Why he thinks none of them won't Epstein him and his sons is a mystery.


Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Diddy's Empire Continues To Fall As Victims Rights Advocates Put Pressure On Companies And People To Cut Ties With Him

Rapper Diddy Forced Singer Cassie To Get Breast Implants Then To Have Them Removed The Next Day Because They Were Too Big

Diddy's Sean John Clothing Line Is Being Removed From Macys Department Stores And He Steps Down From Revolt TV

Allegations Circulate That Pedophile Diddy Took Justin Bieber's Virginity When He Was 15-Years-Old (Video)

Singer Cassie Sues Rapper And Music Producer Diddy For Rape, Sex Trafficking And Assault (Videos)

Diddy Physically Assaulted Misa Hylton, Kim Porter, Cassie And Yung Miami, Among Others (Video)

Diddy Got Cassie Into Satanism And Pigeonholed Her Career To Control Her (Video)

Diddy Opened The Floodgates With Cassie Settlement

Site Exclusives

The Parents Of Cancer Stricken Princess Kate Middleton Face The Collapse Of Their Business And Are Struggling To Pay Their Bills ($2.3 Million)

April 17. 2024

Carole Middleton and Kate Middleton in happier times

Last month the Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton, announced to the world that she has been diagnosed with cancer. This occurred days after her father-in-law, King Charles, announced he has been diagnosed with cancer. It has been a very difficult time for the royal family.

Carole Middleton and Kate Middleton after Kate's chemotherapy began

Now comes word that Middleton's parents are in serious financial straits. The family's business, Party Pieces, run by Carole and Michael Middleton, has collapsed and filed for bankruptcy. Workers have not been paid nor have other creditors. Their outstanding debts total over $3.2 million.

Kate Middleton speaking about her cancer diagnosis

For over 20-years the business provided well for the family, enabling them to live an upper-middle class lifestyle. However, when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, sales plunged. So many business were damaged or destroyed by the pandemic.


Prince William, Princess Kate and their children Charlotte, George and Louis

As the creditors are workers and other British businesses, I think Middleton's husband, Prince William, should cover the debt. It would be money that goes back into the British economy in paying workers for work already rendered, and businesses for services and materials provided. The British people have been very good to the royal family. It would be a good gesture to the workers and creditors if Prince William paid the debt.


Kate Middleton’s Parents Are Reportedly Struggling To Pay Bills After Their Business Collapsed

Wed, April 3, 2024 at 11:43 AM EDT - Last summer, Carole and Michael Middleton’s bankruptcy issues with their Party Pieces company were exposed. Their creditors were owed over $3.2 million that they were not able to recoup the money from Kate Middleton’s parents, and the uncomfortable headlines plagued the royal family. Now, a new twist in the situation adds another awkward layer to the Middleton’s former business and puts the spotlight squarely on the couple’s finances.

Carole and Michael had hired Interpath Advisory to help them navigate the bankruptcy, but it seems even they are struggling to get paid by the palace-adjacent couple. According to the Mirror, they have a tab with the firm for over $326,000 and have only paid around $64,000 of their bill. The company has revealed that they will not be receiving their full payment from Middletons, per The Times.

The Party Pieces business was founded in 1987 and Carole and Michael built the successful venture from the ground up. When Kate married into the royal family, Carole did not shy away from tying her party-supply company in with royal events, including King Charles III’s coronation. However, the pandemic proved to be a difficult global event to overcome when social distancing became the norm. That left her suppliers in the lurch — they weren’t getting paid.

“We started chasing; they were making excuses,” a spokesman for the unpaid clients told the Daily Mail in 2023. “She apologized. She said that one of the managers was failing to deal with it, so she said, ‘I’m personally going to deal with it. I’ll rectify everything. I won’t be able to pay it in one lump: I’ll pay it on a weekly basis.’” It eventually reached a point where Carole stopped answering her phone....



Rose Hanbury Publicly Denies Having An Affair With Prince William

Diddy Photographed Looking Tearful And Depressed By His Dock In Miami

April 17. 2024


Diddy looking tearful

The friends of rap mogul, Diddy, have abandoned him in the wake of a slew of sexual assault, rape and sex trafficking lawsuits brought by various people. Diddy's mansions were also raided by the Feds in the form of Homeland Security, who are investigating him for sex trafficking, among other things.

Diddy crying

Previously, Diddy was seen laughing, smirking and dancing on his dock in Miami, which I labeled foolish (Diddy Dancing Like A Dummy On His Dock While Facing Sex Trafficking Allegations And Criminal Investigation Wasn't A Good Look (Video)). Apparently reality is setting in for Diddy, as the latest photos showed him looking depressed by his dock in Miami (the backyard of his Star Island mansion).


Homeland Security raided Diddy's Miami mansion on Star Island (pictured above) and his $40 million house in Beverly Hills (Los Angeles)

Diddy's empire has been going up in smoke over his unlawful and unethical conduct. His friends in the industry have abandoned him (they're not returning his calls), which has hit his ego really badly. The realization that his sons Justin and Christian are implicated in his sex crimes, among other things, and the Feds have evidence thereof, is another rough blow for Diddy.


Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Diddy's Empire Continues To Fall As Victims Rights Advocates Put Pressure On Companies And People To Cut Ties With Him

Rapper Diddy Forced Singer Cassie To Get Breast Implants Then To Have Them Removed The Next Day Because They Were Too Big

Diddy's Sean John Clothing Line Is Being Removed From Macys Department Stores And He Steps Down From Revolt TV

Allegations Circulate That Pedophile Diddy Took Justin Bieber's Virginity When He Was 15-Years-Old (Video)

Singer Cassie Sues Rapper And Music Producer Diddy For Rape, Sex Trafficking And Assault (Videos)

Diddy Physically Assaulted Misa Hylton, Kim Porter, Cassie And Yung Miami, Among Others (Video)

Diddy Got Cassie Into Satanism And Pigeonholed Her Career To Control Her (Video)

Diddy Opened The Floodgates With Cassie Settlement

Site Exclusives

Diddy And Yung Miami Refer To Themselves As Bobby And Whitney But There Is One Problem

Bobby And Whitney Acutely Had Talent

April 17. 2024

Diddy and Yung Miami (screenshot from Twitter page)

Boy, that "pink cocaine" rappers Diddy and Yung Miami have been smoking has fried their brains, because they are comparing themselves to singers Bobby Brown and the late Whitney Houston. Bobby and Whitney were married for 13-years through many problems, including drug addiction and domestic violence.

First of all, at least Bobby and Whitney had talent. Bobby and Whitney could sing. I can't really say that for Diddy and Yung Miami. Diddy's musical abilities are minimal. Yung Miami has none. She was a sex worker who decided she is a rapper (overnight). The other half of the group she belongs to, the copyright infringing City Girls, known as JT, is a fraudster who went to prison for credit card fraud. They are not real musicians or entertainers. They slept their way into the industry.

Diddy and his circle are under criminal investigation by the Feds (Homeland Security) for sex trafficking and other serious crimes. Yung Miami is sticking with him until the money runs out, because she has become accustomed to the luxury lifestyle he has been providing (seriously, who's gonna pay for her silicone butt shots).


Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Diddy's Empire Continues To Fall As Victims Rights Advocates Put Pressure On Companies And People To Cut Ties With Him

Rapper Diddy Forced Singer Cassie To Get Breast Implants Then To Have Them Removed The Next Day Because They Were Too Big

Diddy's Sean John Clothing Line Is Being Removed From Macys Department Stores And He Steps Down From Revolt TV

Allegations Circulate That Pedophile Diddy Took Justin Bieber's Virginity When He Was 15-Years-Old (Video)

Singer Cassie Sues Rapper And Music Producer Diddy For Rape, Sex Trafficking And Assault (Videos)

Diddy Physically Assaulted Misa Hylton, Kim Porter, Cassie And Yung Miami, Among Others (Video)

Diddy Got Cassie Into Satanism And Pigeonholed Her Career To Control Her (Video)

Diddy Opened The Floodgates With Cassie Settlement

Site Exclusives

Diddy Getting People Undeserved Grammys In Exchange For Sex Is Reminiscent Of Harvey Weinstein Getting Actresses Academy Awards They Did Not Earn If They Would Have Sex With Him

April 16. 2024

Lil Rod and Diddy working out on his yacht

Remember right before Harvey Weinstein was arrested on charges of rape, among other things, items came out in the press stating he would get people Academy Awards, who really had not earned them. Weinstein procured Oscars for Gwyneth Paltrow and Jennifer Lawrence, among others, when they were in their early twenties.

Sex traffickers and pedophiles Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell wormed their way into Buckingham Palace where they did not belong, via blackmail (Prince Andrew). All three were involved in Hollywood movie projects (Flight Logs Reveal Pedophile Madonna Was Visiting Jeffrey Epstein's 'Pedophile Island' Where Sex Orgies With Minors Occurred And She Is In His Address Book).

It is a well-known fact in Hollywood that women who received Oscars while working with Weinstein's company had to have sex with him to get the award. Weinstein is one of the individuals who ran Hollywood. Weinstein could and did make it happen for women who had sex with him. The Academy does not usually award Oscars to young stars. They prefer seasoned veterans, who usually are better actors and actresses.

Usher and Clive Davis. Diddy was given a label deal by Davis, who is one of his mentors. Allegations persist in the industry and now on social networking that Usher was raped by Diddy as a minor and so was his protégé, Justin Bieber (Allegations Circulate That Pedophile Diddy Took Justin Bieber's Virginity When He Was 15-Years-Old (Video)).

In the lawsuit filed by music producer, Rodney "Lil Rod" Jones Jr., against rap mogul, Sean "Diddy" Combs, he made the allegation Diddy promised him a Grammy if he did the illegal and questionable things he demanded (such as having sex with him, procuring sex workers from a specific strip club in South Florida that Diddy sends his staff to when he is in town). Diddy had procured Grammys for others, including himself.

Sex traffickers Madonna and Diddy (Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa)

As I have stated on this site for years, Hollywood (including the music industry) is rigged. The awards shows, music charts, RIAA, airplay (payola) and film box office are all rigged. Even the former head of the Grammys came forward and stated the award is rigged (The 2021 Grammy Awards Slammed By Many And Receives All Time Low Ratings Due To Award Rigging And Fraud). The entertainment industry as it relates to Hollywood is completely fraudulent and dangerous (film & television industry and music industry).


Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Diddy's Empire Continues To Fall As Victims Rights Advocates Put Pressure On Companies And People To Cut Ties With Him

Rapper Diddy Forced Singer Cassie To Get Breast Implants Then To Have Them Removed The Next Day Because They Were Too Big

Diddy's Sean John Clothing Line Is Being Removed From Macys Department Stores And He Steps Down From Revolt TV

Allegations Circulate That Pedophile Diddy Took Justin Bieber's Virginity When He Was 15-Years-Old (Video)

Singer Cassie Sues Rapper And Music Producer Diddy For Rape, Sex Trafficking And Assault (Videos)

Diddy Physically Assaulted Misa Hylton, Kim Porter, Cassie And Yung Miami, Among Others (Video)

Diddy Got Cassie Into Satanism And Pigeonholed Her Career To Control Her (Video)

Diddy Opened The Floodgates With Cassie Settlement

Site Exclusives

Donald Trump Fundraiser Raised $50.5 Million While Joe Biden's With Barack Obama And Bill Clinton Brought In $25 Million

April 12. 2024

Donald Trump

Former U.S. President, Donald Trump, raised $50.5 million dollars during his fundraiser this month at his Mar-A-Lago mansion in Palm Beach, Florida. This month, President Joe Biden held a joint fundraiser with former Presidents Barack Obama, and Bill Clinton, which brought in less than half that amount at $25 million.


Barack Obama and Joe Biden

Biden is a very unpopular President. He has failed America in a massive way. This month it was reported inflation went up again in America by 3.5%. It is due to Biden's terrible economic policies, which I stated from the beginning would not work, and it has now proven true.

Pedophile and ponzi schemer Jeffrey Epstein (left) and former U.S. President Bill Clinton (right)

Americans are complaining all over the country (especially on social networking) of how unaffordable America is under Biden. The man knows nothing about economics. He also has dementia. America is now a rudderless ship that is sinking due to the terrible leadership of Biden.


President Joe Biden Caught Lying About Job Creation After Downward Revision Removes 700,000 Jobs He Lied About Creating Confirming Previous Site Claims

More Evidence Surfaces Barack Obama Was Born In Kenya Not Hawaii And In A Letter To His Ex-Girlfriend He States Everyday He Dreams About Making Love To Men

The American Banking System's Ratings Downgraded To Negative Due To Bank Failures Under President Joe Biden's Terrible Leadership And Poor Political Policies

Tucker Carlson Does Interview With Man Who States He Is One Of Several Who Did Cocaine And Had Sex With Former U.S. President Barack Obama (Videos)

Banks Continue To Collapse In America Solidifying A Financial Crisis As First Republic Bank Goes Under Due To President Joe Biden's Failed Economic Policies

Joe Biden Administration Speaks Of A 'New World Order' And 'Liberal World Order' While Wrecking The U.S. Economy To Bring It About

U.S. Financial System Breaking Down Under President Joe Biden And Banks Collapsing Is A Small Fraction Of What Is To Come

Former President Barack Obama Never Truly Left Office And Has Been In The Background The Entire Time

Site Exclusives

Judge Refuses To Dismiss Criminal Gun Possession Case Against President Joe Biden's Crackhead Son Hunter Biden

April 12. 2024

President Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden with a crackpipe in his mouth

The Hill website is reporting a judge has rejected Hunter Biden's attempt to dismiss guns charges that were filed against him. U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika rejected Biden's assertion that the case is based on "vindictive prosecution."

Judge Noreika stated, "The pressure campaign from Congressional Republicans may have occurred around the time that Special Counsel decided to move forward with indictment instead of pretrial diversion, but the Court has been given nothing credible to suggest that the conduct of those lawmakers (or anyone else) had any impact on Special Counsel. It is all speculation."

Due to the infamous Hunter Biden laptop leaks, we've seen evidence of Hunter buying and using huge quantities of illegal narcotics, and engaging in sex trafficking. We have seen items written by Hunter indicating he has been engaging in pay-for-play to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars, in conduct that implicates his dad, President Joe Bide, as a recipient of said illegal money. We've seen photos of Hunter in sexual situations with girls who look like minors. We've even seen items from Hunter's laptop that implicate him in murder.

Hunter has received special treatment because his dad is the President. Hunter even left his cocaine in the White House, which created an embarrassing scandal. The Bidens are not worthy of the White House. America is sinking because of them and their elitist cronies.


Hunter Biden's Bizarre Speech At The Capitol And Fleeing A Congressional Deposition Did His Family More Harm Than Good (Video)

Secret Service Accused Of Cover Up Regarding Cocaine Found In The White House Belonging To President Joe Biden's Son Hunter Biden


Madonna, Jay Z, Beyonce, Rihanna, Rita Ora And Jessie J Sued Over Copyright Infringement, Invasion Of Privacy, Commissioned Criminal Harassment And Assault Via The Kabbalah Center

August 6. 2015


UPDATE 10-14-23 - The FBI Has Been Criminally Going Into Hospitals And Medical Clinics In America Damaging And Killing Patients For Political And Financial Gain (Videos, Medical Documents, Photos)

UPDATE 1-28-20 The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)

UPDATE 4-10-19 Former FBI Director Robert Mueller Obtained Executive Orders From George Bush And Barack Obama To Criminally Steal Copyrights Worth Billions For Madonna And Hollywood While Engaging In Heinous Human Rights Abuses That Left Innocent People Dead

UPDATE 2-5-19 Former FBI Directors Robert Mueller And James Comey Criminally Defrauded Florida Submarine Company Out Of Billions Of Dollars In Copyrights And Patents To Benefit Former Employer Lockheed Martin Then Stonewalled Congress Regarding It

UPDATE 6-26-18 Kabbalah member Harvey Weinstein, whom I have written about for years as a sexual degenerate and thief, has been arrested and perp walked: Harvey Weinstein Arrested And Perp Walked In New York For Rape And Sexual Assault Crimes (Video)

UPDATE 4-26-17: Wikileaks Releases Hacked U.S. Federal Government Documents Showing The CIA And FBI Are Spying On People In Their Homes Via Hacking Smart TVs And Backdoors In Computer And Phone Operating System Confirming Previous Judiciary Report Site Claims

UPDATE 10-29-16: Obama Administration Wastes Huge Sums Of American Taxpayer Money Breaking The Law In America, Britain And Jamaica On Behalf Of Madonna's Kabbalah Center In Committing Egregious Human Rights Abuses  

UPDATE 9-21-15: Aisha's Affidavit  | Aisha's Mom's Affidavit  | Kabbalah Center's Yehuda Berg Following Aisha On Twitter | One Of Madonna's Hackers Exposed

UPDATE 9-21-15: Lawyers for Jay Z's Roc Nation companies have moved the case from State to Federal Court in a move I opposed, as the latter is just not that accessible. The new case number 15-CV-22705, Judge Jose E. Martinez is presiding.

Beyonce and Jessie J have been dodging service. Jessie J's record company locked the doors to the building in New York when the process server tried to enter to serve the legal documents. Beyonce's representative at the label she records for, Sony dodge service as well. This marks the second time both women have dodged service in this case. Initially they all dodged service, but the Miami Sheriff's office was able to serve the Kabbalah Center who could not find a way to get out of service at their premises.

Everyone but Beyonce and Jessie J have now been served in the case. It's pretty cowardly to do something so terrible to an innocent family and then dodge service when you are formally requested in court to give an accounting of your criminal behavior.

The judge ordered that I have settlement conference with Roc Nation companies, as their lawyers made an appearance in the case first. We were not able to settle, as I have plainly stated, I am not signing a piece of paper saying everything was amicably settled/resolved when these people did something so sick, evil and criminal to me and my family. I want a court verdict. I didn't file this case over money (even though they have criminally made a fortune from robbing and exploiting me in stealing my preexisting copyrights and invading my privacy). This case is about keeping them away from me and my family. These animals plotted and had a vile Kabbalah Center member attack my mom in a bank, as a threat to me over my copyrights they are stealing. I want them imprisoned (via the criminal courts) for what they have been commissioning and doing. There is no settling this.


I have filed a lawsuit in Miami-Dade District Court in Florida seeking "injunctive relief" regarding the deplorable copyright theft and invasive, harassing conduct of singer Madonna and her cult, the Kabbalah Center, as well as a few of the sick sect's members, such as Jay Z, Beyonce Knowles, Rihanna, Rita Ora and Jessie J. A copy of the case is included below this article.

Jay Z’s thieving companies, such as Roc Nation, Roc Nation Management, Roc Nation Sports, Roc Nation Boxing are also named as defendants in the lawsuit. Madonna is currently dodging service in the case, as are her co-owners of the Kabbalah Center, namely Michael Berg, Yehuda Berg and Karen Berg. Some of the hacking was done through Madonna's hacker Randy Vaughn, who works for U.S. government contractor Fluor (he emailed me a death threat under a fake name and I used the court system to trace him).

My copyrighted catalog that I authored over the course of 25 plus years contains over + songs, 1000 movie scripts, movie treatments and short stories, 30 book manuscripts, 300 music video treatments, 500 photographs, 100 photo treatments, perfume, clothing lines, nano-technology, a solar cell phone, car line and thousands of other items.

The case was filed on March 6, 2015. I really did not want to go public with the case, but I am sick of the vile conduct of the cult that continues to grow worse. It is my hope that public awareness of their terrible conduct will lead to an end of the misconduct. This went well beyond copyright infringement into something quite sick - aggravated stalking, harassment, assault and perverse invasion of privacy. It has greatly disrupted and damaged my life in terrible ways.

Every week that cult is engaging in some form of criminal stalking, harassment and or corporate theft against me. From Madonna's attempts at deceitfully trying to get me on a Top 40 radio show about her to the chronic stalking and confrontations from members of her Kabbalah cult, the unwanted contact has been unrelenting and disgusting. I cannot step out of my home in Miami without them dispatching some lunatic from the Kabbalah Center in Miami's Eastern Shores to follow me everywhere, menacingly approaching me and issuing some threat or harassing statements. At times they have gotten violent with me and other times tried to (and sometimes succeeded) in sexually assaulting me in broad daylight. I am a peaceful, non-violent person. I have never started a fight in my life. The Kabbalah Center is exploiting this in criminal ways. If I was the violent, vicious type, they wouldn't be doing this.

I have received no credit or payment for my preexisting copyrights they have stolen. It wasn't a misunderstand or oversight. It was outright, willful theft of copyrights. They were never given permission to use any of my copyrights I authored solely for my company. These acts of corporate theft, copyright infringement and the accompanying mean-spirited human rights abuses are the equivalent of modern day slavery. I have even been called a slave by them as well, in what is patently offensive conduct. They are criminally stealing and exploiting my copyrights to terrible extremes, spreading it all over Hollywood, for undue financial enrichment and awards. It's clear that slavery never left America, just took on another form (despite what President Lincoln decreed in trying to abolish it).

I have nothing to do with Madonna and company, yet they refuse to stop targeting me, even going so far as to move people into the Miami guard gated community I live (that I am about to leave). Over 1,000 people live in this guard gated community and most of us don’t know each other. Yet said members of the Kabbalah Center, who stated the cult is paying for their upkeep in living in here, managed to find me and my family in the gated community and make unwanted contact, spewing the cult's insane crap. Imagine that, of all the hundreds of gated communities in Miami and all of the 1,000 plus people who live in this one, the Kabbalah Center managed to move people into this one who found and made contact with me. That's called criminal stalking.

This cult keeps trying to push their way into my life when I don’t want anything to do with them. If they are not knocking on my door under false pretenses, they are crank calling my mobile phone. They constantly hack my computers, smart TV and mobile phones. They have perversely turned on the audio and video (camera) in my laptops and mobile phone to spy on me in my very home, which is sick and abominable.

This went on for a bit before I caught on to what they were doing. I figured it out when Madonna started sending members of the Kabbalah Center to make strange statements about her, relay threats from her and tell me exactly what is going on in my home. While nothing inappropriate goes on in my home, what kind of dirty, perverted people spy on people in their home. This is the low ebb human rights have fallen to and it is disgusting. They should be ashamed of themselves, as this is the nastiest thing I have ever seen. They are the sickest people in existence. They are horrible human beings.

Attack On My Mother

My mom has lawfully lived and worked in America for 40-years, at times working 2-3 honest jobs and paying her taxes. She is the hardest working person I know. She doesn’t bother anyone and has lived a quiet, decent life. She is kind to many people and many love her as a great, reliable friend. Yet nasty, foul old Madonna and company, sent a deranged Kabbalah Center member to stalk, harass and try to assault my innocent, defenseless elderly mother who walks with a cane, while she was at a Chase Bank (a massive U.S. national bank).

He followed my mother to the restroom (toilet) and began shoving her into the restroom to assault her. She screamed for help and the Chase bank staff came to her rescue. This caused the Kabbalah Center member to run out of the bank, so as not to get arrested. We have been stalked by this same particular Kabbalah Center member on three occasion at disparate locations. I snapped photos of him twice for future evidence, using my mobile phone. He is one of several Kabbalah Center members they have stalking and approaching us.

There is no excuse for this insidious evil. It is ugly, hateful, nasty, mean spirited and evil. What kind of animals do something like that. The mere fact they commissioned an attack on an innocent old lady should tell you the kind of evil running through their veins. According to many psychiatrists and psychologists, it is complete stalker behavior to target the family members and friends of the victim a stalker targets. It is a known, well documented mental defect of dangerous, psychopathic stalkers to begin targeting the family members of the victim they become obsessed with and stalk. They are unequivocally the most evil people in existence. Madonna and her co-defendants in the case are steeped in the occult. They brag in their music, videos and interviews about Satanism. They are evil and that is the root of the problem in this case.

Madonna's Deranged Interference In My Life

Madonna has also been doing her level best to try to destroy my personal and business relationships with people that have nothing to do with her. Madonna has sent members of the Kabbalah Center to approach my family and friends asking them to harm me and my mother. When men pay too much attention to me Madonna gets angry and sends members of the Kabbalah Center to approach me when I go out and threaten me over it. I have been threatened that I am not to date, marry or reproduce.

Members of the Miami branch of the Kabbalah Center she repeatedly keeps sending to stalk and approach me in public, also keep telling me I should romantically like Madonna when I can't stand her. I'd rather die than be anywhere near her. I am not and have never been gay, not even one day in my life, so you can stop trying to force that on me. If I were gay, I'd have standards - Halle Berry or Megan Fox - not Madonna, who to me is the equivalent of Gollum/Smigel. But once again, I am not gay. I have never liked or been attracted to women. I like kind, decent men.


Madonna has gotten angry over basic things such as me being on Twitter and interacting with people, particularly men. She has sent members of the Kabbalah Center up to me in public to harass me over Twitter of all things. I’m on Twitter posting my site article links as most writers and bloggers do, as well as encouraging people in their lives and careers, while trying to make them laugh. I am a friendly person and I try to help people all the time. This is who I've always been. Yet insane Madonna has taken my tweets on Twitter so seriously.

Word got back to me from a very reliable source responsible for some of my site exclusives that Madonna has been contacting certain famous men I interacted with on Twitter and harassed them over me. She is very jealous of one of them in particular, an athlete in his mid-20s, who doesn't give a darn about her and neither do I. How she found her crazy way into the equation, in what was decent, above board conversations about sports that my whole timeline saw, is beyond me. She had no right to harass him or anyone else.

First of all, I've stated nothing inappropriate on Twitter. Secondly, I do not intimately know any of the men I have publicly interacted with on Twitter and vice versa. I'm being nice to people and there's nothing wrong with that. The tweets are all jokes and at other times to encourage others in their lives and careers when they are down, which many people on Twitter do (send others well wishes). Yet that awful, nosy, meddlesome madwoman Madonna did this, in what is crazy, stalker behavior.

Attempted Vehicular Assault

One three separate occasions, members of the Kabbalah Center have tried to run over me with their vehicles in places such as a Walgreen's pharmacy parking lot in North Miami Beach and on a sidewalk across from the Chase Bank (also in North Miami Beach) where my mother was attacked (but I got out of the way before they could hit me).

After I went public with what happened regarding the attempted vehicular assault, writing about it in an article on the Judiciary Report, it was revealed in the criminal trial of Madonna's private investigator, Italian mafia member Anthony Pellicano, that one of his harassment tactics on behalf of stars in Hollywood is not only wiretapping, computer hacking and identity theft, but trying to run over the person with a vehicle (Pellicano and his thugs succeeded on a few occasions regarding deliberately hitting others stars paid him to target, landing people in the hospital with broken bones and other serious injuries). They are a bunch of savages and barbarians. This was done when Pellicano invaded the privacy of a person a Hollywood star paid him $100,000 to target, but failed to find any dirt on them to extort or blackmail them with.


Madonna's original misconduct was reported to the FBI and they interviewed me twice at their Miami office. Four months after the FBI interviewed me, they used the information I provided them with to arrest and convict Madonna/Kabbalah Center’s private investigator, Anthony Pellicano, for the very things I accused them of - hacking, wiretapping, identity theft and racketeering. He is currently in prison. However, I have it on good authority, via an unimpeachable source responsible for some of my site exclusives that Madonna issued a bribe at the FBI to avoid imprisonment in the case.

Since that time, the FBI has been disgracefully helping Madonna steal my copyrights she has been criminally spreading all over Hollywood. The FBI is even illegally using U.S. taxpayer money to contact my family, friends and business associates in trying to obtain unlawful help with this thoroughly criminal endeavor in stealing my copyrighted catalog. Madonna is criminally selling people in Hollywood many items from my copyrighted catalog at cut rate prices, though she does not own it and they know it is not her intellectual property. The money from the illegal sales of items from my copyrighted catalog is being criminally stored offshore in the Cayman Islands, among other places. 

The FBI, who has no jurisdiction or Congressional mandate in the international community, used the CIA to contact a physically unwell relative of mine, among others, trying to rope her into their detestable conduct, revealing they need help with me in trying to get my copyrights for Hollywood’s illegal use. They terrified my relative, in what is an egregious, illegal abuse and misuse of American taxpayer money. They illegally asked another relative for help under false pretenses as well. All in the name of stealing.

Hollywood's work ethic is extremely poor. They refuse to honestly work and see copyright infringement as an easy paycheck and way of life. They are sued on a regular basis by many people for criminally stealing copyrights. 90% of what Hollywood puts out doesn't even belong to it, stolen from other people's PREEXISTING copyrighted music, books, films and TV shows. That's pathetic...and grand theft larceny. Hollywood is an industry of thieves.

I was also informed Hollywood became angry that I started an entertainment company in Miami, slamming me as an immigrant whose company would "take bread off our tables." As such, I do not recommend anyone dealing with Hollywood or starting an entertainment company in America. You will be robbed and slurred. Hollywood will try to have you killed and steal your copyrighted assets (and anything else they can get their hands on). Starting an entertainment company in America is not worth your life.

I have broken stories on the FBI and NSA via my websites (NSA Workers Admit To Reading The Emails And Listening To The Calls Of Americans In Violation Of The Law and Judge Rules The NSA Illegally Spied On Americans Confirming The Site's Previous Claims (Video) and NSA Admits Employees Illegally Spied On Love Interests And Significant Others Confirming Site’s Previous Claims).

In said articles I revealed much of the spying the US government is doing in America (and the world) is not for national security, but political power and to steal intellectual property for big American corporations. Years after I published those exclusives to my website, Edward Snowden released documents in a worldwide scandal that confirmed the illegal NSA spying I had previously written about on my websites. Snowden also stated the same thing I did in my previous articles, that the illegal government spying is a violation of the constitution, done for power and to steal (The Judiciary Report's  May 20, 2009 article "Spying To Steal"). On January 27, 2014 U.S. News ran an article confirming it entitled "Edward Snowden: NSA Conducts Economic Spying" (if that link does not work click here).

I forwarded this case I filed in Miami District Court to both houses of the U.S. Congress in March right after I filed the lawsuit, which cites human rights abuses and criminal conduct against Jamaicans (me, my family and friends) which constitutes hate crimes. Ironically, weeks after I filed the lawsuit, for the first time in 30-years a U.S. president went to Jamaica on an official visit. I found it ironic, as the terrible, violent human rights abuses against Jamaicans in America in this case have been transpiring under President Obama’s watch, in acts committed by his friends and donors in Hollywood, which the White House has been fully apprized of for quite sometime.

Obama, pictured in the Bob Marley museum, visited Jamaica weeks after the lawsuit was filed, on the very day I was supposed to go home to the island, but didn't due to a death in the family in Miami and having to help a relative because of it. Ironically, several weeks after Obama's visit, his administration falsely accused the Jamaican government of spying on Jamaicans and had to make a retraction when it was proven false (never mind the Obama Administration has been illegally spying on select, law abiding Jamaicans in Jamaica via wiretapping and hacking, with no domestic or international legal mandate to do so).

Every branch of the U.S. government, the White House and many federal and state agencies, such as the FBI, DOJ and NSA, among others, read my websites on a regular basis, due to the many exclusives that have later proven 100% true and correct. Site statistics for my websites, as provided by the hosting company, revealed the aforementioned U.S. government entities and agencies are regular site readers. Yet allow these terrible human rights abuses to transpire, in support of the undue enrichment of their friends in Hollywood, who are big financial donors. How corrupt. How can the government lecture people about human rights, yet do something so evil.

Pharmaceutical Patents

The worst part of it all is I have been diligently working on my very promising, forthcoming pharmaceutical patents regarding cancer and AIDS, using the limited resources I have, while these people repeatedly criminally rob me of my copyrights, for undue financial enrichment and very lavish living. These patents have been my main focus and I'd put my music career on the back burner to work on them (however, I will be releasing some new music material shortly, as I have gotten to a good place with my forthcoming pharmaceutical patents). 

Madonna and company have engaged in fraud in other acts concerning me, such as stealing $225,000 in real estate equity from a property I owned, fearing I would sell it and use the money to put out the patents to help sick people, as well as my copyrights, bringing a halt to their copyright infringement and destroying their illegal money train that is based in theft.

Madonna also engaged in commissioned criminal misconduct in trying to sabotage and destroy another business I have outside of the entertainment industry. The company has absolutely nothing to do with her, yet she is trying to destroy it in attempting to block revenues, for fear I will use it to put out the patents designed to save sick people and prolong their lives. They'd rather sick people die so they in Hollywood can steal and get richer (and with the FBI's help and approval). What kind of savages and animals do something so evil. Mark my words, world history is going to judge them for it in a horrible way. They're not going to get away with anything.


"American Life" "Hey You" "History" "Incredible" "Living For Love" songs (among others) by Madonna

Songs from “Confessions On A Dance Floor” and "Rebel Heart" CDs by Madonna

"Sorry" "Hung Up" music videos (among others) by Madonna

Madonna's "English Roses" and "Material Girls" clothing line (Macys)

The songs "Welcome To Hollywood" "Single Ladies" "Daddy" "Greenlight" "Upgrade U" "Diva" "Amor Gitano" "Worldwide Woman" "Black Culture" (among other songs) by Beyonce

The music videos "Suga Mama" "Flaws And All" "Still In Love" "Beautiful Liar" and "Greenlight" (among other videos) by Beyonce 

"Holy Grail" "Empire State Of Mind" "Picasso Baby" "Party Life"  "American Dreamin" "Already Home" "So Ambitious" (among other songs) by Jay Z

“Shine Ya Light” “Radioactive” “Fall In Love“ “Grateful“ “I Will Never Let You Down” “Lover Of The Light” (among other songs) by Jay-Z's Roc Nation artist Rita Ora

"Umbrella" "A Million Miles Away" "Don't Stop The Music" "Diamonds" "Russian Roulette" "Rockstar 101" "Rude Boy" "Only Girl" "Man Down" "We Found Love" "Coulda Been The One" "Live Your Life"  "Love The Way You Lie (featuring Eminem)" (among other songs) by Jay-Z's artist Rihanna

“Guilty Conscience” by Eminem

“Southpaw” movie (50 Cent)

50 Cent’s “In Da Club” video

"Creed" movie

Numerous songs on albums by Sony’s “American Idol” artists (signed by Simon Cowell and Simon Fuller) such as Carrie Underwood, Kelly Clarkson and Daughtry, who share the same intellectual property lawyer as Madonna at Mannatt and Phelps, administering rights to the Warner Bros (Madonna) and Sony music catalogs (Madonna also made an appearance on the show “American Idol”). Cowell has also been infringing my preexisting copyrights for his recording artists JLS, Alexandra Burke and Little Mix, among others.

"From Justin To Kelly" movie (Simon Cowell and Simon Fuller)

"It's Not About The Money" "Price Tag" "Casualty Of Love" "“Mama Knows Best" "Stand Up" "Conquer The World" "Bang Bang" "Silver Lining" "Technology" (among others) by Sony's alleged songwriter Jessie J

"Fight For This Love" and several other songs Simon Cowell's co-star Cheryl Cole

"Rock N Rolla" "Sherlock" "Revolver" by Madonna's ex-husband Guy Ritchie

Britney Spears "Womanizer" "My Sister" "Piece Of Me" "Radar" "Outta This World" "She'll Never Be Me"  "State Of Grace" (among others)

Britney Spears music video "Work Bi*ch"

"Don't Stop (Funkin 4 For Jamaica)" "Thirsty" "Angels Cry" "Obsessed" "Inseparable" "More Than Just Friends" "Heavenly" "The One" "Fly Like A Bird" songs by Mariah Carey

"Paparazzi" and "Bad Romance" songs by Lady Gaga

“Can I Live” by Nick Cannon

"Selma" movie

“Empire” TV show

“Scandal” TV show

“Blackish” TV show

"Hit The Floor" TV show

"Smash" TV show

Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off” music video

"Big Girls Don't Cry" by Fergie

"Firework" "The One That Got Away" and "Hot N Cold" (among other songs) by Katy Perry

"Jam" song by Kim Kardashian

"Bossy" by Lindsay Lohan

"Dandelion" by Nicole Richie

Lyrics to "Blurred Lines" by Robin Thicke produced by Madonna's producer Pharrell Williams

“Salt” movie

“Lucy“ movie

"Olympus Has Fallen" movie

Synopsis for “Transformers 2” movie

"Hancock" movie by Will Smith

"The Watch" movie

"Maze Runner" movie

"Percy Jackson And The Olympians" movie

"Princess Diaries 2" movie

"Prince And Me" movies

"Sam’s Lake" movie

"Gravedancers" movie

"Material Girls" movie

"Valentine’s Day" movie

 "New Years Eve" movie

"American Dreamz" movie

"The Last Airbender" movie

"Music And Lyrics" movie

"Obsessed" movie (Beyonce and Idris Elba)

"Takers" movie (Idris Elba)

"No Good Deed" movie (Idris Elba)

"San Andreas" movie (the Rock)

"Hercules" movie (the Rock)

"Reno 911!: Miami" movie (the Rock)

"Think Like A Man Too" movie

"Good Deeds" movie

"Next" movie (Nicholas Cage)

"National Treasure: Book Of Secrets" movie (Nicholas Cage)

"Knowing" movie (Nicholas Cage)

"Spy Kids 3" movie

"Goal" movie

"Good Luck Chuck" movie

"My Sister’s Keeper" movie

"Bad Judge" sitcom

"Blue Bloods" TV show

"Limitless" TV show

"Jane The Virgin" TV show

"Born Again" TV show

"Stalkers" TV show

"Mob Wives" reality show

"Couples Retreat" movie (Vince Vaughn)

"Unfinished Business" movie (Vince Vaughn)

"Camp Rock" movie

"Blond Ambition" movie

"Tonight He Comes" movie

"Maze Runner" movie

“Orange County Girl” and "Hollaback Girl" by Madonna’s cousin Gwen Stefani

“Stars Are Blind” music video by Madonna's fellow Kaballah Center member and Warner Bros artist Paris Hilton

“Where Is Your Dignity” “Burned” and “Happy” by Hillary Duff, who starred in Madonna’s infringing film she stole from my catalog and renamed “Material Girls”

"My Super Ex-Girlfriend" movie

“All About Adam” movie

"Aisha" movie

"Primeval" "Death In Paradise" "Tatau" "Survivors" "Luther" "Outcasts" and "Sherlock" TV shows on the BBC (DVDs by the BBC are distributed by Warner Bros Pictures under an ongoing contract. Warner Bros Pictures is the company Madonna and ex-husband Guy Ritchie have contracts with)

Select "Doctor Who" TV show episodes "The Waters Of Mars" "The  Eleventh Hour" "The Hungry Earth" "The Sontaran Stratagem" "The Stolen Earth" "Smith And Jones" and "The Poison Sky" (among other episodes) on the BBC

Select "Torchwood" TV show episodes such as "The Children Of Earth" on the BBC

"Outcasts" TV show

"Cyberstalker" movie

Select items from Jessica Simpson's fashion line (Macys)

"Material Girls" fashion line (Macys)

A backdrop from Madonna's Re-invention world tour

A backdrop from Madonna's Confessions world tour

"Sorry" by Madonna

"Super Girl" by Christina Aguilera

"Inception" movie

"Legends Of The Guardians: The Owls Of Ga'Hoole" movie

Katie Price's "Angel" "Crystal" "The Comeback Girl" "He's The One" "Angel Uncovered" books

"Jetsetter" song by Neyo

"Love Song" by Sara Bareilles

"Big Time Rush" movie

The character Sheldon from "Big Bang Theory" and storylines for select episodes of the show

"Knight And Day" movie (Tom Cruise)

"Edge Of Tomorrow" movie (Tom Cruise)

Rihanna's "American Oxygen" video

Select "Extant" television show storylines

"Ride Along" and "Ride Along" movies

"Attack The Block" movie

"The Zookeeper" movie 

"Pocket Full Of Sunshine" song by Natasha Beddingfield

"We Takin' Over" video by DJ Khaled, Akon, TI, Rick Ross, Fat Joe, Baby, Lil Wayne

Justin Timberlake's backdrop for 2002 MTV Music Awards performance of "Like I Love You"

"Pretty Girl Rock" by Keri Hilson

"Energy" by Keri Hilson

"Bad Judge" sitcom

"Ratter" movie

“Super Girl” song by Christina Aguilera (Sony)

Select lines from "Rolling In The Deep" by Adele (Sony)

"District 9" movie (Sony)

"Epic" movie

"Bad Teacher"

"Bad Hair Day" movie (Disney)

Outkast music video for the song "Hey Ya" (Sony)

"5th Wave" movie

"Heaven Sent" movie (Lionsgate)

"Tomorrowland" movie

"Class" (BBC)

"The Heat" movie

"Limitless" movie

"Robodog" movie

"Friday Night Dinner" (Channel 4)

"Sh*t My Dad Says" sitcom

"The Take" movie

"Hot Tub Time Machine" movie

"Rings" movie

"X-Men Apocalypse" movie

"Kidnapped" (2017) movie

"Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials" movie

"Don't Mess With The Zohan" movie

"The Superstore" sitcom

"Superior Donuts" sitcom

"Community" sitcom

"McMafia" TV show (BBC)

"Anti Matter" movie

DJ Khaled's "Young, Dumb and Broke"

Migel's "Sky Walker"

Rihanna "Birthday Cake"

"Scorpion" television show

"Manifest" television show

"The Resident" television show

"In The Swing Of Things" movie (Owen Wilson)

"The Rook" (Starz)

Doc Martin (TV show)

"Murder Mystery" (Netflix)

"Stranger Things" (Netflix)

"Loaded" (Netflix)

"Chewing Gum" (Netflix)

"Travelers" (Netflix)

"See You Yesterday" (Netflix)

"Game Over, Man" (Seth Rogen - Netflix)

"David Makes Man" (Own)

"Greenleaf" (Own)

"Time Trap" (Netflix)

"You" (Netflix)

"The Moon and the Sky" (Jay Z and Sade)

"Bob Hearts Abishola" (CBS)

"All Rise" (CBS)

Mirage (Netflix)

"Freaks" (Netflix)

"Extinction" (Netflix)

"Space Between Us"

"Love And Time Travel"

"At First Light"

"Dead to Me" (Netflix)

"Warrior Nun" (Netflix)

"The Old Guard" (Netflix)

"Project Power" (Netflix)

"Nigerian Prince" (Netflix)

"Black Swan"


"The Fighter"


"I Am Four"

"666 Park Avenue"

"The Fountain"

"Tree Of Life"

"The Morning Show"

"The Heart Specialist"

"How It Ends"

"Project Almanac"

"Midnight Special" (2016)

"Away" (Netflix)

"The Good Doctor"

Anthony Joshua's Peperami commercial (2020)

"Avengers: Infinity War" (2018)

Group name "City Girls" (2019 Miami group)

"Jingle Jangle" (Netflix)

"Peppermint" (Netflix)

"Christmas Break-in" (Netflix)

"Last Christmas" (2019 movie)

"Space Sweepers" (Netflix)

Select storylines of "Cobra Kai" (Netflix)

Select storylines of "Bull" (CBS)

"Gemini Man" (2019)

Underground (Sony/OWN)

Proximity (movie by Netflix's "Stranger Things" writer)

"Debris" (NBC)

"I Care A Lot" (Netflix)

"NOS4A2" (AMC)

"Parallel" (2018 film)

"Yesterday" (2019 movie)

"The One" (Netflix)

"Deadly Delusion" movie

"Godzilla vs. Kong" movie

"Gangs of London" (AMC)

"Night School" movie (2018)

"Criminal" movie  (2016)

"In The Dark" television show (select storylines and copyrighted text)

"Reminiscence" movie (2021)

"The Heart Guy" television show (Nine Network in Australia owned by Rupert Murdoch from the phone hacking scandal I broke first)

"Euphoria" on HBO (2020)

"The Morning Show"

Pretty Smart (Netflix)

The Losers (film)

F9 - Fast and the Furious 9

"Cruella" movie (2021)

"Maid" (Netflix)

"Biohackers" (Netflix)

"No Time To Die" movie (2021)

"Stay Close" (Netflix)

"Long Story Short" movie (2021)

"The Royal Treatment" (Netflix)

"Medical Police" (Netflix)

"Holiday Calendar" (Netflix)

"Free Guy" movie (2021)

"American Auto" sitcom (2022)

"Twist" movie (2021)

"The Weekend Away" (Netflix)

"The Adam Project" (Netflix)

Captain Nova (Netflix)

"Moonfall" (synopsis/short story used to make the 2022 film)

"The Batman" (synopsis/short story used to make the 2022 film)

"Spiderman: No Way Home: (synopsis/short story used to make the 2022 film)

"The Old Man" (2022)

"Don't Look Up" (2022)

"Paper Girls" (2022)

"Secret Headquarters" (2022)

"Me Time" (2022)

"Resident Alien" (2021)

"1-800-Missing" also known as "Missing" (2003-2005)

"Boxing Day" (2021)

"Mind Of A Cat" (2022) (Netflix)

"Saturday Morning All Stars" (2022) (Netflix)

Timewasters (2022)

"A Dog's Journey" (2019)

"Deadly Delusions" (2017)

"That's So Raven" (2003-2007)

"Upload" (Amazon) (2022)

Anthem Of A Teenage Prophet" (2019)

"Electric Dreams" (2018)

"A Christmas In New York" (2016)

"Slumberland" (2022) (Netflix)

"Wednesday" (2022) (Netflix)

"Just Another Dream" movie (2021)

"Honor Society" (2022)

"Nanny" (2022)

"Kindred" (2022)

"Jack Ryan" (2018)

"Butterfly Effect" (1, II and III) (Madonna's Kabbalah member Ashton Kutcher)

"Drifters" (2017 Britcom)

"Carnival Row" (2023)

"Other Life" (2017)

"Alex Rider" (2013, 2019) (Madonna's Kabbalah member Harvey Weinstein)

"Project Almanac" (2015) (Madonna's Kabbalah member Michael Bay)

"The Lazarus Project" (2022)

"Paradise" (Netflix) (2023)

"Super Me" (Netflix)

"I Used To Be Famous" (Netflix)

"God Friended Me"

"Gone Girl"

"Bless This Mess"

"FutureSex/LoveSound" by Justin Timberlake (Sony)

"What Goes Around Comes Around" by Justin Timberlake (Sony)

"Who Knew" by Pink (Sony)

"Man On A Ledge" movie

"Candy Cane Lane" movie (2023)

"The Star Beast" (Doctor Who) (2023)

"Rap Sh!t" (2023)

"America Is Sinking" (2024)

"Atlas" (2024) (Netflix)


CASE NUMBER: 15-05345 CA 30







1. Aisha Goodison (hereinafter “Plaintiff“) files this complaint in good faith and alleges as follows, regarding the above-captioned Defendants, who have been engaging in a willful, malicious and sustained campaign of extensive human rights abuses, in commissioned acts of harassment (under false pretenses tried to drag Plaintiff onto a radio show listened to by millions of people in harassing her), stalking (sent thugs to Plaintiff’s private residence) assault, sexual assault, invasion of privacy (commissioned computer, email and webcam hacking), financial fraud and replevin, with the intent of harming and injuring the Plaintiff, bringing the Defendants ill-gotten financial gain and undue enrichment.


2. Plaintiff is a singer, songwriter, producer, director, author, photographer, blogger and inventor.

3. Plaintiff is the sole owner and author of a very valuable, vast Copyrighted Catalog worth billions of dollars, as it contains over 15,000 songs, 1000 movie scripts, movie treatments and short stories, 30 book manuscripts, 300 music video treatments, 500 photographs, 100 photo treatments, perfume, clothing lines, nano-technology, a solar cell phone, car line and thousands of other items.

4. Plaintiff has also authored forthcoming patents that are pharmaceutical drugs.

5. Plaintiff‘s domestically and internationally protected copyrighted works are based in entertainment, sports, technology and science.

6. Plaintiff is the owner, author and operator of several prominent websites read by millions of people worldwide, the most popular being JudiciaryReport.com, which has over 250 time stamped article exclusives that later proved 100% true and correct.

7. Plaintiff is one of the top pop culture bloggers in the world, having written over 12,000 published, copyrighted articles and broken a number of socially and politically relevant stories that are at the forefront of the national and international dialogue.

8. In 2006, Plaintiff broke the story of the then coming 2008 mortgage and financial crisis in an article published to her SoundOffColumn.com website.

9. In 2005, Plaintiff broke the story of the phone hacking scandal, via a published 2005 police complaint she filed with the Metropolitan Police in London, England, which resulted in arrests and convictions of business associates of the Defendants in 2006, 2008 and 2014, for spying on the Royal Family and politicians, as well as celebrities in sports, music, film and television.

10. In 2009, Plaintiff broke the scandal regarding the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) targeting and discriminating against conservative public figures, regarding illegally withholding tax refunds and exemptions, for peacefully and publicly disagreeing with President Obama.

11. The Plaintiff‘s allegations were confirmed in 2013, when the story hit the mainstream press, then landed in the U.S. Congress, via a series of televised hearings, accompanied by a criminal probe of select Internal Revenue Service employees.

12. In 2006, Plaintiff broke the scandal regarding the NSA spying on citizens in violation of the law, which became a massive scandal in 2013 when former NSA contractor, Edward Snowden, bravely came forward with documents that confirmed Plaintiff’s previously published time stamped articles, regarding the agency engaging in illegal spying against Americans.

13. On November 18, 2013, the Plaintiff alleged in her JudiciaryReport.com column that the ObamaCare website Heathcare.gov is malfunctioning because it is being hacked.

14. The day after Plaintiff’s time stamped article was published online, computer security experts summoned to Congress on November 19, 2013, stated the ObamaCare website Healthcare.gov site was in fact being hacked, which confirmed Plaintiff’s previous allegations contained on her JudiciaryReport.com website.

15. On August 22, 2013, Plaintiff broke the scandal revealing select NSA and FBI employees used government resources, such as wiretapping, to illegally spy on their significant others.

16. Two days later on August 24, 2013, the story was confirmed via the mainstream press and a court filing.

17. A number of the Plaintiff’s time stamped article exclusives she broke first through her websites, turned into national and international stories that later ended up in houses of legislature, such as the U.S. Congress and the British Parliament.

18. Plaintiff has also authored exclusive time stamped science stories on cancer, which were later proven true and correct, via mainstream scientific studies and news reports.

19. Plaintiff hails from an award winning, esteemed family that has been prominent in entertainment, sports and literature for decades.

20. Plaintiff’s father is Vaughn “Bunny” Goodison, an accomplished former international footballer turned coach, then award winning radio and television personality.

21. Plaintiff’s father is a musicologist, who has done many interviews with global press outlets, such as Time magazine, the BBC, The Associated Press, The Scotsman, The Jamaica Gleaner and The Jamaica Observer, among other publications.

22. Plaintiff’s father has been featured on music DVDs, as well as in documentaries, one of which won a top prize at the prestigious Toronto Film Festival.

23. Plaintiff’s aunt is Lorna Goodison, Jamaica‘s poet laureate, who has authored several award winning books.

24. Lorna Goodison’s works were featured in a book of poetry with the late, literary legend, Maya Angelou, entitled “Quartet Of Stories.”

25. Plaintiff’s aunt is Barbara Gloudon, Jamaica’s most famous playwright and award winning radio personality.

26. One of Plaintiff’s ancestors is William Harvey, the English doctor who discovered the circulatory system.

27. Plaintiff’s family members are hardworking people, who are teachers, scientists, doctors, economists, athletes, writers, authors, journalists and television executives.

28. Plaintiff has no criminal record or history of questionable or violent behavior.

29. Plaintiff has led a quiet life that is being greatly disrupted and damaged by the Defendants in acts of unprovoked malice, greed and covetousness.


30. Madonna Ciccone p/k/a Madonna (hereinafter “Madonna”) - is a violent pop singer known in entertainment and legal circles for committing mass copyright infringement, as attested by many intellectual property cases against her and allegations of the same in the public domain.

31. Madonna has not only stolen items from Plaintiff’s time stamped websites viewed by millions of members of the public, who alerted her to the thefts (AishaMusic.com and Aisha.TV) as well as mimicking verbatim items on Plaintiff’s social networking pages, Madonna also began illegally stealing, using and selling to others preexisting copyrights belonging to Plaintiff, illegally obtained by Madonna via computer intrusion (hacking) in hacks traced back to the staff of her website, Madonna.com and the Kabbalah Centre.

32. Madonna was sued in New York for choking 11-year-old boy Keith Sorrentino for “pestering” her for an autograph on her day off.

33. Madonna was sued for throwing the small child against a concrete wall and choking him for following her out of a theatre and repeatedly asking for an autograph.

34. Madonna is one of the principal figures representing and running the Kabbalah Centre.

35. Robyn Fenty p/k/a Rihanna (hereinafter “Rihanna”) - is a violent pop singer known in entertainment and legal circles for committing mass copyright infringement, as attested by many intellectual property cases against her and allegations of the same in the public domain.

36. Rihanna bragged in an interview about deliberately smashing a glass against her younger brother’s face, causing injury...

for full lawsuit please click here


One Of Madonna's Kabbalah Center Hackers Revealed Via Court Subpoena (Photo And Name)

Hacker's Name, Address, Telephone Number and IP Address Revealed

Corruption From Judge Gisela Cardonne Ely And Google Lawyer Edward Mullins

June 23. 2015


This is a follow up to the News Corp/News International phone hacking story, which I broke first, via filing a police complaint in 2005 with the Metropolitan Police in London. I was alerted to the criminal activity, due to the misconduct of pop singer Madonna and her business associate Rupert Murdoch, who owns News Corp/News International. The case resulted in a guilty verdict (Andy Coulson Found Guilty In The Phone Hacking Case Confirming Previous Claims I Made About Him On The Site). I also filed a complaint with the FBI, regarding Madonna and her private investigator, Anthony Pellicano, for invasion of privacy and criminal copyright infringement. That case later resulted in a guilty verdict against Anthony Pellicano (who also had 4 hackers on staff breaking the law hacking into computers, emails and phones to spy and steal).

Due to Madonna's ongoing criminal misconduct, I had to file a lawsuit against tech company Google. One of Madonna's hackers hacked my Ad Sense advertising account with Google and removed my most lucrative site, The Judiciary Report, from the lists of sites allowed to run ads using my ad account. The hacker exploited a design flaw and software fault in Google's software feature to do so. As a result Google grossed over $500,000 in ad revenue from the Judiciary Report and I was not paid my contractual portion of the funds. Madonna also pressured Google into removing the Judiciary Report from Google News, as it brought in more readers to my website and she demanded Ad Sense ads be stripped from the Judiciary Report as well, after they had been restored.

I am the sole author of a very valuable, voluminous copyrighted catalog of intellectual property works that contains over 15,000 songs, 1000 movie scripts, movie treatments and short stories, 30 book manuscripts, 300 music video treatments, 500 photographs, 100 photo treatments, perfume, clothing lines, nano-technology, a solar cell phone, car line and thousands of other items. I began copyrighting at age 14 and over the course of 24 years, I've registered thousands of pages worth of the aforementioned intellectual property in paper and digital formats (CD-ROM, DVD-ROM).

Madonna, who has ties to Sony and Warner Bros via their copyright/intellectual property lawyer, Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, hired a hacker to illegally hack into my business computers and copy the contents of the copyrighted catalog and has been criminally using it without permission, selling items from it at reduced prices to others in Hollywood such as Jay Z (married to Sony's Beyonce), Beyonce (Sony), Rihanna (signed to Jay-Z's Roc Nation), Rita Ora (signed to Jay-Z's Roc Nation), Jessie J (music publishing deal with Sony), Mariah Carey (Sony), Britney Spears (Sony) Simon Cowell (Sony), Simon Fuller (Sony) and others, who know it is stolen. The illegal funds Madonna has made from this felonious criminal activity is stored in offshore banks, such as in the Cayman Islands, as well as select banking institutions in America. Hollywood is a sick, depraved industry of thieves. They're criminals. Michael Jackson's family states he was murdered for his copyrighted catalog. Cooke's family states the same of his murder.

I traced one of Madonna's hackers back to a Google G-Mail email account, after he sent me a violent, racist death threat to my site. When brought into court via the lawsuit I filed, Google quickly began hiding evidence, while destroying some evidence as well, which is illegal. Madonna's hacker wrote something in the emailed death threat that gave away the fact he is one of the Kabbalah Center's hackers, who has been repeatedly breaking into my computers.

An excerpt from the death threat sent to my website from "Quinten Brantley." The rest of the email is being saved for court. He stated something in the email that gave away the fact he is one of Madonna's hackers working with the Kabbalah Center. As you can see, the email was sent to me on Valentine's Day. Psychologists state stalkers, particularly those suffering from Erotomania (Clerambault's Syndrome) increase misconduct against victims on holidays and birthdays, which I have found to be true in this case. One several of my birthdays, Madonna's Kabbalah Center does something foul and vile regarding me.

The Kabbalah Center's perverse hackers also erected a sick, pedophilic website called NatashaMusica.blogspot.com on Google's Blog Spot blogging site and told the public it is one of my sites, when I never owned it or had anything to do with it at any point in time. Google took 18-days to remove the offending site after admitting in email exchanges it is not my website. It was a fraudulent, illegal website put online by the Kabbalah Center in a sick bid to destroy my name and reputation, while endangering my life, by not only posting nude images of young teenage girls who appeared to be 14-15 years old, but also posting incendiary articles I did not author about Al Qaeda's Boko Haram terrorist group, who have killed thousands of people. Al Qaeda have also killed writers and cartoonists they felt disrespected their religion.

I found out about the fraudulent NatashaMusica.blogspot.com site when doing routine online searches to see where my articles were being used or referenced on other unrelated sites, as not all items contain a link back to the original source, which is an everyday problem for bloggers. That's when I noticed Google's search engine was bringing up my www.JudiciaryReport.com, www.SoundOffColumn.com, www.CelluloidFilmReview.com  and www.AishaMusic.blogspot.com articles on an unauthorized site called NatashaMusica.blogspot.com. I was appalled when I clicked the link to view the site and saw the sick content on it (child porn and items about Al Qaeda and Boko Haram).

After emailing Google various items to prove NatashaMusica.blogspot.com was not my site and is criminally breaking the law via claiming it belongs to me, they removed it after nearly three weeks of being alerted to the problem, which is woefully slow and well below the national and international standard for internet service providers. After a court hearing one of Google's lawyers, Edward Mullins, inappropriately and arrogantly got in my face and growled that there's "an AOL case" where a pedophilic "image of a 10-year-old boy" was left online for years and "the judge in the case" left it online on AOL's servers. This was his justification for Google inexcusably leaving that sick NatashaMusica.blogspot.com site online for weeks after being notified by me in writing of the sick impersonation, fraud and copyright infringement in using my actual wholesome articles and mixing them in with such filth and disgusting content.

Google's lawyer Edward Mullins also keeps violating my private space by getting in my face and yelling at and bullying me after hearings, stating completely inappropriate things, while exploding in rage like he's bipolar, making a scene in the courthouse with lawyers and other litigants looking on in shock. Before the hearing Google's lawyer is smiling and polite, then after the hearings, without any provocation he storms out of the courtroom, angrily pacing and acting like a madman with anger management issues. Prior to Mullins by assigned the case, a soft-spoken woman, Regan Kruze was Google's lawyer, but she left the firm after I asked in writing why she was wearing a Kabbalah Center red string bracelet to court and kept flicking her arm back in front of me to flash it in my face while she spoke to me about the case. It's quite telling that Google hired a lawyer who is in Kabbalah.

Google released one item in the case regarding one of Madonna's hackers, but scrubbed much of the data from it, leaving a fake email address (dropsiesboy@gmail.com), a fake name "Quinten Brantley" and many I.P. addresses they thought would pose too much of a problem for me to sort through, ultimately leading to a dead end. After I sifted through all the I.P. addresses, the first batch led nowhere, as internet service provider Verizon responded to the subpoena I sent by stating "file not found" which made the Google lawyer, Edward Mullins, laugh over the phone.

However, I began tracing a second batch of I.P. addresses as well, which turned up something, much to Google's chagrin. I independently obtained a court subpoena listing internet service provider AT&T as the recipient, in reference to the death threat that was emailed to my website by Madonna's hacker, using the fake name "Quinten Brantley" via dropsiesboy@gmail.com.

Google wouldn't provide the real name and address behind alias "Quinten Brantley" registered at their G-Mail service, which was used to send the threat. However, tracing it backwards, led me to AT&T, who under a subpoena released the name, address, telephone number and I.P. address of Madonna's hacker using the alias "Quinten Brantley" revealing his name is Randy Vaughn of Greenville, South Carolina.

One of the documents AT&T released to me under the subpoena identifying Randy Vaughn as the user being the "Quinten Brantley" alias and the corresponding I.P. address that was previously hidden (I have redacted Randy Vaughn's home address, telephone number, account number and I.P. address as a courtesy which he really does not deserve):

I did some searches online and found a profile for Randy Vaughn of Greenville, South Carolina on the Linked In website. Randy Vaughn is a computer specialist and electrical engineer, who works for government contractor, Fluor. This explains so much. Previously, I nearly sued the light company Florida Power And Light (FPL), servicing Miami, Florida, where I have been living, but they settled with me before I filed the lawsuit.

Florida Power And Light (FPL) Claim settlement documents (redacted for privacy and so as not to violate the terms of the settlement):

Legal settlement with Florida Power And Light before I had it notarized, but it bears my name:

Said hacker hacked into Florida Power And Light's grid and sent a massive amount of electricity into my home that caused computers and appliances to overheat, smoke and give off sparks. It could have caught the house on fire (which is ironic as Madonna's hacker Randy Vaughn, who emailed me a death threat under the fake name "Quinten Brantley" threatened to kill me in a house fire).

This wasn't your standard power surge. It is what is known as "electronic harassment" in legal and government circles. Florida Power And Light's grid was criminally hacked to target the transformer outside my home on several occasions, but that one particular time the hacker went overboard and it caused a catastrophe. Once again, the house could have caught on fire. We had to quickly plug everything out with the way the electronics were smoking and giving off sparks all over the house.

As his Linked In bio reveals, some of Randy Vaughn's specialties include, "Power generation and distribution systems, short circuit and load flow studies...grounding, lighting, programmable controllers, uninterruptible power supply, emergency power generation..." Translation, he is a computer specialist with the ability to tap into light companies' power grids and cause serious damage.

This is the "Quinten Brantley" who is a hacker Madonna employed. He has a Linked In profile and his real name is Randy Vaughn, a computer specialist and electrical engineer:

 How ironic that Randy Vaughn lists one of his causes as "children" when the Kabbalah Center cult he is involved in erected the website NatashaMusica.BlogSpot.com with pedophilic images and copied my wholesome website banner, slogans and preexisting copyrighted Judiciary Report articles that are not pornographic or inappropriate, to make the public think the sick site was mine. Security experts have stated this is a sick technique used by hackers to defame and set up innocent people they criminally target.

My house was the only one in the entire neighbor this happened to, as the hacker targeted my property, causing thousands of dollars in damage, such as destroying a $5,000 air conditioning unit, a $700 refrigerator, a $500 built computer, a $1,000 Toshiba laptop, music studio recording equipment and 4 televisions, among other things. Ironically, when this occurred with the catastrophic power surges targeting my home via hacking, I was online on the computer the Kabbalah Center kept hacking, reading about "electronic harassment" after typing in the strange surges that had been happening in my home. Some of the surges were so powerful you could hear them (buzzing noise), smell the electronics burning up, see smoke coming from the electronics and appliances and the walls of the house would vibrate. The whole thing was so sick...

for the rest of this article click here


Madonna And Kabbalah Center’s Stalking, Copyright Theft And Harassment Illegally Extends From Miami To London In Criminal Violation Of U.S. And International Law

Discriminatory First Guaranty Mortgage Corporation's Partner Coester VMS Real Estate Appraisers Sues Virginia Board For Well Deserved License Declination (Ban)

Obama Administration Wastes Huge Sums Of American Taxpayer Money Breaking The Law In America, Britain And Jamaica On Behalf Of Madonna's Kabbalah Center

Boycott First Guaranty Mortgage Corporation And Coester VMS Who Are Scammers And Con Artists Engaging In Discrimination While Ripping Off People Seeking Mortgages

Why Is The Obama Administration Contacting The Family And Friends Of Journalists And Bloggers Harassing Them On His Behalf Over His Press Clippings

Madonna’s Rabbi Yehuda Berg Sued For Sexual Assault And Threatening To Beat And Kill Student At The Kabbalah Center For Not Having Sex With Him

Obama's FBI Is Engaging In A Vicious Criminal Pattern Of Abuse And Brutalization Against Innocent Jamaicans - Part 2 (MURDER)

New Scandal Erupts Regarding The FBI And Justice Department Monitoring Calls Of AP Reporters Confirming Previous Site Claims

Reports Indicate Obama Is A Gay Muslim Who Hates Christians With News Surfacing That Three Former Lovers Have Been Killed

FBI Agent Arrested For Accepting A $200,000 Bribe To Derail A Criminal Case The FBI Was Supposed To Be Investigating

Human Rights Activists Slam The FBI After It Is Discovered They've Become The World's Top Distributor Of Child Porn



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